[re] for the past 6 years as dispatch worker but with smaller wage I do the same work
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:30:36, 조회 : 366

@ "I've been working for a company for the past 6 years as dispatch worker but with less wage I do the same work that other regular workers do. However I was notified to leave the company with other dispatch workers without any previous discussion."

->  Dispatch workers should be directly employed by the user if they continue to  work for more than 2 years. If not observed, the user should be sentenced to imprisonment for not exceeding one year  or be imposed for not exceeding ten million penalty. (Act for protection of dispatch workers)
-> The owner and the user should not give discriminative treatment to the dispatch workers who do the same work with other permanent workers. (Act for protection of dispatch workers)
-> The user can't fire, stop and transfer the workers and cut their wage without just reasons. (Labor Standard Law article 30)
-> The user should notify the workers of dismissal at least 30 days before and if not, the user should pay the wage for 30 days of dismissed workers. (Labor Standard Law article 32)  

Posted by KWWA


- Definition of Informal Economy        7
- Globalization and Informalization        10
- The Process of Industrialization in East Asia & its Characteristics        13
- Informal Employment in the Context of East Asia        28
- Legal Rights and Working Conditions of Workers in Informal Employment        51
- Case Study: The Reality of Women Workers        64
- Conclusion        73
- References        76

Posted by KWWA

1. Background for the Establishment of the Action Center
The economic crisis since the late 1997 has made unemployment an open social issue. Women suffered the most from the resulting unemployment due to massive layoffs of workers. It was difficult for women, in comparison to men, to get reinstated after dismissal from the workplace. As many as 62.7% of women worked in work sites with less than 5 people and so received no unemployment benefits. Women who were dismissed from work faced a great of difficulties in maintaining a living.  
However, the public view of unemployment was that it was predominantly a male-centered problem and the outdated discriminatory ideology of “women return to your homes" raised its ugly head, rationalizing priority dismissals of women workers. The labor rights achieved by women workers through years of struggle were at risk of collapsing. Women's unemployment was not recognized as a social and political issue and governmental measures on unemployment did not include measures to counter women’s unemployment.
Faced with such a situation, the Korean Women Workers Associations United (KWWAU) started taking up active measures to counter the continuing trend of unemployment and to achieve the rights of women workers in temporary work and in small worksites.
There was an increase in counseling in the Hotline for Equality ) on unpaid wages and priority dismissals by women workers who had lost their jobs.  The KWWAU Incheon Branch (IWWA) even set up a `special counseling center to eradicate unpaid wages and priority dismissals and to promote women’s employment’ and in the process, learnt about the heartbreaking stories of dismissed women workers.
The KWWAU Incheon Branch (IWWA) realized the unfairness of priority dismissals undertaken against women workers and pursued an active media campaign to publicize such unfair dismissals. The KWWAU Seoul Branch (SWWA) registered a free employment agency and actively undertook a media campaign in March on the status of women’s unemployment during the IMF era.  
Furthermore, in 1998, activities concentrated on further encountering the increasing trends of unemployment and the fight to preserve the rights of women workers. Counseling matters by the Hotline for Equality were shared with the KWWAU headquarters and media campaigns escalated. Meetings of representatives from different branches of the KWWAU were held regularly and measures were discussed to counter women’s unemployment. After a few coordinating meetings, the Action Center for Women’s Unemployment was eventually launched.
A working committee meets regularly every month to discuss effective project exchanges and project dissemination. Also, information on the situation of women’s unemployment was exchanged and various projects were initiated. These included research and the holding of public debates.
Due to such activities, the Action Center grew from five to eight branches (Seoul (SWWA), Gwangju (GWWA), Incheon (IWWA), Ansan (AWWA), Masan-Changwon (MWWA), Jeon-buk (JWWA), Bucheon (BWWA), Busan Women’s Association) in December 1998. The Action Center has succeeded in making unemployment a social issue and was effective in helping unemployed women and pressuring the government for effective measures.

2. Main Activities of the Action Center
The year 1998 saw the organizational growth of the Action Center and the establishment of diverse projects. The projects include counseling and education, life support measures for unemployed women workers, campaigns and research, policy measures through debates and petitions, mutual-aid organizations for unemployed women workers, education and regular meetings of counselors, etc. - all efforts aimed at expanding the organizational structure of the Action Center.
In mid-1999, formal statistics stipulated the decrease in the high rate of unemployment. However, middle-aged women who visited the Action Center still complained of difficulties in finding employment. Activities undertaken in the previous years accelerated in the year 2000 and many efforts were undertaken to create and organize an education model for unemployed women.
In 2001, the Action Center expanded its activities to include the Self-support Center, set up to help women with low-income (introduction to jobs and education, work-related and other comprehensive services), to help irregular women workers achieve their rights, to act as the counter for undertaking government-sponsored public works projects and job introduction services, etc.

1) Direct Support Services for Unemployed Women Workers
The Center provides employment services and counseling, education services such as “employment day” opportunities, skills training, life and medical support, etc. These projects were undertaken together with the self-support organizations.

(1) Counseling
Counseling on employment matters remains an important part of the Action Center. The counseling offered at the Action Center was received well by unemployed women due to the kind reception from the counselors, provision of comprehensive information, comfortable surroundings, etc, distinguishable from other public offices for job seeking. Many women visited the Action Center for such advantages.
Job-seeking campaigns were held once a monthly and leaflets were distributed by job seekers in areas where there were many enterprises, shops and restaurants in case that they looked for workers. The leaflet contained information and contact numbers of Action Center. The campaigns attracted a great deal of public attention to the plight of unemployed women workers by linking up with the media. The unemployed women workers also learnt to become more confident and realized that unemployment problems could be more effectively handled together with other people facing similar circumstances.

Programs in 1999
Counseling work was expanded to include job searches as outlined below.  
① opening of three computer networks on job searches (for job seekers as well as those looking for new workers)
② job-seekers campaign (distribution of leaflets, posters, street campaigns, etc)
③ distribution of press releases in regional information papers
④ pasting of posters in public offices & provision of information data
(employment department of the local government offices /social welfare department, employment safety centers, agencies for the promotion of employment for the disabled, local district offices, daily employment information centers of the local labor offices, etc)
⑤ information on employment from the website of the Labor Office (worknet)
⑥ enhancing job-seeking by linking campaigns with TV and other broadcasting media
⑦ direct communication with employers  
⑧ introduction of other worksites by employers who had already employed people through the Action Center

As in the past, unemployment counseling, job introduction, counseling on daily matters, medical support, job training, and provision of diverse information continued. And after counseling and subsequent job application, in the case of unemployed women with grown-up children, job applications were also received from the children because finding more jobs would help such households become financially independent. A newsletter containing relevant information for unemployed women is also released with information on job opportunities, prospective jobs, information on skills training, unemployment policies, public works, information on the National Basic Livelihood Security System, unemployment trends, etc.

The Action Center has helped unemployed women with realistic information on government policies as well as family and life counseling, providing job opportunities and has also accepted applications for public works, skills training and temporary registration for welfare of women householders. Also in the year 2000, actions were taken against the government for unfairly omitting people from receiving the benefits of the National Basic Livelihood Security System and for the relaxation of guidelines for the recipients.

Due to such diverse roles, the KWWAU became an important counter for unemployed women to directly voice their demands. The KWWAU was designated by the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) in 2000 to undertake a survey on middle-aged unemployed women as part of its research on  “The Measures to Establish a Training Program System for the Unemployed According to Target Groups”.

(2) Educational Projects
Many diverse educational programs are underway at the Action Center. The programs are carried out to meet the different needs of the job seekers. These needs depend upon whether they have recently lost their jobs or have been without work for longer periods, their marital status, their status in the homes (the role of women householders). All the women face different circumstances and programs have been designed to cover all these needs. The Action Center has become an important place for workers to receive detailed and abundant information relevant to them.

▶ “Meeting Day” For Job-seekers
It is mainly the middle-aged women who are on the fringes of the labor market who participate in the `meeting day’ for job seekers. The program has been specially designed to meet the needs of this section of women. The education program in these sessions was aimed at broadening the outlook of the women and took the form of group sessions, different from the normal counseling sessions.
The sessions included facts on the reality of women’s unemployment, information dissemination on job training, types of public works available and the application process, information on medical support for unemployed women, information on temporary recipients of welfare, introduction of the Action Center, and all necessary information relevant to unemployed women.
The sessions became opportunities to share information on jobs, working experience and to monitor problems and difficulties in job-seeking processes. The women were able to share and understand their experiences. They were able to overcome their disappointment and increase social adaptation skills through “Meeting Day” programs.
  “Meeting Day” programs were held differently according to districts but they were held once every week at the headquarters. The regional branches hold educational meetings twice a month. In 2000, about 3000 women participated in the “Meeting Day” programs held nationwide. Participants showed the initiative of applying for jobs at the local government or labor offices and also took part actively in public works and skill training programs.  

▶ Re-employment Education for Unemployed Women
Re-employment education sessions were held once every month for married, single and newly unemployed women at the Action Center headquarters, Incheon, Gwangju, Masan, and Busan.  Education was provided on the reality of women unemployment, recent employment trends, job planning, and interview pointers – all information necessary for re-employment.
While regular “Meeting Days” were held in pleasant and friendly atmosphere concentrating on group counseling, re-employment education sessions were focused on education on attitudes, job awareness, interview pointers through mock interviews, prospective jobs and job planning, state sponsored licenses, job aptitude tests, etc.
About 30% of the participants were found to attend additional education held in the Action Center headquarters. In 2000, about 80 education sessions were held in the headquarters and 5 regional branches with 3,238 women  participating.
Also in the headquarters, creativity enhancement workshops were held from January to March once a week for 8 sessions for single women without jobs. This workshop helped to train women to view themselves in a more positive manner.

▶ Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings were also held for women householders once a month. Monthly meetings were aimed at increasing interpersonal relationships and provided information on how to open businesses, on economic trends as well as good family communication, enhancement of self-esteem, health information through yoga classes and other health programs. Information on legal matters was also provided. One of the biggest successes of the monthly meetings was the formation of mutual aid groups. (see p. 21 for detail about the mutual aid groups)
This program was successful in enhancing the self-esteem and confidence of unemployed women and helped them to plan their lives and jobs. A network of unemployed women was also formed through monthly meetings. Organization of unemployed women became stronger through such activities and the program was evaluated by many activists in other organizations and researchers in academics as a model education program for unemployed women. In the year 2000, 96 monthly meetings were held with a total of 4,334 women participating.

<Monthly Meeting Program in 2000>
No. Title Contents Sequence of Programs Things Needed
1. Nice To Meet You  Self-introduction,Nicknaming, life-stories, Difficulties & hopes        
   1) significance of monthly meetings
   2) self-introduction (nicknames)
   3) sharing time Crayons,sketch books, job info leaflets,snacks
2. What kind of help can I receive? Government measures on unemployment, regional programs on unemployment, intro to networks        
   1) lecture on government measures
   2) sharing time
   3) info on jobs Booklet on government measures, job info leaflets,drinks & snacks
3.  Raising Healthy Children Communication Methods with Children        
   1) Communication Methods & role playing
   2) Sharing time
   3) info on jobs  Lecture notes,things needed forrole play, info leaflets, snacks
4. Creating a healthy family _ Understanding family & home        
   1) lecture
   2) plans for a healthy family life
   3) sharing time
   4) job info_ Lecture notes,info leaflets snacks
5. Secrets of living a healthy life 1 _ Ways of Overcoming Stress        
   1) Lecture
   2) Diagnosing stress & ways of overcoming stress
   3) Job info        Lecture notes,info leaflets snacks
6. Secrets of living a healthy life 2 _ Ways to maintain family health
   1) lecture
   2) Simple exercises to do with family members
   3) sharing time _ Space for practice (with mats), snacks
7. Special: How to Open One’s Business _ Conditions for Business  
   1) lecture
   2) items & info
   3) sharing time _ Lecture notes,info leaflets snacks
8. Easy Everyday Economics _ Economic trends      
   1) Lecture
   2) Sharing time: job info _ Lecture notes, info leaflets Snacks
9. Reality & Issues of  Women’s Unemployment _ Trends of Women’s Unemployment        
   1) Lecture
   2) Sharing time: job info _ video,info leaflets snacks
10. Communication Training for Better Interpersonal Relations _ Communication Training    
   1) Lecture & Practice
   2) Sharing Time _ Lecture notes, things needed for practice, snacks
11. Evaluation _ Follow-up activities    
   1) evaluation2) personal hopes _ Evaluation paper, snacks
12. End-of year party _ My plans in 2000    
   1) Life Plan in 2000
   2) sharing time _ White paper, video, snacks

▶ Group Counseling (consciousness awareness) Program
Members of mutual aid societies participated in the group-counseling program. This was an intensive program compared to the monthly meetings. The discussions in group counseling related to common problems within a group. They were undertaken by a moderator with the participation of a group of women. A person got to talk about her problems within the group and through interaction with other women, came to a common understanding of her problems.
Group counseling was carried out 4 times in a session and programs were designed in order to give boost to the organizational capacity of the mutual aid groups. The programs included self-discovery, ways of opening up to people, stress and anger management, fostering group consciousness, future planning – all important for increasing the organizational capacity of the group. In 2000, a total of 32 such sessions were held nationwide in 8 different regions in which 497 women participated.

Case Study of a Woman Householder-----------------------------------------------
Personal details
Divorcee after 6 years of marriage; has three children.
In the beginning, it was difficult for her to maintain her standard of living after her divorce. She had to take a job and had to leave her two children at a daycare center from 8 in the morning to 7 in the evening. She had to leave the children by themselves if there was overtime work. It was always heartbreaking to leave the children.
She changed jobs and began to work as a part-time assistant cook to spend more time with her children, as it was more important for her to spend time with her kids than to get more money. She started work at 10 am and returned at 5 pm and was happier as she could look after her children. But it was a hard life with barely enough to eat.  
However as the days passed, her responsibility towards her family grew and she realized that she needed skilled expertise and took the initiative of getting a state-recognized skill certification.
She first came to the "House of Working Women" operated by the Seoul Women Workers' Association (SWWA) in August 1999 and started learning Korean cookery and food catering everyday from 2 to 5 pm. She later received her certificate as a cook for Korean cuisine.  After completing her training course in April, she participated in a group counseling program for women householders undertaken by the Action Center for Women's Unemployment operated by  KWWAU (see program attached).

Changes After Program Participation
Through direct participation in these activities, she was able to re-discover herself, her potential and feel once again as a woman. The biggest change was the surge in the confidence she felt again in herself through programs organized by the Action Center. Becoming a Durea (mutual-aid society) member also helped her emotionally as she now had a support group she could rely on. She also listened to lectures regarding women-related laws and ways to become independent. She participated in various cultural programs such as hikes, watching movies, end-of-year parties, etc, learning about community spirit and group consciousness.
Through programs for single parents, she realized that her own life must be devoted to the lives of her children and also managed to free herself from the doubts about single parenthood. Anger management programs also helped her to control and regulate her emotions. The last part of her education concentrated on looking 10 years into the future and on realizing her dreams. She wanted to be a restaurant manager and she drew a mental picture of her dreams every day.  

