For the Progress of the Women's Movement in 1996
-We will lead the women's labor movement -

Rhie, Chol-Soon
(A representative of the KWWAU)

Hello. I'm glad to meet you all. I'm Rhie Chol-Soon (Maria), the new representative of the KWWAU from 1996. I feel very well acquainted with my readers, maybe due to the fact that I had worked as a chairperson of the international executive committee at the CAW.

I am glad to share with you the annual plan of the KWWAU where I will be working as a representative. We will do our best, both in strength and in enthusiasm, to be a friend of every working woman in this nation, and to work for the development of women and society.

  • The strengthening of regional organizations with the establishment of local government!

    Last year, with the upcoming elections for local government, the KWWAU actively tried to enforce the selection of women workers' demands such as the expansion of childcare facilities, and the operation of a school lunch system into the election pledges while making progress on policy discussions about the counter activities of the women labor movement.

  • The "phone of equality" leading in the realization of equal employment

    Since last September, the regional women labor association has opened and operated the 'Phone of equality' consultation office. The basis of eliminating sexual discrimination is, I believe, equal employment. Therefore, to carry out our activities more positively and professionally, the KWWAU will focus on the "phone of equality" and work hard on countermeasure policies on equality during 1996. We will especially focus on the systematization of and the provision of counselling for temporary women workers who do not receive basic workers' rights.

  • Expansion of vocational training for the improvement of the capacities of women

    With the 21st century fast approaching, the century of information and technology, women workers cannot remain as minimum wage laborers with low-skilled jobs. Now, working women strongly wish to have a professional lifelong career.

    Considering this, the KWWAU will unite with each regional women workers' association to investigate the state of acknowledged vocational training centers within the company, and to draw up plans on the development of women's occupations, encouraging the re-employment of married women and planning specific alternative policies on the expansion of women's vocational training.

  • Research Activities

    Last year, the KWWAU did a study on the introduction of new technology and women's employment, industrial restructuring and women labor, the practical and legal guarantee of maternity protection, and women's employment security, and published a research report.

    This year, the KWWAU has decided that it is impossible to solve women's labor problems without the presentation of a general alternative plan on the women labor in the structure of the labor market. The KWWAU is planning to open a forum on the 'Model of the Korean Women labor market' as a memorial event in the March 8th International Woman's day.

    Also we are investigating the situation of temporary working women and we are carrying out research on an alternative policy plan. We are also planning to open a forum on childcare policies with the evolution of a few models of childcare facilities within the company and to open a co-operative assembly for the realization of childcare facilities to prepare more specific activity plans.

  • Counter activities on the Government's Women labor policies

    1995 could be referred to as the year where not only the women workers' associations, but also women organizations and labor unions worked together as one against women labor policies. The revision of the equality law movement, the opposition to the establishment of dispatched law movement and the opposition to the announcement of the unpaid menstruation leave policy are good examples of our activities. In addition, we presented a policy plan for action on women related issues within the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) .

    1996 can be seen as a year demanding political counter actions. The framing of protection policies for part time workers and home based workers, the still current issue of dispatch law, the practical and legal guarantee of maternity protection, the improvement of employment security and the revision of labour related laws are still pressing subjects in need of confrontation.

    To solve these problems, the KWWAU believe that the counter activities and positive action on women issues in democratic labor union circles is vital, and we hope that this year will bring good outcomes through strong solidarity of the labor unions and women organizations.

  • Activities for the protection of human rights of foreign women workers

    The KWWAU's new issue for 1996 is its plan for activities for the protection of human rights of foreign women workers. The KWWAU, who joined and worked in a united preparation committee for an event for the guarantee of foreign workers' rights in October, strongly felt the necessity for further active work on foreign women workers' problems. Therefore we are planning to provide counselling for foreign women workers, to investigate their situations and to find solutions to their problems.

    I will end here with the assurance that the KWWAU will continue its tradition of leading the working women's movement and sharing in the pain of working women in 1996. Dear readers! May you remain healthy, work hard, and live happily in the year to come!

Posted by KWWA

Working Women Vol.5

Desember, 1995

The struggle will of 30,000 persons laborer who attended the 1995 National Women Workers' Rally was high as a blue May sky

    Attending the 1995 National Women Workers' Rally
    International Women's Day (March 8): The 11th Korean Women's Rally - "Celebration for women and men voters"

    Voices from the Field
    Discrimination in the Workplace on the Grounds of Gender should be Abolished
    Extension of Working hours by 46 minutes is an Obvious Reform of the System
    Consumer Boycott Campaign for LG Dismissed Workers to return to their Jobs

    Life at my work
    My sister who is not Respected as a Mother, a Housewife or as Labor

    10 Women's Policy in the Era of Local Autonomy

    Enforcement of Employment Insurance
    The Amendment of the Law on Equal Employment of Men and Women
    Big news in the Democratic Trade Union Movement in Korea

    Korea Working Women's Network 1997
Posted by KWWA

Establishment of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) which is called MinjuNojo in Korean.

