kwwa |
2002-10-28 04:48:31, 조회 : 380 |
"I am a cleaner at a college and employed by a manpower agency, not by the college. I work from 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. for 9 hours a day and get paid 354,000 won a month, including monthly off, menstrual leave, allowance for lunch. This is much lower than minimum wage in Korea"
-> The user should give at least minimum wage or more to the workers. (Minimum Wage Law as of September 2002, 514,150 won a month / 2,275 won an hour) -> For this law, the user should not lower the previous wages down to minimum wage. -> If wage lower than minimum wage is settled on a contract, the contract loses its effectiveness for this clause and wage should be paid as much as minimum wage. -> Pay attention to the fact that some bonuses are not included in minimum wage! * Bonus paid not regularly or evenly such as bonus for diligence, for continuous work, for encouragement, for efficiency, for marriage, for exercise or for kimjang * Bonus for no absenteeism or for overwork such as bonus for monthly leave or yearly leave, for work of holidays or overtime work, work at night, or menstrual leave * Bonus for welfare such as bonus for family, lunch, housing, commuter, or for education and training
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