At the present, she has been designated as a conditional recipient of the National Basic Livelihood Security System. She now leaves her children in an after-school program and is working hard to make a living for herself. She has become confident and independent.
It can be seen from the above example how effective the Action Center has been in helping unemployed women overcome their personal difficulties and to make a new start. Concrete programs carried out like skills training and group counseling helped women to find new jobs and to handle emotional stress. Women who participated in such programs asked for more such women-specific organizations to be set up.
<Contents of program>Group Counseling fostering Emotional Stability and a Spirit of Self-rehabilitation Contents: Empowering women-householders who are suffering from the pressures of maintaining a household, depression due to work dismissal, desperation, lack of resourcefulness and social prejudice in their roles as householders by understanding of their inner needs and the reality they were facing through conversations with other women and assertively finding the strength to overcome their difficulties.  <Purpose>Week 1: The status and reality of women’s unemployment (sharing the reality and difficulties related to unemployment with members of the group)   Week 2: Discovering good character traits and life story (discovering good character traits in order to overcome inferiority complexes, sharing pain with others within the group and realizing that other people are also undergoing similar difficulties-group counseling leading to common solutions to a problem)Week 3: Anger Management (learning ways to handle and release stress from dismissal, desperation due to financial problems, anger at people who look down on them, etc)Week 4: Life & Job Planning (life and job planning to overcome unemployment)<Program Details >Week 1Time: 10:20 am - 1:00 pmProgram: Self-Discovery 1* My Life Story (past & future dreams, looking inward)  - Self-introduction     (making name tags, making up nicknames based on childhood dreams)  - Drawing the Cycle of Life (using white paper)    Week 2Time: 10:20 am - 1:00 pmProgram: Self-Discovery 2 (stage of self-rehabilitation)* Discovering My Good Points  - recognizing individuality and personal good points and recovering self-confidence     through encouragement from other participants   - recovering self-confidence & discovering things that the participant can do  Week 3Time: 10:20 am - 1:00 pmProgram: Analysis of Programs of Previous Weeks         (& how these have affected the life of the participant in the previous week) * Analyzing My Life  - looking at one's life from a social perspective and discovering common problemsWeek 4Time: 10:20 am - 1:00 pmProgram: Analysis of Programs of Previous Weeks         (& how these have affected the life of the participant in the previous week) * Finding My Dreams/Obstacles (setting up concrete plans for the future to overcome                                 inertia and false expectations)  - discovering the obstacles in my life and ways of overcoming them  - things that I have always wanted to do & how should I prepare to realize them?  - when would I achieve my dreams?

Unemployed women were able to share their problems and find ways to overcome them through regular monthly meetings with other women and “Meeting Days” for job seekers. They were able to exchange their thoughts and experiences with other women and come to common solutions to problems. Women received hope and courage to overcome their emotional inertia and to build up stable relations with their children and other family members. Through such a process, women recovered their resourcefulness and actively went about looking for work. Women made efforts to adapt themselves to whatever forms of employment they were able to find, stable or otherwise. Their ability to adapt to situations was seen to highly increase.
In 1999 in first session of January for women householders, most of the participants were unemployed but after the third quarter of the economic year, there was an increase in employment of the participants despite frequent worksite changes due to poor and unstable working conditions. This was due to active job seeking and the enhanced spirit of independence of women householders.
The monthly session of unemployed women householders gave women the unique experience of being understood and accepted by other persons, mainly women. This experience was valuable in releasing the tension arising from past relationships and allowing women to be more flexible in dealing with the situation they were facing and in coming up with alternative choices. As such, women now could look inward which had been impossible before, as they had to scrimp to make a living. This behavioral change was applied to problems with children and other circumstances where the women were seen to be more pro-active in dealing with issues they were facing. Women were becoming more confident in investing in themselves and in setting and carrying out future plans.

Women who participated in various regular meetings at the Action Center came to realize that how much they have been suffering emotionally and were under much stress, keeping their objects of anger and oppression, the desperation and hopelessness within them. The women learnt ways of releasing such heartache and stress.
Group meetings were especially good for women as they had the opportunity to release their anger regarding people or events they had found hard to forgive and forget. It was a time to see oneself clearly through self-expression and self-evaluation. The women were also greatly encouraged by learning through various programs that social support programs existed to help them. It was an opportunity of learning about the importance of social relationships. Through the program to find out the supporting social network the participants, who had thought to have nobody helping them, realized that they have invaluable relationship around.

In the Regions…. ---------------------------------------------
In the Incheon region, unemployed women workers participated in the self-support farms operated by the Action Center. These women shared their farm produce (cabbages) with other women. The women made kimchi (Korean pickled cabbages usually prepared in winter due to the delicious cabbages in season) and shared them with sick and single women householders, creating a common bond between women.
In the Ansan region, some members of mutual-aid societies who had once been aid-recipients, made monthly contributions to help other women in difficult circumstances, showing community consciousness.
It was one of the important purposes of the monthly meetings to give the information of diverse employment opportunities, which helped women to overcome financial difficulties. Since the enactment of the National Basic Livelihood System in 2000 Action Center has helped women to realize that  they could enjoy the support from the government as well as the community and to have self-confidence and independence by giving information on the support given by the Department of Women-related Policies under the Ministry of Labor and the changing welfare policies favorable to women. Especially after operating as the counter for the recipients of the National Basic Livelihood System enacted in October 2000, the Action Center was able to help women who had been omitted as recipients, by providing necessary aid to relieve financial difficulties. The Action Center had asked the relevant authorities for reconsidering the women who had been omitted as welfare recipients and most women were later re-designated. This had been possible because the Action Center had carried out the role as a counseling counter for unemployed women and been recognized by public as the steady activities making unemployed women’s voice heard.


(3) Skills Training
It often appears as if there were many agencies responsible for skills training programs but since many of them are available for the people joining employment insurance. Most unemployed women worked in places with no employment insurance so they were excluded from such primary benefits as skill training. But according to the report released in 1998 on  ‘Work Training for Unemployed Women Workers’, there was a high demand for such training among women workers who were not giving benefits from employment insurance. Though the main reasons were that women receiving training were given living and family support another reason was because of the increasing rate of unemployment. Furthermore, women realized that they would not be able to find work due to lack of skills as well as age limits.

Skills training programs were not the ultimate alternatives for overcoming women’s unemployment but helped to lessen the shock of unemployment. It was an opportunity for the participants to look for their new ways. The programs increased employment opportunities for women who otherwise would be without any significant skills.
In 1998, the KWWAU was designated by the Ministry of Labor to be the agency to hold `training programs for women householders’. The KWWAU was also designated by the National Campaign to Overcome Unemployment to hold a ‘training campaign for unemployed women workers’. The `House of Working Women’ under the Busan Women’s Association (Busan branch) also held a skills training program (for women workers with employment insurance). The KWWAU Seoul Branch (SWWA) also organized a skills training program for women who leaf the labor market for a long time and wanted to enter it again. There were a total of 20 such training sessions in which 410 women participated nationwide for 6 months in 1998.
In 1999, these programs were expanded and the `House of Working Women’ was designated to carry out the programs as well as operating as a welfare center for women workers. In 2001, the KWWAU had two `House of Working Women’ in Seoul and Busan and two women welfare centers in Ansan and Bucheon. At the skills training centers, women learnt sewing, hair-dressing, secretarial skills, skills needed to open a side-dish shop, telemarketing, skills needed to be helpers for mother and newborn baby, clothes repairing skills, skills needed to be guides, skills needed to help teach reading, home computer programs, dress-making, etc.

(4) Projects for Life and Medical Support
Faced with the reality of unexpected unemployment, women workers had to find ways to earn their livelihood. The life support project was set up to provide aid to the women-headed household who had no access to rice or fuel to overcome the hardships of winter in 1997. Life support projects were continued to 2000.

▶ Life Support Project
The life support project named ‘Support Project for Wintering for the Unemployed Women-headed Household’ was carried out with the support of Korean Women’s Associations United (KWAU, a umbrella organization of women’s organizations) and the National Campaign to Overcome Unemployment in the KWWAU headquarters and 7 regional branches (Seoul (SWWA), Incheon (IWWA), Masan Changwon (MWWA), Gwangju (GWWA), Ansan (AWWA), North Jolla (JWWA) and the Busan Women’s Association (BWA)).
The project provided 2,258 women householders with bags of 68kg of rice and fuel coupons. A shelter for unemployed women was operated on trial at the KWWAU Incheon branch. In the shelter of all the women who came for counseling, 10 women with low income were chosen monthly and provided with 20 kg. of rice.
And also group counseling was one of the programs of the shelter, which was targeted at physical and mental crisis management to relieve the shock of unemployment. The contents of group counseling program consisted of “self-opening” (life stories), drawing the picture of my role-satisfaction, life evaluations, discovering personal advantages, setting up future plans, etc. In other regions, similar projects acted as counters for providing childcare support and life support for winter survival.
In August 1998, KWWAU joined the ‘hope’ project that was initiated by Korean Women’s Associations United to help unemployed women householders. The project was carried out in the headquarters and in 6 regional branches (Seoul (SWWA), Incheon (IWWA), Machang (MWWA), Gwangju (GWWA), Ansan local office, Busan Women’s Association) and it provided financial support of 500,000 won (about 420 USD) to 28 women.
In 1999, the winter project was expanded nationwide to support unemployed families. The Action Center acted as counseling, registration and transmission counters and provided unemployed families with food coupons amounting from 50,000 to 100,000 won (about from 42 USD to 83 USD). The project provided support for unemployed families who were not eligible for support given by the government.
In the Machang region, “One Person for One (unemployed) Family” relationship campaign was held to provide support for women householders. Also in 1999, Friends of Love (a welfare foundation) and Open Children (an internet venture enterprise) provided support for unemployed women workers and in 2000, the Women’s Foundation provided financial support to single mothers with low income. Such public interest had been possible because the Action Center had actively publicized the problems faced by unemployed women workers. The role of the Action Center as a counter for helping women householders can be evaluated as effective judging from the high public recognition of the Center’s activities.

▶ Medical Support Project
From August 1998, the Action Center started a medical support project with other medical and health organizations to provide much needed medical aid to unemployed women. The Action Center made it possible to ask the organizations to help unemployed women householder and families in June 1998. Unemployed women and children of less than 18 years received 30-50% discount in medical insurance payments. A total of 559 medical clinics and pharmacies participated in the medical project in the Action Center headquarters and 7 regional branches and until November 1998, 726 medical cards were issued, providing medical benefits to 726 women householders and their children. Also in December, free medical checkup was provided for unemployed women.
In 1999, medical cards were also issued. However, in 2000, “the card of hope” issued by the local communities was found to serve a better purpose. The card provided discounts to unemployed women or women with low incomes in hospitals, pharmacies restaurants or beauty parlors. The Action Center also participated in the regional currency project.

(5) Creating Jobs and Self-help Projects
With the decrease in employment due to the economic crisis, the Action Center realized that counseling was not enough to overcome the problem and took active steps to create work for women workers. The KWWAU Seoul branch (SWWA) started first with its operation of a common room for sewing work and dispatching teachers’ assistants to teach children from low-income families.
The common room for sewing work called “Fox’s Skill” was started by the KWWAU Seoul branch (SWWA) in September 1998 with an average of 25 women participating monthly. Some of them were skillful and others not. For unskillful women the room became a kind of training course as well as a job. At present, preparations are underway for the common room to progress into a cooperative.
Five regional branches (Seoul (SWWA), Incheon (IWWA), Ansan (AWWA), Gwangju  (GWWA), Busan Women’s Association) of the KWWAU also participated in the public works project undertaken by Korean Women’s Associations United, dispatching 152 people as teachers’ assistants to teach children of low-income families in 101 different day-care centers and after-school facilities.  For the success of the project, the KWWAU organized meetings with the heads of daycare facilities, regular monthly meetings of teachers’ assistants, education of teachers’ assistants, situational survey of facilities, etc.

Details of Projects
In 1999 and in 2000, regional activities of the KWWAU concentrated on creating more jobs for unemployed women workers. These activities were due to the increase in government-designated public works and the support given to organizations working with women workers in self-supporting projects.
From 1998, the KWWAU Seoul Branch (SWWA) has operated a common room for sewing work, the Incheon Branch (IWWA) has been designated to carry out public projects (dispatching teachers for after-school classes to elementary school, self-supporting farm project), operating its own self-supporting center (cooperative to make lunch-box, self-supporting farm, helpers for the patients with low income).
The Bucheon Branch (BWWA) also undertook designated public works projects (after-school teachers for young children, helpers for the patients with low income), and established a special self-support center for women only (helper project-domestic helpers, baby sitters, helpers for mother & newborn baby, private nurses, skills training and projects to help women open their own business).
The Ansan Branch (AWAA) also carried out designated public works (after-school teachers for young children), a self-supporting cooperatives project (helpers’ association), and a common room for sideline work (preparing to become self-supporting) while the Gwangju and Machang branches carried out designated public works projects, dispatching librarians and undertaking a recycling program for baby products.

The KWWAU has especially developed a one-stop service for the participants based on the results and experience of the Action Center for Women’s Unemployment. The one-stop system is a comprehensive welfare system concentrating on overcoming the obstacles of self-supporting efforts due to the unique life cycles of women and helps women to successfully adapt to the labor market on a step-by-step basis. The effectiveness of the system is clearly illustrated in the example below.

Case Study-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ms Kim, a member of the Bucheon Self-Supporting Center, was a conditional recipient of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act. She was a college dropout and young divorcee with no children. She lacked self-confidence and showed little enthusiasm for life and avoided meeting people.
At the Center, Ms Kim was advised to take part in skills training programs and was introduced to jobs with the purpose of overcoming the psychological, economic and social barriers as a woman householder. She was also encouraged to participate in conscious awareness programs to increase her self-esteem and also in club activities to find mental support. Ms Kim has now opened her own after-school program and is working as a full-time teacher. The services provided to Ms Kim by the Center were as follows:

● Skills Training
- Received three months’ training as a ‘reading teacher’.
- Participated in group counseling during training to achieve emotional stability and enhanced self-confidence.

● Introduction to worksites
- After training, worked briefly for an educational institute as a home-visiting writing teacher but left due to emotional stress.
- Worked as a dispatch teacher in an after-school program designated as a public works project by Bucheon city.
- Participated steadily and received education. After training, she has started her own study program with a colleague who had also participated as a dispatch teacher.

● Awareness education
- Participated in education & campaigns on achieving the rights of working women and became aware of how to lead more a more assertive life.

● Emotional Support/ Participation in Club Activities
- Participated as a dispatch teacher or meeting with similar teachers and sharing and exchanging information in the “after-school teachers’ club”.

◆ Flowchart of Services

                Counseling Registration                
Group Counseling                ò                Volunteer work
                Skills training(reading teacher)                
Women awareness program                                Formation of networks
                After-school teacher (public work)                
Professional education                                Club activity
                Opened after-schoolProgram (full-time teacher)                

Such work creation activities were carried out in all the 7 regional branches and were stimulated with the designation of the KWWAU as a self-supporting center by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. As a self-supporting center, the KWWAU operated programs to help the self-supporting efforts of welfare recipients as stipulated in the National Basic Livelihood Security System.