On November 12th, about 50,000 workers participated in a street march followed by a mass rally for the establishment of the KCTU and to protest against the government's refusal to recognise the new confederation.

Workers protested against President Kim, Young-Sam's repressive labour policies, and demanded his recognition of the new national democratic trade union center, the KCTU.

Workers also demanded the arrest of former president Roh, Tae-Woo and that Kim, Young-Sam must prove that he did not receive bribe money from Roh. "We want to stop the illegal dealings between government and business", was the workers' demand.

The new KCTU will be in opposition to the FKTU which is recognised by the government. However, the KCTU represents about 25% of all organised workers but the Korean government refuses to recognise it. Workers also demanded that Kim, Young-Sam resign because his government continues to support repressive labor policies.

Posted by KWWA
a worker on a daily basis
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:59:47, 조회 : 399

"I was a day worker and worked for a timber mill from 26th of February in 2000 to 30th of September in 2001. I did the same work with men workers, nailing boxes and I got shoulder ache and I had to stop my work. But my company rejected to give me retirement payment because I was a worker on a daily basis and I had no written contract to prove my retirement payment. In addition, the company argued that I quit my job in February 2001 and restarted it again so I didn't work for a year. But, at that time I got hurt and had to rest after getting compensation for my hand injury during two weeks."
Posted by KWWA
[re] a worker on a daily basis
kwwa  2002-10-28 05:01:35, 조회 : 397

>"I was a day worker and worked for a timber mill from 26th of February in 2000 to 30th of September in 2001. I did the same work with men workers, nailing boxes and I got shoulder ache and I had to stop my work. But my company rejected to give me retirement payment because I was a worker on a daily basis and I had no written contract to prove my retirement payment. In addition, the company argued that I quit my job in February 2001 and restarted it again so I didn't work for a year. But, at that time I got hurt and had to rest after getting compensation for my hand injury during two weeks."

-> Retirement payment is the wage for workers to live on after retirement. If the worker keeps working for the same company for over a year, the user should give the worker the retirement payment as much as thirty-day average wage.  
-> To get retirement payment,
* the worker should work at a workplace with five full time workers or more
* the worker should be the 'workers' under Labor Standard Law. thus regardless of their types of employment(permanent, daily, temporary, contract worker and so on), if they provide their labor for the users under relationship of user-worker, they can require their retirement payment.
* the worker should keep working for a year or more. Here, to keep working doesn't only mean continuous working for a year but means actual period of providing labor till the termination of contract.    
So, following cases are included into the period of keeping working.
- taking leaves or working as trade union full time staff
- working as irregular workers such as daily or temporary workers
- transference to a sister company following the user's order and working there
- temporary retirement according to the order of the company and reemployment by the same company
But, in case of giving retirement payment for the situation of the worker and reemploying the worker, this case is not included into the period of keeping working.  

Posted by KWWA
asked to work for a department of dealing luggage, where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:58:30, 조회 : 368

"I am a married women worker for an airline company, cleaning in the airplanes. the company announced the 50 % of all workers should be changed into dispatch workers for a man power company. I was told to sign the resignation form and forced to leave the company. As I resisted it, the company ordered me to move to other city. The city  is far from my family and even I was asked to work for a department of dealing luggage,  where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals."
Posted by KWWA
[re] asked to work for a department of dealing luggage, where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:59:08, 조회 : 384

>"I am a married women worker for an airline company, cleaning in the airplanes. the company announced the 50 % of all workers should be changed into dispatch workers for a man power company. I was told to sign the resignation form and forced to leave the company. As I resisted it, the company ordered me to move to other city. The city  is far from my family and even I was asked to work for a department of dealing luggage,  where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals."

-> To switch job arrangement and to transfer the workers come under the discretion of the user. But, on principle, the discretion should have legitimacy.
We can judge the unjust transference by the following grounds.

- If the worker was asked to agree the change of workplace or occupation contents

- Comparing the necessity of transference with disadvantages which transference can cause to the workers, if disadvantages of worker are outstanding from the general view of the society

Posted by KWWA
with unilaterally cut wage
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:57:24, 조회 : 380

“I am a hotel room maid and work or a R hotel but belong to a man power company.
After making a new contract with R hotel, the man power company forced me to sign a new contract with unilaterally cut wage. I was told to leave the company if not sign on that."
Posted by KWWA
[re] with unilaterally cut wage
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:57:45, 조회 : 367

>“I am a hotel room maid and work or a R hotel but belong to a man power company.
After making a new contract with R hotel, the man power company forced me to sign a new contract with unilaterally cut wage. I was told to leave the company if not sign on that."

-> The user should ask the agreement from the workers if the use needs to change the rules of employment, which give disadvantages to the workers. (Labor Standard Law article 97) In this case, the rules of employment include wage, bonus, leave, working hours and so on.
Posted by KWWA
sexual harassment
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:56:30, 조회 : 413

"I'm a dispatch worker and I got sexually harassed at a social gathering after work when I was working with other male dispatch workers. Moreover, I had got sexual harassment at workplace before."

Posted by KWWA