2) Campaign for Countering Policies, Research and Policy Recommendations

(1) Movement for Unemployment Registration
In June 1998 when the Action Center was inaugurated, the female unemployment rate in official statistics was much lower than the male unemployment, which resulted in public thinking that men’s unemployment was more urgent and worse, the unemployment was the problem only for male workers. But in reality the unemployment of women workers was far from the small problem. One of the reasons of the female’s low unemployment rate was related with the structure of labor market.  Most of women didn’t feel the necessity to register themselves in official centers for employ and government agencies; usually they tried to find jobs through their private network. And most women were irregular workers dismissed from small and petty workplaces with no employment insurance, so their dismissals made no records in the centers for employment. Also many women who were searching for jobs were new comers of labor market since the economic crisis with no records in the centers.
To reveal the hidden unemployment of women workers and publicize it as a social problem, the Action Center began nationwide movement to register in the centers for employment and other government agencies.
The movement for unemployment registration took the forms of publicity campaigns (Machang branch (MWWA), group registration usually after group counseling; Seoul branch (SWWA), advice for registration in counseling, etc.)
Unemployment registration did not influence government statistical data so much but it was noticed that women who registered at the Action Center also took the initiative in registering at government agencies and so the rate of registration at governmental offices increased. Furthermore, registration forms were written by non-governmental organizations and directly submitted to the local labor offices.

(2) Research, Publications and Debates
In 1998 a common survey on the monitoring of public employment centers and agencies, was undertaken by the headquarters and by Incheon, Gwangju, and Busan regions. Based on the results of the survey, public debates were held in three regions (Incheon, Gwangju, Busan). It was emphasized that women workers should not be marginalized in the labor market and the role of the existing “counter for potential humanpower” be strengthened to overcome unemployment. The need for a separate management system for women workers in all occupations was also pointed out. As for the role of employment agencies, it was emphasized that government agencies must play a central role with the cooperation of non-governmental organizations.
There were three public debates related to women’s unemployment in 1999 and in 2000. Representatives from the government, political parties, and academia were invited to publicize the reality faced by unemployed women workers and to pressurize the government into reflecting such issues in government policy. The debates were held during the celebrations of the first anniversary of the launching of the Action Center to evaluate the activities of the Action Center for the previous year and to put forward policy proposals for the following: to bring forth countermeasures for middle-aged unemployed women workers and for the reality faced by women college graduates and in their preparations for employment to overcome unemployment and the gender discrimination faced during looking out for jobs. Representatives of the Action Center also participated in debates held by the government, political parties and NGOs to voice the reality faced by unemployed women workers and called for measures to be reflected in government policy.
After the year 2000, activities were aggressively carried on matters related to the National Basic Livelihood Security System. Although not carried out on a large scale, a survey was undertaken calling for more flexibility regarding the criteria of recipients. An analysis of the living standards of 766 recipients was also carried out (2000). Action Center representatives participated in regional debates regarding problems related to the application of the National Basic Livelihood Security System and also actively undertook the role of advisors to local government bodies. In 2001, research into living conditions of people participating in self-support programs was carried out and publicized.
The headquarters and 7 regional branches of the KWWAU started using a common registration form and this made it easier to analyze the trends of employment and unemployment per month, to be used appropriately as materials for press releases or government policy recommendations when needed.

In the Regions-------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Seoul branch (SWWA) also carried out a survey in Guro and its surrounding regions on the employment status and living conditions of 150 women householders. Results of the survey were published and the “Report on the living conditions of women householders” was also undertaken. A cultural event called “the Night for Dismissed Women Workers” was also organized.
The North Jolla branch (JWWA) also held a survey on the living conditions of dismissed workers and their efforts to find jobs and a debate was held to bring forth countermeasures on the issue.
The Incheon branch (IWWA) also published its findings regarding the counseling undertaken with unemployed women workers and monitoring of counseling in training institutes. An information booklet for women workers was released. A workshop for counselors and for people in training institutes, responsible for working with unemployed women was also organized.
The Ansan branch (AWWA) held a “Debate on Women’s Unemployment and for the Rehabilitation of Local Communities” and the Bucheon branch (BWWA) carried out a basic survey on the status of employment of married women workers (including dismissed women workers) and their demands that were later published. Furthermore this also led to the publication of the “Research on long term programs to overcome women’s unemployment – self-support programs.”

(3) Campaigns & Policy Recommendations
The Action Center, together with the two major national centers of trade unions and the “University Students’ Alliance for Women’s Right to Work” as co-sponsors, worked hard to press for the rights of women workers and called for appropriate policy measures. With the start of the first rally on July 9 1998, 5 rallies were continuously held in front of the main office of the ruling party and National Assembly. As a result, some policy recommendations were reflected in the real policy-making process. In the regional branches, active campaigns calling for employment stability, job creation and measures for overcoming women workers’ unemployment were also carried out.
Research was also undertaken on the reality of women householders and calls were made for the policy changes as well as for the reform of the process of public work application and unemployment registration. Monitoring of public employment agencies was carried out and calls were made for policy changes in the strengthening of the functions of public employment agencies.
Policy recommendations on women’s unemployment were made at other relevant times. With the launching of the Action Center, a policy statement was released (calling for more public work creation, increase in social welfare personnel through the increase of women’s employment and priority employment opportunities for women in newly-created public works).  Also on the course of the activities the Action Center released on times many policy recommendations on unemployment registration (asking for unemployment registration received by NGOs to be submitted collectively to the local labor offices or local government offices) and on public works (calling for; simplification of papers proving the unemployment status of women workers in workplace with less than 5 workers, sub-contract work, unregistered enterprises, etc; increased opportunities for participation in public work, especially for women householders and for dismissed spouses who had low incomes; and priority employment for elderly married women) etc.. Other policy statements concerned employment of middle-aged women and the lowering of bank interest rates on loans for business openings for unemployed women workers.
From 1999, continuous recommendations were made on the proposals for women-specific self-support centers and these called for policy implementation of the establishment of a supporting organization for women-specific self-support works. The actual policies reflected many of the recommendations made by the Action Center.

3) Organizational Activities; mutual aid group
Of all the organizational activities initiated, the mutual aid groups of unemployed women remain the most important. First started in Incheon as a network for unemployed women workers from the monthly meetings, the mutual aid groups quickly spread to other regions. Membership was open to all unemployed women workers wishing to join the group and most of members joined the groups through the monthly meetings. Within the groups, women helped each other and worked together to come up with common and appropriate measures to overcome their problems. The names of mutual aid groups differed from region to region. Members of mutual aid groups were given priority in all projects organized by the Action Center.
The principle of the members of mutual aid groups lies in the belief that “I will help other women without work just as I have been helped once.” So some of groups have manes meaning to support each other. Members operated small group meetings such as meetings for unemployed women householders, public works monitoring meetings, meetings according to job-types, etc. Other activities were also carried out to help unemployed women and their families like “Solidarity Nights”, cultural festivals etc, to bring as many unemployed women together as possible.
In 1999 and in 2000, the one of most important activities pursued by the Action Center was the organization of mutual aid groups. Education programs like monthly meetings and group counseling were carried out actively. Education programs were also carried out for the purpose of creating an education program model for unemployed women workers. Owing to the continuous progress of programs for women householders, autonomous programs by women householders sprouted and membership increased. These members also participated actively in group-counseling sessions. Public confidence in the programs for women householders increased in the regions, leading to more visits to KWWAU offices by women householders.
Women householders who participated in regular monthly meetings received emotional support and membership in such meetings increased. The meetings also enhanced the desire of the women participants to help similar women facing difficulties. This spirit led to the growth of other independent small group meetings and spontaneous demands.
Mutual aid groups were loose and flexible but were critical in increasing the capacity of the women workers’ movements. These groups helped to enhance the participation of women workers in further organizational activities. Women in the groups became more socially aware and the Action Center became a stable organization with more human resources and more easily accessible to unemployed women workers.

In the Regions -------------------------------------------------------------------
In the case of the Ansan region, after undergoing group counseling, women created teams for opening cooperatives (clothing repairing group, 7 women; sewing group, 4 women) and carried out continuous research and participated in additional education programs to increase skill and opportunities for cooperatives’ openings. And also after receiving group counseling, 5 women underwent training as telemarketers and found work in that capacity except for one person who went into business. In the Ansan branch (AWWA), 15 women participated in the “Helpers’ Community” (dispatching helpers for house keeping) and in the lunchbox cooperative.
In the Incheon region, mutual aid groups of women householders (about 300 members) actively participated in self-support farms and as private helpers for the patients. In the Bucheon region, women participated in the helpers’ cooperative called “Durea Community” and also looked after children in after-school classes (public work). Women householders also participated in various group activities like poongmul (Korean traditional music of drumming) classes, hiking clubs etc. which have helped to increase the quality of life. In the Busan region, women householders formed a group called “Chamteo”(meaning a real and good place, 200 members) and carried out various activities. In other regions, groups according to age, interests and occupation were formed and all these activities helped to empower the members. Mutual aid groups carried out regular meetings once a month and published a newsletter.
Members of mutual aid groups participated actively in social issues such as signature campaigns calling for more employment measures, job-creation for long term unemployed people, more funding for public works as well as participating in debates on women’s unemployment, political campaigns, rallies, etc.

4) Other Activities

(1)        Education for Counselors
The Action Center headquarters organized education and training programs for counselors working in regional branches. The purpose of the program was; developing and promoting the counselors and activists, as well as developing and spreading the programs for women workers. Each program has been carried out in the regions were adapted to meet regional demands.
The headquarters continued education on family counseling for the counselors to help unemployed women counter the worsening situation of unemployment and the breakup of families. Education was also carried out on to strengthen the role and attitudes of job counselors. In the Masan region, a model education program was undertaken to foster the growth of counselors to help unemployed women.
It is critical that counselors should provide not only information on jobs but also comprehensive information and psychological counseling. In the case of women over the age of 40 years, problems are more complex due to difficulty in re-employment due to old age, and conflict within family, mental trauma and poor health, which are mainly resulting from poverty. Accordingly, it is becoming more important that counselors understand the situations and conditions of unemployed women and receive more training to enhance their abilities to provide more in-depth counseling.
In addition to the education programs, the regular workshops for counselors were organized from May 1999. The workshops allowed counselors to exchange and share information and to discuss unemployment-related measures and the role of the Action Center. In metropolitan areas, counseling workshops were held once a month until early 2000. Analysis of counseling cases, regional program exchanges, additional education programs, etc. were undertaken in the regular workshops. A bi-annual counselors’ education program was also continued for greater co-ordination and more national level unity.

The national counselors’ meeting was organized in July 1999 to hold a policy discussion on the direction of the Action Center and in 2000, two meetings were held to begin a national evaluation on the projects undertaken, impending issues and direction of the Action Center, which were strengthening unity between the headquarters and the regions and increasing measures to counter government policies. In a meeting undertaken in the early half of 2000, counselors came to determination of an main focus of the activities and resolved to firmly support the main projects in the later half of the year. It was also agreed that the re-structuring of the Action Center be discussed in the later half of the year as the projects progressed. In the following meeting, in the latter half of the year, activities of 2000 were evaluated and project plans for 2001 were also discussed. In 2001, it was also resolved that the organizational capacity of autonomous groups be strengthened together with the ability to counter government policies and to further public relations.
This meeting brought together counselors who have been working separately at the main headquarters and in 8 regional branches and allowed counselors to share experiences and exchange information, providing the much needed feedback to the Action Center. Counselors were able to resolve problems in the group meetings and increase awareness on the issues of the movement of unemployed workers through lectures and discussions.

(2) Ways to Increase Volunteer Participation
Many people including university students, graduate students, office workers, home- makers, etc. – people from all aspects of life, volunteer themselves at the Action Center. Volunteers help out actively in various projects and hold regular monthly meetings.
In the main offices, university and graduate students volunteer themselves in finding new worksites, research work, telephone counseling, etc, and at the Seoul branch (SWWA), university student volunteers joined in the “Situational Survey of Women Householders” and were helpful in organizing the “Solidarity Night” events.
At the North Jolla branch, university students specializing in traditional Korean medicine participated in medical support counseling while at the Machang branch (MWWA), students volunteered for a whole day, helping with counseling and taking on a specific issue. At the Incheon branch (IWWA), monthly meetings of volunteers were held, stimulating participants in volunteer work.
Volunteers played a vital role in 1999 and 2000 and the valuable feedback from their work schedules added new energy to the activities of the Action Center.

(3) Publicity
Activities were carried out to publicize the reality and the pain of women’s unemployment and the projects of the Action Center. There were over 100 cases of press coverage on the activities of the Action Center such as its launching, medical support services, lectures for re-employment as well as on the research survey undertaken on dismissed women workers, on unfair cases concerning employment, on the urgency of women’s unemployment situation, on the measures concerning women’s unemployment, etc. There was also steady coverage of the Action Center in the regional media.
The Incheon branch (IWWA) wrote a regular column on unemployment and legal counseling in the local information newsletters. IWWA also produced two videos  (‘Instability and issues of women’s employment’, ‘The harsh struggle of unemployed women workers’). These videos were distributed for publicity on the situation of women workers.
In 1999 and 2000, the Action Center carried out various publicity campaigns to increase public awareness on the issue of women’s unemployment. Press releases were sent to the media at appropriate times to publicize the reality of dismissed women workers, job-seeking campaigns by women workers and other related activities. Such efforts have led to an increase in job opportunities for women workers.
Public campaigns were also undertaken for the proper implementation of the National Basic Livelihood Security System and calls were made for government measures to counter the problem of long-term unemployed people. A more realistic implementation of the National Basic Livelihood Security System was called for. More than 60 women workers participated in the national rally opposing the downsizing of the public works projects and called for measures to help middle-aged women and long-term unemployed people. Women also participated in the anti-ASEM rally, voicing their dissent over unemployment issues.

(4) Computer Networking

▶ Development and Distribution of Job-seekers --  Data-Base Management Program and Education
Providing job opportunities for unemployed women remain the top priority of the Action Center. The need for an efficient method to satisfy both job-providers and job seekers was realized and various computer information programs were established to deal with the problem.
A simple and easily amendable database program based on MS ACCESS was set up in consideration of the computer environment in the regional branches and the ever-changing statistical data to be updated. The program induced an effective database management of job seekers and provided accurate information on the monthly survey undertaken on unemployed women workers.
Education sessions on the use of the DB program and the management of data were also held. Counselors of the Action Center also participated in these. Contents of the sessions were also published in the additional educational pamphlets.

▶ “Working Women’s Network” Opens on Website ( at Chollian and NETSGO)
Furthermore, a “Working Women’s Network” has been opened, providing direct and necessary information and counseling on website. The website is divided into a counseling part and an information part. The counseling part provides counseling on jobs and “Hotline for Equality” counseling as well. The information part consists of job information, case studies on employment instability and employment-related news.
The website guarantees confirmed job information and professional counseling by trained counselors. There is no charge involved and the website is open to all and is easily accessible.

3. Results of the Activities of the Action Center
1) Support Programs for Unemployed Women Workers
The most obvious consequence of the activities carried out by the Action Center lies in the fact that the suffering of unemployed women workers has been somewhat lessened. Many women workers have received help and direct working opportunities through programs such as job counseling, introduction to job opportunities and job information, job training, regular meetings, various types of education, life support, medical support, introduction to public works projects, etc. A woman who has found work as a dispatch teacher in an after-school program through the Incheon branch (IWWA) is a clear illustration of how active the Action Center has been. Her husband had lost his job and the family of five (three children) had been at its wits’ end. She had never expected to find work, as she had no special skills. But with the help of the IWWA, she was able to make a fresh start. Also the programs helped women, who had felt distress and suffered from desperation, get empowerment.

2) Organization of Unemployed Women
Another major consequence is the increase in the organizational capacity of women workers. The difficulty of organizing remains a big obstacle in the movements of unemployed women workers even in the West. Organizing women workers is considered one of the biggest results of the Action Center. The women were able to share and overcome their feelings of desperation through common efforts. They were also able to voice their demands and attract the attention of the media on the issues of women workers’ unemployment. Also all these activities influenced the attitudes of the press that had been concentrating only on the unemployment of male workers, which pushed the government to make measures for women.

3) Policy Recommendations
The policies recommended by the Action Center and implemented by the government are as follows:

▶ Extension of Employment Insurance to Part-time and Temporary Workers in Worksites with Less than 5 People
Employment insurance was only applied to workers in worksites with more than 5 people.  Sixty-seven percent of women workers work in places employing less than 5 workers and 60% of these women are in irregular work, meaning that most women workers are without any employment insurance benefits. The Action Center has continuously demanded the extension of employment insurance to more people and on 5th October 1998 the employment insurance benefits were extended to include workers in worksites with less than 5 people and also to part-time and temporary workers.

▶ Possible to Directly Submit Unemployment Registration
The Action Center has also made it possible for women workers to directly submit unemployment registration to non-governmental offices. This unemployment registration movement revealed the hidden facts behind women’s unemployment. The registration forms were directly submitted by the Action Center to the local labor offices. This allowed unemployed women to become more pro-active in registering themselves as unemployed workers.

▶  Introduction of Special Measures for Unemployed Women Workers
Dismissal from work and unemployment due to the economic crisis greatly affected the Korean people, especially women householders who were the chief breadwinners in the family. Most of the women were without any special skills or higher education and so there was little opportunity for re-employment. The Action Center publicized the problem of these unemployed women householders and worked for the implementation of special measures by the government for women householders.
The incentive system for employing women householders gives support (from the employment insurance) for employers who employ women householders. Half of the wages of the women householders were reimbursed for 6 months by the government. Special skills training programs for women householders were also held. Women were given a monthly training fee of 300,000 to 400,000 won (about 250 to 333 USD) to lessen the burden of living expenses. Women householders wishing to open businesses were given loans up to 50 million won (about 41,667 USD) for renting premises to start their own businesses. Also, measures were implemented to allow women to have priority in employment in public works projects.

▶ Extension of Public Works for Women Workers
From May 1998, in order to absorb the increasing number of unemployed people, public works projects were undertaken as a limited employment measure. The projects were started not as a non-conditional life support measure but as a measure by the government for creating jobs in social sector. However, early public works such as environmental maintenance or taking care of woods were often too hard for women workers. The problem was raised continuously by the Action Center and welfare-type work was extended to women workers. This included working as caregivers for children or patients from low-income families, and helpers to social workers and as teachers in after-school programs for children.
At the present moment, in 2002, unemployment is not a big social issue in South Korea. Instead, poverty has become a major issue. With the lessening of unemployment, temporary and irregular work has risen, increasing the gab between the rich and the poor. As in other countries in the world, women are most affected by poverty. Two out of every three women are in irregular employment.
Faced with such a reality, the Action Center for Women’s Unemployment took one step forward and started concentrating on activities regarding women’s poverty. In the year 2001, the Action Center was designated by the government as Self-Supporting Projects Center and worked to create work for women who have been socially left out of the labor market and to help them to become independent. Our activities will be transformed to meet the changing needs and requirements but our aim will remain permanent. The Action Center will work to represent the voices of women workers and to change the world based on the demands of women.

Posted by KWWA

Adopted at the Asian workshop on: 'Issues Facing Women Workers in Informal Work' held in Bangkok on November 8, 2001, organized by Committee for Asian Women and HomeNet(Thailand)

We are representatives form 11 Asian countries representing women and men workers involved in different typed of work situation ?home based work, street vending, domestic work, agricultural work, handicraft work, scrap and rag-picking, small-scale factory work, part-time work, causal and contract work, construction work, among others.  We are from 12 trade unions, 2membership-based organizations, 8 NGOs and 3 networks.

A large proportion of the workforce is involved in the informal economy. Informal work contributes socially useful services and a significant proportion of global income. Official statistics indicate that the share of informal (non-agricultural) work is 45-85% in Latin America to 45-85% in different parts of Asia. The contribution of the income that comes form informal work dot national income amounts to between 30-60% in different countries. Most new jobs are being created in the informal economy. This growth in the informal economy is directly related to the acceleration of the process of globalization. These processes of globalization have affected both the workers in the formal and the informal economy. Workers in the formal economy have been increasingly reduced to the status of workers in the informal economy. This crowding into the informal economy has rendered workers in the informal economy even more vulnerable and with even less resources.

The conditions of workers in the informal economy are characterized by not just abysmal working conditions, but very often also by their appalling living conditions. This is even more true of women. The conditions of work of the workers in the informal economy include: non-recognition of the work and of the workers in informal employment, very low incomes; very long hours of work; insecure work; unsafe and dangerous work; no benefits; no leave or holidays; no accident or any other benefits; sexual and other harassment; no child care.

Apart fro invisibility, poor working and living conditions, and the absence of social protection, workers in the informal economy also suffer from a severe lack of access to productive assets and other resources, land, credit, marketing and technological assistance, education and training.

We, the assembled representatives, resolve to:
l        Organize and support each other in our organizing efforts;
l        Act in solidarity on common issues;
l        Build public awareness and visibility of the workers we represent;
l        Lobby public authorities and other institutions in society for our common interest;
l        Strengthen the capacity of our organizations through appropriate education programs;
l        Collate and disseminate best practices of strategies of organizations.

Posted by KWWA
Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Committee for Asian Women (CAW) and The Asian Women Workers Festivals (AWWF) 2002
Organized by Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA) and The Working Committee of AWWF 2002

Women have always for several centuries bee the backbone of society and the economy-both the paid and the unpaid economy. Women have always worked. Even today women are said to produce 80% of the food for the world. When economies began to industrialize over a century ago, women were an important part of the economy. However, it was around the 1960s and later, with export-oriented industrialization that women became the main contributors to the economy all over the world, including Asia.

The last four decades have witnessed young girls from the rural hinterlands of Asia being transformed into mature, responsible and adult women workers. More often than not women workers have been denied their rightful share of their fruits of labour. Women have been denied labour as well as human rights. Women have been denied a fair wage. They have had to live in basic insecurity of livelihood, incomes and a tomorrow.

Women make up 45 % of the paid workforce and do almost 95% of very crucial but unpaid work ?giving birth to and looking after the children, cooking, cleaning and making a home out of a house. Yet, women constituted 70% of the world뭩 population living in poverty. Women and girls I several countries of Asia have been denied the basic right to education.  Two-thirds of the illiterate populations of the world consist of women.  

Middle-aged women in East Asia have experienced blatant discrimination in employment.

Southeast Asian women workers have braved loss of jobs through retrenchment as well as lack of social security.

In South Asia, women face discrimination right from cradle to grave. Girls are denied education and training while boys are encouraged to advance in education, even when they have no aptitude for it.  Denial to girls and women in India can often go to the extent of denying nutritious food to girls and women, while giving it to men and boys.

The recent phenomena in the half-decade see the increasing of retrenchment or unemployment.  Subcontracting is deployed to push women workers out of the formal economy. Thus, they are pushing more and more out of the formal economy to the informal economy throughout the Asian region. Women worker leaders and the union뭩 members were unfair treated and retrenched so that their organization can be destroyed. Women suffered family pressure, violence and health deteriorated with the increasing of economic difficulties and poverty. In some countries in Asia there is increased militarization and this brings with it the systematic use of violence against women. For example, in Burma increased military spending means decreased budget for basic amenities like health and education.

CAW and her network groups, this, demand for employment and job security, legal protection for the informal economy, social security protection and a right to livelihood without harassment and victimization.

Women workers have resolutely, collectively, and individually, stood for defending their rights. It is this spirit and optimism that we are sharing and celebrating by getting women workers form different Asian countries together and by crating space for the cultural expression of these women workers?organizations and troupes.

Salute to Women Workers?Struggle in Asia!
Posted by KWWA
Presentation of the work of CAW: 2000 _ 2002

Objectives of CAW
-  Assist in consciousness raising among women workers in the formal and informal sectors in Asia towards the realization of commonalities of their situations, problems and analysis.
-  Support efforts of organized women workers to effect favourable changes in their lives.
-  Facilitate networking and linkages among women workers and related groups within Asia and with other regions for solidarity support.
-  To be the regional platform for women workers in Asia, to facilitate and /or represent the voice of women workers in Asia.

Main Areas of Work
-  Local / National joint programs
-   Regional / sub-regional programs
-  Advocacy and Campaign
-  Solidarity Support Actions and Networking
-  Publication and documentation

I. Introduction and context:
The work for the years 2000 - 2 was visualized and detailed out in the context of the changing nature of women뭩 work and of industrialization at the global as well at the regional level and hence the changing needs of organizations and networks working with women workers.

While due to several processes and structures, women workers have been a section that has been one of the most disadvantaged and discriminated against, these disadvantages and types and levels of discrimination take on very different forms and proportions in different situations and phases of social and economic development. The movement of capital and the strategies of capital are changing rapidly. While capital is being pumped in certain areas, it is being quickly dried out in other areas. Often however, the impact of both these developments is not one of uniform empowerment or disempowerment for women. These developments have had contradictory impacts on workers, especially women workers. Even the strategies of capital in areas where new and large investment is taking is one of deployment of 멹lexible?labour where capital is responsible for no more than the daily or worse still measly piece rate wage of the workforce.  

Just to illustrate one aspect of this phenomenon, our work indicated to us that the years 2000-2001 brought to women workers in different regions very different outcomes. For example, while the Mekong region witnessed a relatively large influx of capital, in countries like Bangladesh, that had witnessed a similar influx in an earlier phase, women workers are now losing jobs every day due to closure of the very industries that had proliferated in an earlier phase ?garments, for example.  

In the present context of globalization, the nature of employment as well as of work generally is undergoing radical changes. Women workers have always been in the lower rungs of the employment and work hierarchy. The present phase seems to have targeted women workers in different ways. One of this has been the growing extent of informalization of work women seem to be involved in.

Hence, it was decided to be more inclusive and widen the active concerns of CAW to include women workers in the informal economy and to look at the structures and processes of informalization of women workers. We also decided to adopt a strategy of multiple methodologies that would give our partners and us some valuable insights into some of the problems and possible solutions to an important aspect of women workers situation in the current context.

With regard to CAW too there have been several changes, including in its structure, in this period. These changes have had serious implications on the personnel of CAW as well as the administration issues in CAW.

The above situation meant an extension of our concerns and constituency. This is one important reason why the EXCO and the Secretariat of CAW had to be sensitive to the increasing requests from our network groups, who were in the field and responding to the changing situation and changing needs of women workers. This in effect meant increasing the number of national programs from the 3 we had envisaged to the 7 programs that we had to respond to and participate in.  

It was in this light that the regional program of the informal economy was developed. Informal work and informal workers are not a new phenomenon. They have been in existence since the beginning of work itself. Even after industrialization and its development, informal work has co-existed with the formalization of the economy. In large parts of the economies of Asia and Africa for example, informal work has been the source of livelihood of the majority of workers. Even in East Asian countries, it was the forcible urbanization of economies and government policies that forced lower prices for agricultural products and policies of land use that turned large sections of people into industrial workers. Various policies of the State have been hugely responsible for the proliferation of informal work in different economies. While informal work has existed prior to the present phase of globalization, the processes of globalization have played a role in increasing the extent of the informal economy in various ways. Informal work is in fact the product of several factors and processes at varied points in time and at different levels. This is happening in very diverse in different countries, regions and sub-regions.

All these processes have posed special challenges for women and women뭩 work. The initial response to informal work by trade unions and other organizations had been that it was a transitory phenomenon that was a result of uneven development or underdevelopment. It was only when informal work and workers began to proliferate once more in the developed industrialized countries and the process from informal to formal did not seem to take place, rather the contrary was taking place, that attention began to once more be focused on informal work. This is the context in which the newer debates are being conducted.

CAW had been working on the issue of women workers for more than 20 years. We have attempted to address the issue of informal sector from a different perspective. These last three years have been attempts by CAW to respond to the network groups in this rapidly changing situation in the context of the changing phases of globalization and their varied impacts on women workers, their work and their organizational strategies and attempts.
II. Structure of this report:
In the beginning itself we will look at the tasks involved in the administering of a regional network like CAW. CAW has been constantly attempting to cope with the task of innovating structures in the context of running a regional organization in the midst of current challenges. The Executive Committee meets at least once a year and keeps in constant touch with the secretariat to steer the work of CAW.

The organizational aspects are followed by a chronological and thematic report of our activities and achievements. This is followed by the challenges faced by CAW as a network and the challenges that we all face in the current context. We need to deal with all these together.

III. Executive Committee Meetings:
The Executive Committee meetings of CAW are meetings where the general direction of the organization is reviewed and reworked. This is also the forum where broader political events and impacts are discussed as also issues that pertain to the smooth day-to-day running of the organization. Ideally, the Exco meets every once a year and does the work of critically reviewing the past year and planning for the next year. Only in times of emergencies does the Exco meet more often.  

In the year 2000, the EXCO meeting was held after the Regional Consultation Meeting to finalize the three-year plan (2001-2003) based on the suggestions and recommendations from the network members during the Consultation meeting. The Exco meeting decided on a few major changes in CAW. These are:
-   Rights of network members: The network members have the right to elect Exco members from each sub-region.
-   The criteria of CAW's network members were spelled out.
The Exco members appointed Ms. Irene Xavier from Malaysia as the Chairperson of CAW for a term of three years.

As stated earlier, there is supposed to be 1 EXCO meeting every year. However, due to technical problems of moving to Bangkok as well as other staff and administrative matters, in the year 2000, there had to be 2 EXCO meetings, one in January and the second in February 2001.
First meeting on 7-8 Jan 2001 in Seoul
This first meeting was an annual meeting of the Executive Committee. In the meeting, the committee adopted the financial report 2000. Then the secretariat presented the annual report 2000 for the committee to comment on. This was followed by a discussion on the activity plan of 2001 and CAW's vision, role and relocation.

Program discussion
In the meeting, the secretariat and the Committee shared the same understanding on the situation of the women workers resulting from globalization of corporate investment. Therefore the committee decided to support five national programs in 2001, namely from Kansai Union in Japan, UCM in Indonesia, SEWA from India, Women's Center in Sri Lanka and Women Link in South Korea. The reason for this decision has been discussed at length in the section on the national programs.  

The committee also decided that CAW would co-organize the regional consultation meeting on the informal economy. The objective of this program was capacity building for advocacy and lobbying.

Structure of the organization
The meeting had a discussion on the administrative difficulties facing CAW. In order to solve the visa problem of the overseas staff and the non-availability of US dollar account, the Executive Committee proposed to relocate the coordinator back to Hong Kong and decentralize the staff. This would mean that the program staff would work from the country they come from. The committee decided to bring this matter to discuss with the partners in Germany in February. As the new structure required new staff, the criteria of new staff were also discussed in the meeting. Then the Committee scheduled the date for the advertisement of the positions.

The meeting endorsed the amendments in the By-laws. These included
-  Membership Qualifications
-  Procedures for becoming a network member
-  Disaffiliation of network groups
-  Procedures for disaffiliation
-  Rights of network groups and
-  Roles and responsibilities of network groups.

The second Executive Committee on 24-25 Feb 2001
As there was a negative response from the partners on the issue of the relocation back to Hong Kong, the secretariat had to remain in Bangkok. The objective of this meeting was making a decision on the structure of the secretariat.
The meeting began with an update of the administrative situation from the secretariat.
-  The one-year US dollar bank account was granted by the Bangkok Bank. CAW would have to renew it every year. If CAW wanted to withdraw more than US$5000, CAW would have to submit supporting documents.
-  The visa for oversea staff: CAW could apply for visas under CAW foundation after August 2001 when CAW foundation had completed one year of registration.

After the update, the committee endorsed the new structure of the secretariat. Under the new structure, the program coordinator, publication staff and the administrative staff would be based in Bangkok. While the two program officers would be based in their own countries. The meeting discussed the long-term goals and laid out the division of work among the staff. Finally, the meeting carried out interviews for new staff; one coordinator and two program officers were hired in 2001.

In the year 2002, the Executive Committee met for 3 days in February. During the meeting, several decisions were taken:
1.        The arrangement of the left over money from the three years project 1998 to 2001. It was decided that the secretariat had to arrange the left over money according to the agreement with the partners. However we need to ask the partners if we could allocate the left over money as money carry forward to 2001 to 2003 due to the financial difficulties at the moment.
2.        The EXCO had endorsed the financial report 2001, budget 2002 and activities plan 2002.
3.        The secretariat had to follow up the EXCO members?renewal and election.
4.        The EXCO endorsed the hiring of Program staff for one year with the budget that was left from the 2001 vacant program officer budget.  

IV. Administration and Coordination
This aspect of CAW has seen a great deal of changes in the last three years. An important change has been the relocation of the CAW from Hong Kong to Bangkok. Though the actual relocation took place before the last consultation meeting, the adjustments are still in process. Some of the salient features of these changes and challenges are as follows:

As we had mentioned in the section on the Executive Committee meeting, a new structure of the secretariat was launched in March 2001. The main reason for change was the administrative difficulties in Thailand. The number of the staff remained five but the staff was decentralized in order to solve the visa problem. The new structure is listed as follows:
-  The Coordinator, administrative officer and the publication officer were located in the Bangkok head office.
-  The program staff would be based in their home country.
-  The secretariat will have their staff meetings every three months for updating the progress of the work and discussion work plan for the next three months.

The secretariat had started the recruitment process in January after the first executive meeting in January 2001. CAW had targeted to recruit four positions, one coordinator and two program officers for the EED, HIVOS and ICCO program of 2001 to 2003 and one program officer for the specific campaign on informal sector supported by Inter-Church Action from Canada. As the team support for the program officers would be less than before, the secretariat attempted to look for well-experienced women worker activists to fill in the post. Unfortunately, we had difficulties to get the ideal candidate to fill the position of one program officer. The post was vacant from January to October. We had the full team operating only from November 2001.  However as the publication officer had her maternity leave since August, we were under- staffed for the whole year.

Implication of new structure on administration
US dollar account
The US dollar account was granted in January 2001. Theoretically we can transfer US dollars and have US dollar cash with this US dollar account. However, from the experience of last one year뭩 operation, we found that we have to rely on the US dollar account in Hong Kong. It was because the US dollar account in Bangkok can only accept donations that come from EED, Germany. If we have any transaction other than from EED then we have to get an endorsement letter of the transaction from EED. Besides, this US dollar account in Bangkok subsists for only one year. We have to renew the bank account with the annual report on a yearly basis. Cash dollar withdrawals are another battle. With every withdrawal we have to provide sufficient information to support the withdrawal. For example, photocopies of the invoice of the expense and photocopies of the air ticket and passport of the participants. Because of all the hassle, we are not likely to use this US account as the main organizational bank account. It can only serve as a US dollar petty cash account in Bangkok with small amounts if money in it.

As a result, we had to keep US dollar accounts both in Hong Kong and Thailand. Hence we had to do audited financial reports in Hong Kong and Thailand as well.
Foundation registration and visa application of the overseas staff: In Thailand, work permit of the overseas staff of the foundation needs to be renewed on a yearly basis. The regulation states that the foundation can only apply for a visa for overseas staff after the completion of one year of registration. Therefore we can only start to apply for visas for the staff after August 2001, even though the coordinator had to report duty from May 2001. The office could only process her work permit after August 2001. It took almost two months for the process to be completed. As compared to past experience, this was considered to be an extremely successful outcome. The differences in experience may due to the discrimination toward different nationalities that is present in immigration policy and made even more difficult by the attitude of the immigration personnel.
By the end of 2001, due to the impact of September 11, a new policy of work visa application for NGOs was suggested by the government. In order to curtail the so-called terrorist activities, all the NGOs who get foreign funding would not be able to have foreign staff working in the organization. This has posed a threat for organizations like CAW that we would not be able to get work visas for overseas staff in Thailand. A network to fight against the new policy has been formed among the local and regional NGOs. CAW had actively participated in the activities to defend not only the autonomy of CAW but also the democratic space of the civil society as a whole.
Since the process of work permit and visa application, registration of the foundation, bank account application, bookkeeping and logistics of the local program have to be carried out by the administration officer, she has hardly any time for the accounting work of the organization. Therefore we had to hire a professional and well-experienced NGO accountant to work for us as a part-time accounting person.  

Evaluation of the structure:
The secretariat had reviewed the new structure in the November 2001 secretariat meeting. The positive and negative experiences have been summed up as the follows:
-  Program officers have closer links with local organizations. It is easier to access what happen on the ground.
-  Program officers found it easier to attend meetings and workshops near their own base or nearby.
-  Most of the well-experienced women activists in the region have several commitments, including that of the family. By deploying the decentralized structure, hassles of relocation or separation from the family are avoided. Therefore it might easier to get well-experienced staff.
-  The structure had increased the cost of the administration. For example, the communication cost was higher than last year.
-  The decentralized staff found it difficult to make decisions with long distance communication.
-  It was difficult to build up teamwork.
- All the administration work had fallen on the head office with only 3 persons.

Most of the staff expressed their preference to work physically together as a team. However as there were a great deal of difficulties ?right from getting visas to personal aspects, the team tried to work on the negative aspects and build the team based on the positive aspects.  

V. Programs / Projects / Activities

V. a. Local / National joint programs
As we can see from the Table below, the issues taken up by the Network Groups in their own regions are a very wide spectrum. They range from globalization and its different impacts to sexual harassment to organizing and trade unionism. These are all of course related as they pertain to the different issues women workers are facing in the region.

The general thrust of the network groups seem to be awareness raising. The methodologies used are also quite varied ?workshops, meeting, education and training, campaigns, mobilization and video production.      

2000: Organizations  Countries Themes Programs
Women's section, NFL  The Philippines Evaluation of women's organizing and training  National conference
Metropolitan Textile Labour Trade Union         Thailand         Globalization and occupational health and safety        Education and campaign
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor        Malaysia        Address fear of Trade unionism         1.        Survey2.        Consultation
Da Bindu Collective        Sri Lanka        Awareness raising on rights and gender issues        Translation of resource book
All Nepal Women Association        Nepal        Impact of patriarchy and globalization        Leadership training
Yasanti and Humanika        Indonesia         Awareness raising on rights and gender issues        Leadership training
Korean Women Workers?Associations United        Korea        Awareness raising on rights and gender issues        Workshop
Pakistan institute of Labour Education and Research        Pakistan        Awareness raising on rights of informal sector women workers        Preparation of video
Joint Action Group Against Violence Against Women        Malaysia        Awareness raising on sexual harassment        Campaign
Nepal Centre Women Workers?Department        Nepal        Follow up of earlier program        1.        Leadership training2.        Publication3.        Mobilization4.        Research  

Organizations         Countries         Themes         Programs
Kansai Women Worker Union        Japan        Awareness raising on situation of temporary public workers        Preparation of video
Friends of Women         Thailand         Setting up trade union for laid off women workers        1.        Education and campaign2.        Vocational training
Urban Community Mission        Batam, Indonesia        Awareness raising on rights        Training program
NFL        The Philippines        Evaluation of women뭩 organizing and training        1.        Consultations 2.        Nat. conference3.        Advocacy4.        Education and training
Women뭩 Centre        Sri Lanka        Building collectivity among women workers        1.        Training2.        Education
Women Link        Korea         Awareness about sexual harassment        1.        Training2.        Networking
Self Employed Women뭩 Association        India         Awareness raising on legal rights         Para-legal training of women worker activists
Self Employed Women뭩 Association        India         Rehabilitation support for women workers        1.        Rebuild survival tools of women workers2.        Re-establish markets
Da Bindu        Sri Lanka        Awareness raising on rights        1.        Publication of booklets2.        Discussions

Up to mid 2002:
Organizations         Countries         Themes         Programs
Working Women뭩 Organization        Pakistan        Awareness Raising Workshop On Gender Sensitization        Workshop
National Federation of Labor (NFL)         The Philippines        Capacity building of women unionists in the NFL for election in the union        1.        Research2.        Policy intervention3.        Dissemination of research
Metropolitan Textile Trade Union         Thailand        Impact of globalization on women workers, labour laws and struggles        1.        Education programs2.        Campaign
Sahabat Wanita        Malaysia        Awareness raising on rights         Campaign against massive retrenchments
Solidarity Front of Women Worker         Taiwan        Develop mutual supporting network for the marginalized groups        1.        Training2.        Exploring market alternatives3.        Setting up alternative structures
Women뭩 Link        Korea        Awareness raising on rights and gender issues        1.        Campaign2.        Education

V. b. Sub-regional / Regional programs:
The sub-regional and regional programs of CAW aim to draw upon the commonalities of the region / sub-regions. Here the focus seems to be on the different 뻚irect and indirect ?impact of economic processes in the region and the sub-regions.

At one level is the concern with broader structures -- patriarchy and capitalism. These include problems of feminization of poverty and of casualization processes, as well as sexual harassment. At another level is the theme of the current phase within these structures ?informalization, liberalization. At the third level is the concern with strategies for organizing and for coping. Lastly, is the need for CAW as a regional organization to reach regions that are newly emerging as large areas where there exist immense possibilities for organizing women workers.  

Sub-regions         Themes         Programs         Location
East Asia        Organizing strategies to challenge job insecurity / unemployment of women workers in Asia         Sub-regional workshop         Taiwan
Regional         CAW뭩 Regional Consultation         Meeting        Thailand
Regional         The impact of globalization and informalization on women workers        Regional program         Korea
Network meeting         `Patriarchy and Feminization of the workforce?        CAW network meeting         Korea.
ASEM?People뭩 Forum meeting        `The impact of trade liberalization on women workers?in Korea.        People뭩 Forum meeting         Korea.
Regional training         Gender perspectives in organizing women workers         CAW Regional training         Malaysia.
South-East Asia         Issues faced by women workers and alternative strategies         South-East Asia workshop         Indonesia
Regional consultation         Women workers in informal work         Consultation         Thailand.
Mekong region         Sexual Harassment         Workshop         Thailand
Training of Burmese migrants        Training of Burmese migrants        Training         Thailand

V. c. Advocacy and Campaign:
Like the sub-regional and regional programs of CAW, advocacy and campaign aim to draw upon the commonalities of the region / sub-regions. Here too the focus seems to be on the different 뻚irect and indirect ?impact of economic processes in the region and the sub-regions. However, advocacy and campaigning also has specificities of the country where the processes seem to be unfolding in. At one level are advocacy and campaign attempts at the sub-regional / regional / global level; at another level are campaigns at the national level. These are often inter-connected; but may not always be connected directly.

Organization         Country         Theme         Forum
        Thailand        UNCTAD X         Participation in the NGO plenary caucus
        Thailand        UNCTAD X         Participation in the NGO Forum
        Thailand        UNCTAD X         UNCTAD X official forum
Thai Durable textile workers.         Thailand         Advocacy and campaign to protect the rights of the Thai Durable textile workers        National level
        Regional/international        To know about the processes in the ILC        International Labour Conference 2001
        Regional /international         Participation in the general discussion on the `informal economy?        International Labour Conference
Groups in Indonesia        Indonesia        National campaign on women in the informal economy         National campaign
Groups in Thailand        Thailand        National campaign on women in the informal economy         National campaign
Groups in Korea        Korea        National campaign on women in the informal economy         National campaign

V. d. Women Solidarity Support Actions:

Year         Organization and country        Program
2000        Women workers from the Elfa spinning textile, Thailand        Supporting the court case
        Thai women workers        Solidarity support to raise their own issues during the Asian Development Bank Forum in Thailand
2001        The Thai Labour Campaign, Thailand        Support worker to participate in The Forum of Alliance Against Globalization in Hong Kong
        Asian Network for the Rights of Occupational Accident Victims (ANROAV), Bangkok         For support for meeting in Bangkok
2002        Bethune House, Hong Kong        Campaign against wage cut
        With the sub-regional network of Mekong        Sexual Harassment at the workplace
        TACAB        Gender training workshop for Burmese migrant worker in Thailand
        7 groups in total (funded by Oxfam HK)        Exposure trip for the Chinese group in BKK

V. e. Solidarity Linkage and Networking

Conferences attended:

Location        Purpose        Date
Cambodia        Consultation meeting on the Mekong sub-region network to combat violence against women        January 2000
Laos        Follow up meeting of the Cambodia meeting        April 2000
Germany        Workshop on women workers in the informal sector        June 2000

Location        Purpose        Date
Bangkok        Health and safety discussion by ANROAV        6 ?9 May
Geneva        ILC 2001        9-20 June
Bombay, India        Sexual harassment national workshop        3-6 June 2001
Australia        People뭩 globalization versus corporate globalization by APRN        26-30 Sept
Taiwan        Conference on globalization on anti-globalization        1-2 Sept
Malaysia        ILO workshop on sexual harassment at work placeTraining on leadership by MTUC         2-4 October
Bangkok        Garment Research, organized by WWW        16-19Nov
Bangkok        v        CEDAW training for NGOv        Code of Conduct, organized by DAGAv        Asian TNC watch by AMRC v        HOMENET Thailand national meetingv        Thailand National bill for health and Safetyv        Meet with National Human Rights Commission and Deputy minister of labour and social welfare on the Thai Krieng case        1-3 Nov29-30Nov,1-2 Dec.NovemberNovNov
Bombay        ?nbsp;       Alternative strategies for unions?nbsp;       Umbrella legislation for informal workers?nbsp;       Sexual harassment ?nbsp;       Plants closure        6- 8 Dec. 200112th Dec 2001Dec. 200127th Dec 2001

Location        Purpose        Date
Ahmedabad, India        Meeting organized by WIEGO about women workers in informal employment        Jan 2002
Hyderabad, India        Meeting of NGOs and unions working with domestic workers        Feb 2002
Netherlands        Meeting organized by IRENE about women workers in informal employment        April 2002
V. f. National Visits:

Year         Country         Purpose
        Nepal         Follow-up national program
        Indonesia         Attend national program
        The Philippines        Strengthen links
        Hong Kong        East Asia program discussion; informal sector discussion
        India         Attending meetings; regional program discussion
        Indonesia and Medan        South East Asia program discussion
        The Philippines        South East Asia program discussion
        Thailand        South East Asia program discussion
        Taiwan        East Asia program discussion
        Sri Lanka        South Asia program discussion
        Cambodia        Contacting Mekong network
        Korea         East Asia program discussion; study of situation of financial crisis
2002        Nepal        National program discussion; meet new groups
        Bangladesh        National program discussion; meet new groups

VI. Documentation, Research and Publication

VI. a. Manual on globalization for women workers
In 1998 CAW produced a video tilted 밆olls and Dusts? It was a video documentary on the impact of economic restructuring on Asian women workers. To accompany the video, a manual was also envisaged. This manual was meant for women activists to understand the issues / debates about globalization and the processes and events as narrated in the video. The manual, also titled 밆olls and Dusts?published in December 2000, not only examines the impact of industrial restructuring on women workers, but also includes analyses and perspectives of certain Asian researchers and activists, besides women workers about 밽lobalization,?about 밽lobalization and the gender division of labour?as well as 뱒trategies for change?  

As a follow-up of this project, we are currently in the process of designing a training manual for women worker activists to use as a guide to generate awareness among women workers on the issues and implications of Globalization.
Purpose of the manual
?nbsp;       To deepen the understanding of women workers regarding the process of       globalization and its impact on their lives.
?nbsp;       To help the women workers understand the critical debates taking place concerning the responses and alternatives to globalization.

VI. b. Urgent Appeals
The Urgent Appeals that CAW has received from 2000 to 2002 from her networks and contacts in Asia and to which we have responded are as follows:

1.        Thai Durable Workers?request for government intervention to resolve disputes over unjust and inhumane practices of and illegal dismissals by the management in Thailand.  
2.        Protest against the unjust and inhumane practices of the management of Master Toy Co. Ltd. in Thailand.  
3.        Protest against the unfair payment and welfare of the Garment Manufacturers?Association in Cambodia.
4.        Protest against the unfair practices of the management and gross violations of basic labour standards of the Kalayaan Arts and Crafts Inc., a German owned company in the Philippines.  
5.        Protest against the denial of compensation fund to workers in the Zhilli fire.

1.        Daewoosa Samoa Garment factory on the island of American Samoa.  
2.        Ladybird Garment Factory in Bangkok, Thailand.
3.        Almond Jewelry workers, Bangkok Thailand.
4.        International Garment Manufacturing Corp, The Philippines.
5.        Two Urgent Appeals from SUARAM, Malaysia in August 2001 about the detention of political activists under ISA.
6.        Workers?struggle and repression of workers and trade unionists in Pakistan in August 2001.
7.        A fire in a factory in India where 7 young workers, including 2 women died in August 2001.
8.        Gina Bra factory in Thailand, where union members were sacked in November 2001. {DETAILS OF THE IST 4 ABOVE NEED TO BE WRITTEN. MABEL, COULD YOU DO THAT? I DO NOT HAVE THE DETAILS.}

VI. c.  Asian Women Workers?Newsletter

Issues published:
1.        CAW뭩 regional consultation
2.        Sexual harassment
3.        Labour movement
4.        Changing patterns of women employment

Issues published:
1.        Patriarchy and feminization of the workforce
2.        Globalization, economic integration and inequalities
3.        Health and Safety
4.        Alternative strategies on organizing

Up to mid 2002:
Issues published:
1.        Women and the informal economy
2.        Sexual Harassment at the workplace
3.        Labour Contracts

VI. d. Documentation and dissemination of information:
From the very inception, CAW has put great emphasis on disseminating information about the situation of women workers. CAW has been maintaining a library of periodicals, books, research reports, newsletters etc. for use by NGOs, researchers, students, academics and interested individuals.

With the advent of the electronic mail, CAW has also been actively using the e-mail to advocate women workers?issues. CAW has also developed a website and currently is in the process of upgrading the website and making it more accessible to people. A plan is also underway to develop an electronic database on women workers.

VII. Achievements
The achievements of CAW are also or mainly the achievements of its network groups and of the women workers the NGs work with. Some of these achievements we have attempted to relate in the words of Network Groups themselves as far as possible. We have not included all the comments of all the Network Groups; only a few representative ones from each sub-region and about different types of programs taken up by CAW.

According to the Kansai Women뭩 Union, Japan:
The members from KWU found the process of production of the video supported by CAW very educational. By interviewing the women workers, writing the script of the video and editing the video, they could understand more on the situation of the part time workers. Moreover the members expressed that the project helped them to develop new skills.

The video had been shown in many "lay-off ceremonies"  as an illustration of the policy of the "temporary public workers".   The video was well received by the "temporary public workers", the trade unions and the community in Kansai area as well.  The KWU is exploring the possibility of showing the video on the community TV station.?br />
According to Women뭩 Centre, Sri Lanka:
`The general health condition of the workers who participated in the program to assist the empowerment of women workers through building collectivity among women in FTZs showed signs of improvement. Besides the workers also set up an informal network. They can discuss their problems in the network.  It helped to strengthen the organizing base in the area.?br />
Women뭩 Link from South Korea:
`A module for lecturing on education and counseling on the issue of sexual harassment at work place was produced. It served a very important role in raising consciousness and guiding the women workers to challenge harassers at the workplace. The project also provided the national network an opportunity to exchange information and share their experiences to confront cases of sexual harassment. It also brought the strong solidarity between local and central women뭩 groups together to tackle the problem especially in dealing with cases of a serious nature.?nbsp; 

SEWA from India:
`CAW ad hoc support was utilized for providing the women workers who were affected by the earthquake to rebuild their survival tools, as many of them were home-based workers. Some of the support was also utilized to teach women new skills. SEWA also tried to re-establish markets for the traditional handicrafts of the women. This included both national and international markets. In some places, basic infrastructure had to be built in order for women to start their livelihood activities. In some cases, the houses of the women workers had to be either re-built or mended. Some women had to buy livestock and equipment. The ad-hoc support of CAW was utilized for some of these purposes.?br />
Yasanti and Humanika from Indonesia:
The leadership training for women workers was helpful in the following ways:
`1. Understanding about the root of the problems faced by women workers.
2. Publication of useful training manuals.
3. Increased confidence among activists
4. A detailed follow up plan was worked out that included advocacy and lobbying, leadership programs etc.?br />
About the South East Asia program:
`The workshop on Alternative Strategies was helpful in pointing new dimensions for discussions among the participants and their organizations on the issue of organizing. Many of the participants were unfamiliar with the actual struggles that had been waged of issues like equal pay for equal work. They were also not very conversant with strategies like organizing the unemployed workers.?br />
About the Regional program:
The Regional program was a workshop on women workers in informal employment. According to the evaluation forms from the participants, many groups had participated in the regional conference for the first time. They reflected that it was a good experience to learn the situation of the women workers in other countries. It helped them to formulate the strategies on organizing and lobbying for policy change in their own context. Moreover for many of them, this was the first conference that focused on discussions on the issue of informal economy in Asia. It helped the groups to link up the issue of informal economy workers on the national, regional and international level to issues of globalization and socio-economic and political processes. Besides, the participants found that the presentations from SEWA and ILO were very useful in terms of organizational development, advocacy and lobbying. Most of the participants also found the information pack prepared by CAW to be very useful.?br />
This year CAW was also able to organize a workshop on Sexual Harassment at the workplace together with a women뭩 network in the Mekong region, an area relatively new not just for CAW, but also for women뭩 organizing and for NGO work in general.  

VIII. Challenges
There are several challenges that the present situation has posed for all of us. They emanate out of the changes in the situation of women workers and in the balance of power that this has meant. Some of the challenges relate to the difficulties in doing what we were doing already. For example, organizing women workers has become more challenging now with the site of women뭩 work itself having changed. This has several implications and new ways of organizing are being explored. This means both redefining strategies as well as attempts at evolving new analytical tools to grapple with some of these challenges.

Besides, there have been changes in the global situation and in the situation of many countries, e.g., the Indo-China region as well as China and Central Asia. These were regions CAW had not ventured into at all and there are more and more women뭩 organizations that are wanting to relate to CAW.    

Here we have attempted to consolidate the experience of the past and plan for the future. We at the Secretariat have tried to summarize valuable opinions from all the discussions and cull out the possible paths ahead as well as the tasks and challenges this path is likely to throw up. This is in no way an exhaustive list; however, it provides us with a certain focus that would help us in our work of planning for the future.  

Strengthen grassroots organizing
The declaration from the Manila conference in 1977 clearly stated important concerns regarding the well being of women workers in the Asian region. Since then, CAW has been working with this mandate for the past 25 years. Our efforts to facilitate women workers' organizing and empowerment of women workers for leadership have certainly remained the main focus of our work and would do so in the future as well.

Learning from women workers
Even more important purpose and role of CAW have been and will be to learn from women workers, their situation, their lives and their strategies. Capitalism and patriarchy have several common features all over the world. However, the way these systems operate in the lives of women is different in different societies, depending on a whole range of factors. And it is in these different circumstances that women workers live and concretize their strategies. These may be coping strategies or changing strategies. Women workers, whether they are organized into recognizable forms of collectives or not, have a great deal to offer each other and others in terms of what lessons they draw from their experiences in working, organizing, struggling and living. We in CAW as well as in different networks have a great deal to learn from women workers.  
Redefining strategies
However throughout the past three decades, there have been phenomenal changes in the world. The situation of women workers has not changed much; however the problems are more complicated now.

Production is no long necessarily carried out in factories or in one standard set-up. Production is much more decentralized. It may be carried out at home, in small sweatshops, it may be divided into tedious assembly line steps. Besides, the employment relationship has been made more and more opaque; in some cases it seems almost invisible. All these mechanisms are aimed at and result in the avoidance of labour protection and labour rights. In this situation, the strategies that organizations and unions deploy are often not effective enough. This is partly because they are not based on informed choices as the organizations at the grassroots level may not be informed enough about the wider level changes taking place.

Education and training as important focal points
It is with this perspective that concerns are expressed that, CAW needs to develop education programs that can help women workers understand the complexity of situation and the problems. It is often tough to explain the situation or the reasons for some things to women workers even when we understand the situation. Even if we explain, we find it hard to convince them to believe that it is true. This means there is need to train trainers as well.

Analysis as a tool
At a more basic level, the changes taking place at the local, sub-regional, regional and global levels are so many and in so many areas with such rapidity and complexity, that often even academicians who spend their entire lives unraveling these phenomenon, find it difficult to decipher the underlying forces and their implications for different sections of people. What we need are new concepts and new tools to understand crucial processes that are affecting us so deeply and irrevocably. Thus theoretical and conceptual work needs to go alongside work at the grassroots level and both need to inform and consult with each other.

Concretizing new strategies
It has been expressed very often that we need to continue to find new strategies to respond to new situations and to the more complicated phenomena of development in this new age. Women are all the time being marginalized. It is important to highlight the strategies taken up by some groups to struggle against this marginalization.

Besides, it is also becoming clearer to everybody on a daily basis that due to informalization of work, the identity of women workers has been challenged in radical ways. So old strategies may not work now. We may have to address the more daily life issues of women as a parent does. CAW has to find links with communities and address the daily life issues more.

New areas, new systems, new challenges
There is another big challenge from geopolitical point of view. In the past, CAW worked mainly in non-communist countries, as it was difficult to have NGO activities in communist countries. After the mid-eighties, many communist countries in the region started to have an open door policy. Now, countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and China have a very different situation. Women workers in these countries once enjoyed relatively better social protection. However, after following the development model of the capitalist countries, especially of the East Asian countries, the women workers in these area are experiencing drastic changes. Their situation is similar in some senses to the women workers in the industrialized East Asian countries. However, due to their earlier history, there are significant differences as well. These are areas and systems that CAW is not used to working in. The organizing strategies and the alternatives would be different.

Forward-looking perspective
Many activists working with CAW have pointed out that CAW has always been forward-looking in terms of understanding issues in the global setup. Often the analysis has been too simplified. The situation is much more complex. The general analysis has often been rather simplified. We have often used similarities between the situations of women workers in different countries to explain the situation in all these countries. This may not be sufficient. CAW needs to encourage and support local groups to bring out these aspects.  There are not only similarities and differences between the conditions of women workers across countries; but even within a country, there are differences based on religion and ethnicity.

Holistic approach
Our understanding of women workers?issues needs to have a more holistic approach. We can no longer only collect information on the political, economic and social situation of different countries. We also have to equip ourselves with other analytical tools and provide a good analysis to formulate strategies on the global setup as well as the local specificities.  

Struggle against persistent patriarchy
Besides the struggle for livelihood and survival, there are continuous struggles against structures, instritutions and practices that downplay women뭩 issues in workers?issues and struggles. As mentioned  in the interviews with the women who have been involved in the work of CAW for a long time, it is important to see women workers "as women and as workers". This has always been a special point of concern for CAW ?how to balance between women뭩 issues and worker뭩 issues.  CAW had contributed this analysis from different aspects, such as, the misuse of sexuality by capitalism, unequal gender relationships in the family, gender discrimination in the labour market, in trade unions and in the society at large. This is also true in the more recent struggles against the impact of globalization. Women workers are once again becoming targets to be marginalized in the process of globalization. In these new circumstances, there is a need to sharpen our analytical tools in this arena as well.

Advocacy and lobbying
The issue of women workers?rights has been persistently pursued by CAW and sister organizations in different forums, at national as well as broader levels. We also need to sharpen our skills and networks on advocacy and lobbying.  

Lobbying and training
One area of concern for CAW has been the need to provide exchange and training opportunities to organizers in different areas. It has often been expressed that CAW has to promote women workers?concern and facilitate exchanges, especially with women workers?organizers who work at the local levels and may not be properly equipped with the understanding of the region. The training that we provide should go beyond the national level as it is time to engage at the international level.

All-round strengthening of local efforts and organizing
It also needs to be recognized that in Asia, in many places there are many women workers?struggles. Some groups are big and some are small. CAW needs to strengthen these groups and push forward the agenda of women workers in all fora. There is a need to strengthen these groups against the processes of informalization. But only strengthening the groups is not enough. CAW also needs to coordinate with her friends and help the groups to access resources. CAW should network with people who lobby for women workers and people who are in a position to make or influence policies. They should be included into CAW뭩 structure as consultants. Such support systems are needed. These people will be more resourceful in using information to do effective work.

Therefore the need for training and understanding international mechanisms, networking with high level lobbying groups, research on the situation of informal sectors, training for grass root organizers on lobbying at the national and international level are new challenges for us all.  
Broader alliances  
The situation and movement of women workers is closely related to other progressive movements, like the women뭩 movement, the workers?movement, the union movement, the human rights movement etc. All these movements are undergoing serious changes. These changes themselves bring forth a very new spectrum of challenges and opportunities.

The relationship between for example the labour movement and the concerns for women workers?issues has not always been a non-contradictory one. The issue of overt and covert discrimination against women workers has not always been important for the trade union movement. At this juncture, the trade union movement is losing ground and losing membership. On the other hand, women workers are coming into the labour market in large numbers and proportions. How new alliances as well as old alliances on a new footing will be forged in the coming period has to be negotiated in practice as well. This will be an important moment for the network groups and other groups CAW is working with. A moment that is full of new challenges and seamless opportunities.  

Posted by KWWA
Asian Civil Society Forum 2002
kwwa  2002-12-18 17:59:43, 조회 : 502

Asian Civil Society Forum 2002
UNCC, Bangkok / December 9 to 13, 2002

UN/NGO Partnerships for Democratic Governance:
Building Capacities and Networks for
Human Rights and Sustainable Development

Final Statement

(Final version adopted on Dec. 13, 2002)


1.        We, more than 500 participants of Asian Civil Society Forum (ACSF) 2002, representing over 200 local, national, regional and international NGOs from more than 33 countries of the Asian region and the rest of the world gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, from 9 to13 December 2002, to participate in the Asian Civil Society Forum (ACSF) 2002 on the theme, 밬N/NGO Partnerships for Democratic Governance: Building Capacities and Networks for Human Rights and Sustainable Development?  The Forum was convened by the Conference of NGOs in consultative relationship with United Nations (CONGO) under its Working Group on Outreach to Asia (WGOA) and was held at the United Nations Conference Centre of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

2.        In convening the Forum, the CONGO was implementing its mandate to increase the participation of NGOs and other organizations in developing countries whose contributions are essential to realizing our vision of a truly inclusive global community. The ACSF 2002, envisaged as a multi-dimensional, multi-sectoral and multi-faceted process and event, was organized to contribute to developing a conceptual and practical framework for civil society actors in formulating and advancing their advocacy strategies at national, regional and global levels.

3.        We come from countries with diverse cultures and religions, different levels of social and economic development, political systems and environmental conditions.  Some of our countries suffer from internal conflicts and external threats, while others have enjoyed relative peace and stability for a long time. Some of our countries suffered from the 1997-98 financial crisis, while others were able to protect themselves against the ravages of global finance. Some of our countries are classified by the United Nations as 뱇east developed countries? while others are more economically advanced. Yet, despite all these differences (and the tensions that sometimes exist between our governments), through the ACSF, we had the opportunity to share our common concerns and aspirations, and how we can forge partnerships and build solidarity across the region to promote the goals of peace, human rights, justice, truth and reconciliation, equity, sustainable development and environmental protection.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

4.        We affirm the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), based on the commitments made by the largest gathering of heads of State at the Millennium Assembly in December 2000.  We have examined implementation of MDGs from the perspective of a rights-based approach with the principle of sustainability and aim to promote them in a consistent, coherent and intentional manner.  At a time when global decision-making in economic and social affairs has become much less democratic, and transparent, while the resources and influence of the UN have eroded and the power and mandate of the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO have expanded, a rights-based approach with the principle of sustainability would help ensure the needed stability and symmetry necessary for democratic governance.

5.        As we learned how to make more effective use of our UN consultative relationship, we also reflected critically on how UN-NGO partnerships can promote implementation of the MDGs. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in his message to ASCF 2002, stated: 밒n Asia, the region with the largest portion of the world뭩 population, your efforts to strengthen civil society뾞nd to build links among Asian civil society organizations뾥old considerable promise not only for making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, but also for strengthening your voice in international fora, including the United Nations.?

Global Democratic Governance and Civil Society

6.        We looked into the outcomes and the commitments made at all the major UN World Conferences and Summits of the past decade, especially the more recent ones such as the World Conference Against Racism (Durban, August 31 to September 8, 2001), the International Conference on Financing for Development (Monterrey, Mexico, March 18 to 22, 2002) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg, August 26 to  September 4, 2002), as well as the forthcoming World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  In achieving the goals set by these conferences, the work and contribution of civil society organizations and NGOs are vital.  These include reviewing current practices, prioritising policy reforms, identifying means of policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

7.        We, in recognizing that a gender perspective has not fully been mainstreamed into all these events and their subsequent follow-up, commit ourselves to work towards the development of a coherent policy of gender mainstreaming that is inter-generational into all our advocacy policies and strategies.

8.        We affirm the challenges coming from youth who are agents of social and political transformation, and strongly encourage and support their participation at all levels.  

9.        We recognize the importance of improving education, both formal and non-formal, for human rights, tolerance, non-violence and sustainable development and in injecting ethical values and the spiritual dimension of building sustainable communities.

UN Reform and Civil Society

10.        Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on 밪trengthening of the UN: An Agenda for Further Change? within the context of 밷uilding partnerships? we appreciate the strong recognition of the role of civil society and non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the goals of the UN.  However, we are also aware that there are efforts by some member States to arbitrarily curtail the voice of civil society and this should be vehemently opposed.  Serious concerns have also been expressed at ACSF 2002 regarding possible efforts at rationalizing UN information centres, and further clarification and dialogue was called for regarding new initiatives to reform human rights treaties?reporting frameworks.

11.        The holding of regional civil society forums, such as ACSF 2002, strengthens UN-NGO relations in a manner that brings the UN closer to the levels where real action takes place, and at the same time demonstrates that efforts to reinforce UN-NGO partnerships can be done in multiple and creative ways that effectively complement our work at UN meetings in New York, Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna. This kind of initiative also provides one avenue to address the perennial concerns about inadequate participation of NGOs from developing countries.

12.        We appreciate the message of the UN Secretary General to ACSF 2002, that 밫he UN looks forward to strengthening this relationship ?from the front lines of conflict or national disaster; to places far from the spotlight where community and institutional development occur without much fanfare; to the conference halls where your ideas and passion enrich the official proceedings.?br />

Main Findings and Concerns

13.        After a week of intense discussions, debate and sharing of experiences, we have agreed to develop a framework for our advocacy strategies to pursue democratic governance at national, regional and global levels, bearing in mind that many Asian NGOs, particularly human rights organizations and human rights defenders operate under duress, especially in the context of anti-terrorism and internal security laws. This framework is firmly rooted in an integral approach to human rights and sustainable development which helped us to deal with the wide spectrum of issues that concern us all.

14.        On all these issues, we know that our analyses, programmes and policy recommendations must be systematically evaluated from the prism of a human rights and the intersectionality of perspectives that include, among several, race, gender, class, ethnicity, caste, age, disability and citizenship.

15.        It is our belief that by empowering women and the protection of their rights, we are also fostering the rights of children, especially the girl child, who remains most vulnerable as well as improving the well-being of whole communities and nations.

16.        The partnerships, alliances and coalitions we are developing are intended, among others, to foster effective mechanisms and means to hold our governments and international institutions accountable to the commitments they have made at global UN conferences, in addition to the host of legally-binding economic, social, cultural, civil and political human rights and environmental treaties and conventions they have signed and ratified .

17.        We are fully aware that UN commitments and obligations may remain unfulfilled if we do not join forces to combine a strategic use of our UN consultative relationship with undertaking national and region-wide campaigns and advocacy programmes to hold our governments accountable. In his message to ACSF 2002, the Secretary General urged us to hold our governments to the pledges they have made, particularly 뱖here commitment seems to flag?  Indeed, one of our key objectives is to share our capacities to analyse the patterns of our national budget allocations in relation to what resources will be needed for our governments to meet the MDGs and other UN commitments such as Agenda 21. The duty of progressive realization of our peoples?human rights legally compels our governments to demonstrate meaningful steps in the right direction.

18.        When our governments fail to comply with the elementary duty to give us the political space and access to the information we need to carry out these tasks, we will call them to account for the violations of these rights and, in this regard, we expect the UN leadership to show uncompromising political and institutional support on our behalf.

19.        We know that much can be achieved through resource redistribution and changes in power relations at the national level. But it would be illusory to expect real progress without a major breakthrough on the 8th MDG, which focuses on international cooperation and where primary responsibility falls on developed countries.  On this front, despite civil society campaigns around the world뾣rom the global Jubilee movement to free the people of the poorest countries from the shackles of debt, to the struggle for just and equitable trade relations뾵e have seen little but minimal progress on these issues and a near absence of effective efforts by the leaders of the world뭩 economic powers. In this respect, we are convinced that we have to build stronger global coalitions among civil society organizations in developed countries if we are to make any meaningful reforms in the structures of global trade and finance.  Despite an evident crisis of legitimacy, the governments of developed countries continue serving vested and global corporate interests through the WTO, international financial institutions (IFIs), and in many instances, through their bilateral financial and trade relations with our countries .

20.        We must capitalize on the overtures made under the 8th MDG, i.e., moving from mere lip service to a major overhaul in the international cooperation paradigm. Genuine international cooperation, free from abuses of power and vested interests, is not a matter of charity but a legal obligation under the UN Charter and numerous human rights treaties.

21.        We will deploy all our efforts to ensuring that the negotiations and agreements our governments commit to in international economic institutions and arrangements are in conformity with international human rights and environmental obligations and reflect commitments made at UN world conferences.  At the same time, we acknowledge that our governments, especially those of us who come from developing countries are under tremendous pressure from the more powerful countries and international trade/finance institutions that, instead of upholding peoples?human rights, do everything within their means to consolidate corporate power and reinforce the neoliberal ideology that underpin current institutions of global economic governance.

22.         Through networks of cooperation with other civil society groups and allies in industrial countries, we will seek to raise public opinion and undertake joint campaigns and plans of action on the deleterious effects of their governments?foreign policies on the world뭩 peoples뾵hether these are linked to foreign debt, migration, trade or military/security policies. Special efforts should be made, in particular, to raise awareness and dialogue with the people of the United States, as citizens of the only superpower in the world.

23.        We echo the words of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Sergio Vieira de Mello, who said in his message to ACSF that 뱓he work of the UN [and of governments] is not possible without NGOs contributing to our shared goal of human rights for all.?We believe that it is possible to forge genuine partnerships with governments and with the UN system. Together we can make things happen, like we already have at the global level: through the campaign to ban landmines, or in the creation of the International Criminal Court. However, we recognize that it is also necessary to maintain a critical dialogue in the process. 밒n Asia, the most diverse and dynamic region of the world, it is critical for civil society to assert its role as an independent and effective?nbsp; voice of the people. In such a process, we are empowering both our governments and the UN to do their jobs effectively and in a manner that is transparent and equitable, and we call on them to respect and support the space that is necessary in the fulfilment of our role as countervailing forces for the public interest.

General Guidelines for Action  

Special call from the Youth Workshop

We call upon all the governments, inter-governmental organizations and civil society to acknowledge the necessity of youth participation and interventions in decision-making processes that affect the life of youth at local, national, regional and global levels.

To All Governments in Asia

Democratic Global Governance begins at home

We urge all governments in Asia to:

1.        ratify the core human rights treaties, optional protocols, and other relevant conventions, and multilateral environmental agreements, and especially, the UN convention on migrant workers and the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court, and the Kyoto Protocol, without any reservation, where they have not done so, as soon as possible;
2.        support draft treaties such as the draft Convention on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, or the draft Declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples as adopted by the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights;
3.        promote cooperation within the region in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other major commitments made at all UN world conferences;
4.        ensure that their line ministries and decision-making bodies, in particular those dealing with trade, finance, justice and security, act in coherence with UN human rights, health, labour and environmental standards and obligations;
5.        reverse the current growing militarization of our region and, in the process, ensure the full protection of human rights and the environment in and around military bases and sites related to military activities;
6.        repeal national security and anti-terror laws and policies that undermine human rights in the region;
7.        respect and be more open to partnerships with NGOs in pursuing the ideals of democratic governance based on the principles of human rights, human security, sustainable development and gender equality;
8.        make more efforts to integrate a gender perspective at all levels from policy formulation, budgeting, implementation to monitoring and evaluation;
9.        collaborate actively in promoting the development of legally-binding corporate accountability agreements based on international human rights and environmental standards with the appropriate monitoring mechanisms for transnational corporations;
10.        integrate into school curricula the nurturing of values related to human rights, peace and human security, sustainable development and gender justice.

To the United Nations and its Member States

Global democratic governance is essential in ensuring full implementation of MDGs

We request the UN and its member States to:

1.        continue to ensure that the UN remains a global and democratic institution that upholds the principle of multilateralism, democracy and the international rule of law;
2.        strengthen the relevance and effectiveness of the UN Commission on Human Rights and special procedure mechanisms, and of the UN human rights treaty bodies;
3.        provide the space and opportunities to strengthen and expand NGO participation rights within the UN system;
4.        increase resources to improve its relations with NGOs and its capacity to reach out to the regional, national and local levels, by strengthening the NGO section of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and its newly created UN Informal NGO Regional Networks (IRENE), the NGO Section of the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), and the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), as well as encourage the creation and/or strengthening of the NGO liaison units of specialized UN agencies, programmes and funds;
5.        open up NGO participation at the General Assembly and in the Security Council;
6.        substantially increase resources for UN bodies working on human rights and sustainable development activities, especially those under severe financial stress, such as the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);
7.        seriously address and counter those policies and practices of the IMF, the World Bank and WTO rules that contravene fundamental human rights, including the right to development, and UN social, environmental and sustainable development objectives;
8.        collaborate actively in promoting the development of legally-binding corporate accountability agreements based on international human rights and environmental standards with the appropriate monitoring mechanisms for transnational corporations;
9.        make the preparatory process of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) more open to civil society, particularly NGOs at the grassroots level.

We request the ESCAP and UN bodies?regional offices in Asia to:

10.        provide more resources, political space and access for grassroots organisations and all  NGOs, particularly those working in the fields of human rights, sustainable development and women뭩 empowerment, to participate in their meetings and programmes;
11.        integrate a holistic and values-based approach in the planning and implementation of their policies and programmes in accordance with the principles of human rights, human security, sustainable development and gender equality;
12.        take the necessary steps towards the creation of a regional mechanism for human rights.

To Civil Society Actors in Asia

Democratic participation is a prerequisite for genuine global governance.

We invite all civil society actors in Asia to:

1.        make more efforts in developing genuine partnerships with the UN and governments in implementing the MDGs, based on mutual respect and trust and with a common commitment to upholding human rights;
2.        be more active in making use of UN instruments and mechanisms in  advocating the cause of human rights, human security, sustainable development and gender equality and, towards this end, undertake training and capacity building programmes to enhance our advocacy skills;
3.        be more active in building coalitions and alliances across sectors towards democratic global governance in solidarity with the people, particularly the  most marginalized and vulnerable groups and sectors;
4.        be more vigilant about our own values, practices and behaviours, and our independence from governments and the corporate sector, in order to ensure transparency and accountability of our organizations to our people whom we serve.

We commit ourselves to undertake the tasks we have set before us at this Forum. We believe it has provided a space for building networks and capacities for upholding human rights and working for sustainable development, peace, justice and human security with a commitment to gender justice and equality. We are convinced that the organization of this Forum is one step to the realization of the vision of creating a Global Civil Society Forum, as agreed at the NGO Millennium Forum which took place at UN Headquarters in New York in May 2000.  

Bangkok, 13 December 2002

[Adopted by acclamation at the final plenary session of ACSF2002,
further to amendments proposed by the floor]

The full text of this statement and other related documents of ACSF 2002
are available at the website of CONGO.

Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO)
Working Group on Outreach to Asia (WGOA)

Palais des Nations, Room E2-B, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 917-1881 / Fax: (41-22) 917-0373
E-mails: acsf2002@ngocongo.org
Websites: www.acsf.net / www.ngocongo.org

Posted by KWWA
The Situation of Women Workers in Korea
kwwa  2002-11-20 19:04:43, 조회 : 450

OCT 1999 Program in Japan

The Situation of Women Workers in Korea

Since the strict conditions of the International  Monetary Fund’s economic bailout package went into effect  last December 1997, approximately two to three million workers in S. Korea have lost their jobs. This figure represents a drastic six-fold increase in less than eight months.  For a nation with no exising social welfare system and with a domestic economy that relies heavily on foreign investment, drasticalling rising unemployment translates into extreme financial insecurity, intensified social problems and tremendous emotional dislocation across the entire nation.  For the most vulnerable sectors of the population such as women workers, particularly single mothers and women who operate as the head of their of  households, the situation is especially grave.

Women workers are disproportionately affected by economic restructuring strategies and privatization policies.  Due to severe discrimination along gender, age and marital status lines, women over forty years old, mothers, and pregnant women are dismissed immediately.  These groups of women have almost no future possibilities for wage labor employment and subsequently, drop out of the wage labor market as discouraged women workers. The only available job opportunities for other groups of women workers represent highly insecure forms of temporary employment. In Korea, 45 % of the employed pupulation are temporary workers.
As many as 65% of women workers work in very small companies which are not protected by the labor Standard Law.  Women workers are the first targets for illegal retrenchment and lay-offs, especially in periods of economic crisis. In addition, regular women workers’ status is reduced to temporary, part-time, daily and dispatched workers. This is largely due to patriarchy in Korea society. Women are viewed as secondary earners to men who are seen as breadwinners.

According to Employment Trends of May 1999, by  the National Statistical Office, the involvement rate of women in Economic activities decreased 0.6% in comparison with the first quarter of 1998, and the female population not involved in economic activities increased by about 220,000(2.2%). As of May 1999, female unemployment has increased to 559,000, which covers 32.8% of the total unemployed  population, and the unemployment rate of women has increased by 5.1% more than the rate of male unemployment.
As of May 1999, two of three employed women are temporary workers.  Only 30.8% of women workers are  regular workers while 61.4% of men are regular workers.

And only 5% of women workers belong to the union. The total rate of organized workers is 47% while that for women is only 36%.  Compared to  in April 1997, the decrease of union members as a whole is 32%, but the decrease of women union members is 47%.  The rate of union involvement by temporary female workers is 23.8%.  There are companies in which all female workers are temporary, and companies with more than 50% of temporary female workers are commonplace.  In large enterprises, the problem is more serious.  

Women  workers Employment  situation                   (Unit: persons)
Total employees        25,940        100%
Female workers         1,564          6%
Total union members        12,200         47%
Women Union members          563          2%
Temporary workers        1,341          5%
Women Temporary workers          319          1%
(This table is the summarize of a research conducted by KWWAU, illustrates the unstable situation of women workers)

Employment of Irregular Women Workers

In September 1998, the economically active population was 21,622 in Korea .  This  represented 61.2% of the population of 35,338 above the age of 15. Compared to 62.5% in 1997, this shows a 1.0% decline. Male participation in the labor market decreased slightly in 1998.  
According to below table, the number of wage workers of 12,101,000 dropped by 1,127,000 in September 1998, compared to 13,228,000 in 1997.  The number of wage workers  decreased amongst the economically active population, but the number of unpaid family workers amongst non-waged workers increased. Additionally, regular workers decreased markedly amongst wage workers in the current economic turmoil, but the number of irregular workers such as temporary and day workers increased.
Table wage workers by forms of employment (unit; thousand, %)
            1995             1996             1997           Sep. 1998
Wage workers         12,736 (100.0)         13,043 (100.0)         13,228 (100.0)         12,101 (100.0 )
Regular                  7,387 (58.0)          7,377 (56.6 )          7,133 ( 53,9)          6,247 (51.6 )
Temporary          3,548 (27.8 )          3,869 (29.7)          4,204 ( 31.8)          3,931 (32.5)
Day          1,801 (14.2)          1,797 (13.7)          1,890 (14.3)          1,923 (15.9)

Although the total population of male wage workers declined  in September 1998, the figure of 63.4% for regular male workers remained unchanged in comparison to  1997. However, in the case of women, regular workers  composed only 32.9%, temporary workers and day workers 46.6% and 20.5% respectively.  This implies that about 67.1% of wage female workers are irregular, whose employment is vulnerable.

Under the current economic crisis, many companies have discriminated against women and forced regular female workers to become irregular workers under the pretense of necessary restructuring.  In particular, married women have been illegally targeted for irregular employment; this has rendered women more marginalized and vulnerable .  In the process of restructuring, a variety of unfair labor practices have appeared with the transfer of female regular workers into irregular ones: regular workers are daid-off or vuluntary retied and then re-employed with temporary contracts. Women are also targets of this practice.  Regular women workers are dismissed and/or victims of the closure of their women-concentrated departments  and then re-employed through temporary employment agencies.  In addition, companies usually terminate female workers who attempt to resist these unfair labor practices. Since companies target female workers first and concentrate  on women for unfair  labor practices, the irregular employment of women workers has rapidly increased.
(Research conducted by the Ministry of Labor shows that about 80% of part-time workers are women.  Women among the total number of part-timers constituted 77% in 1993, 78.7% in 1994, and 78.3% in 1995)
Workers  who keep their jobs, they  have difficulties  from  the long working hours and  labor intensification, after revising labor laws. The law allowing workers to work for 44 hours a week( principle 44 hours a week) and 56 a month without  paying overtime payment.( about 12 hours a month  the workers can work without OT payment). And after pass a law on Dispatch work( about 21 work categories) many workers employed under  the dispatch work.

Voluntary retirement, prior dismissal of temporary workers
In the current economic crisis women workers have become marginalized in the labor market. In 1998, male workers accounted for 64.5% of regular workers, but women workers constituted 34.%.  The rate of temporary women workers increase from62.2% in 1997 to 66.1% in 1998.  This shows that women workers are forced and or voluntary retire from their jobs and they re-enter the labor market as temporary workers after the marriage, pregnancy and child-caring.  This also means that women are forced to work as temporary workers under the excuse of the current economic crisis.
With the structure ajustment  program , specially in financial companies the first workers dismissed were women. H Insurance Company launched a voluntary retirement scheme in April 1998 targeting those who had worked longer than seven years. 75% of the workers who volunteered to retire were women, and four out of then were married women. The key reason for this is that the company tried to encourage female workers to retire.  In the process , the branch manger encouraged female workers to retire and tried to create a difficult atmosphere for them.

Unfair dismissal, and pressure to transfer to a temporary working position
AT the first quarter of this year of KWWAU  Equal Rights Counseling Center , the proportion of callers anxious about  employment instability increased to 85.3% among the counseling cases.  Women are still targeted primarily for dismissal in a sexually discriminative manner, especially when they work at the same place as their husband.  In  public enterprises, the notification of dismissal  is given without following proper procedure or giving adequate explanation. In small companies, the workers are dismissed for unreasonable causes.  The cases related to workers’ maternity have increased: pressure to resign on pregnancy, non-payment of wages during maternity leave attempts made by employees to induce resignation after maternity leave, etc. Some companies begin to pressurize the pregnant worker immediately upon her notification of pregnancy.  Through the counseling service, we can confirm the disadvantageous situation facing women workers.  Under the banner of the IMF Economic crisis, women are discouraged from taking monthly menstrual leave or maternity leave.  
In public enterprises, large enterprises, small and medium enter-prises, and other private companies, the women workers are transferred to temporary working positions.  Even in public enter prises, female
Technicians are  transferred to temporary positions, or are forced to resign so the companies can recruit new workers on a temporary contract.  The circumstances surrounding unpaid wages very greatly.  In small companies, there are many cases of wages unpaid without any explanation.

The situation of Unemployed Women
According to our Action Center for Unemployed Women,  total number of cases , women come to 1,649. 64.9% of callers were over 35 years old, 75.3% were high school graduates, and 81.9% were married women.  It shows that those with a background of low education, the middle-aged, and married women still face the greatest difficulties in getting jobs.  40.3% of single women were fired recently and 33.5% of these women have not worked for some time.  In the case of married women, 46.5% are trying to find work and 28.8% of them have recently been sacked.  68.4% of the them have registered as job seekers.  
According to the principle of the public labor arrangement, priority should be given to female family heads.  The actual state of affairs does not allow women who are financially responsible for their family to have a greater chance of getting work.  The public labor arrangement limits the age of beneficiaries.  Those older than 60  years old have no chance of getting a job. Many of them have to pay monthly rent and the subsidy for living costs is much less than they need.  The vocational training courses are too short to enable them to get the necessary qualifications to get jobs.   In fact many of them could not get a job even after attending vocational training courses.

Resisting to the problems

But Under the worsening situation of  employment, women workers have constantly struggled, sometimes in a group and sometimes alone.  Our campaigns were concluded with jobs being restored.  The women researcher in the tourism center brought a civil suit against their sexually discriminative dismissal.  The eight brave women in the Masan Free Trade Zone won their jobs back through five months of struggle.  The women workers of Dae Woo Construction won in court against sexually discriminative dismissal.  The caddies of Golf Club also struggled against the announcement of dismissal given to the caddies over 40 years old, and they all returned to work.  The married women who resigned upon their weddings due to having signed an oath to retire upon marriage, brought a civil suit through the central labor committee case handling, and they won in court.  Institute discontinued its policy of prior dismissal of women workers owing to the head quarters of workers unions.  These cases have been greatly encouraging for women workers.  In addition, some companies have transferred temporary workers to regular contracts or have encouraged their temporary workers to join their workers union.
women workers are heads of their families, they face extremely difficult situations. Many women workers in unorganized small companies are being laid-off and they have not received their backwages, since many of these women workers are heads of families, they face extremely difficult situations. Therefore, Action center for women’s Unemployment were established in june last year. In order to publicize the seriousness in women’s unemployment and to encourage the government to make pro-active policies for women workers. These Action Center for women’s unemployment provide practical assistance to women workers, through a variety of programmes such as job counseling information provision, training, surveying activities and medical assistance.  Organizing rallies in every month in front of the headquarter of the ruling party and National Assembly  for women workers’ job security and demanding the government to establish women’s unemployment prevention etc.

Posted by KWWA
Key effects issues and responses related to the global economyd to
kwwa  2002-11-20 19:03:14, 조회 : 377

1999 Maria Rhie Chol Soon


The global economy and the new world order are dominated by the developed countries and the Multi-national Companies(MNCs). In many countries their living standards of the poor have worsened. When we speak of the poorest out of the poor, we are almost always speaking about women. Poor men in the developing world have even poorer wives. And the current economy crisis and structural adjustment policies have placed heaviest burden on poor women who earn less than men.

APEC's Globalization Agenda

One of the most important developments in the history of APEC happened  at the 1999 meeting. The ministers issued the Seoul Declaration of APEC ministers which gave APEC its first real focus since it was founded in 1989. The 1993 meeting in Seattle, USA gave birth to the Blake Island Free Market vision firming up the groups' free market agenda and strengthening the United States' leading influence in APEC.
The landmark Declaration of Common Resolve which was issued by the 1994 Bogor summit states that APEC wants to encourage closer regional cooperation among its members by reducing trade barriers, promoting investments and achieving borderless trade within the Asia-Pacific region. It commits APEC's full and active support to the World Trade organization/General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (WTO/GATT). In fact, APEC liberalization is described as going beyond GATT.

Most importantly, the Bogor Decaration gave birth to the 2020 plan. According to this plan, the APEC members commit to complete the achievement of free and open trade and investment no later than 2010 for industrialized countries, 2015 for newly industrializing countries and 2020 for developing countries. Following this, several working groups bodies and committees emerged to look after the liberalization of various sectors e. g. human resources, energy, transportation and communication, etc.
This is true in both senses: APEC is dead serious about its globalization agenda, and APEC works for the interest of the business sector, not the people. APEC wants to remove trade barriers and obstacles for unhampered business operation. Whereas citizens' groups have no place in the innumerable processes under APEC, the Business Community had the Asia-Pacific Business Forum, ABAC(APEC Business Advisory Group) and other bodies which recommends policies and targets for APEC. As US Economic Under-secretary Spero puts it:"APEC is not for government. It is for business. Through APEC, we aim to put government away."

On the other hand, APEC refuses to include labor rights and social issues which will be affected by APEC and globalization. It refuses to ensure that internationally recognized workers' rights and standards are promoted and protected.  Like WTO, APEC claims that labor issues are highly political and wishes to ignore laws and mechanisms protecting workers in order to ensure competitiveness in the global economy. APEC treats workers as inputs in production process, not people with rights.
The commitments and decisions made by government leaders, when sitting in APEC do not require the people's approval - that is . they are not subject to congressional approval, nor to public hearings, plebiscites or referenda. But these commitments have the force of official government decisions.

The key effects, issues, and responses related to the global economy
in the Asia region

In the past two decades, the Asian economy has gone through an economic restructuring process in the light of its incorporation into the world economy.  It is characterized by two ways : First, the movement of capital from newly industrialized countrie (NICs) to developing counties in order to get cheap land, raw materials and workers and to develop fresh consumer markets. The movement which started in the 1980s has formed a new regional division of labor through which newly industrialized countries provide the capital, and control technology and markets, while the developing countries provide land and abundant workers. The Southeast and South Asian countries thus become the destination of the relocation of production from the NICs of East Asia.
Second, the liberalization of national economy and the introduction of export-oriented industrialization in the less developed countries of Southeast and South Asia. Under the pressure of economic crisis in their won countries and the impact of World Bank-IMF policies, the states of these sub-regions have no choice but to open their economies and invite foreign capital to develop export-processing industries.  
This trend signifies the retreat of the various traditional agrarian economies or import-substitution economies to the universalized capitalist economy.  This kind of development does not provide much help to people's lives, and its impact is to make the nation more dependent on the world economy. The Korean case: Korea's image of being a high-tech producer is believed by a few sobering realities; the best selling Hyundai Excel is one of Korea's best known exports, but its body styling is Italian I origin; its engine is designed and manufactured by Mitsubishi and its transmission is both designed and manufactured by Mitsubishi. Most of the technological capitalities as is tues for other Korean electronics firms, in fact come from Japan.   In fact of the matter is that Korea has not been able to graduate from mainly being an assembly site for foreign products, specifically japanese. Nearly 30 years after industrializing, Korea is mow even more dependent on foreign assistance.    

Globalization/APEC is not something for workers to rejoice about. We have heard in this conference how working conditions have gone worse. Economic deregulation directly affects the lives of everyone, particularly workers, women and migrants. Which the unrestricted movement of goods, capital, investment and labor in APEC, the already scant, if not absent, social safety nets and legal protection of workers and other vulnerable groups will be eroded.  

The flood of investments form the West into Asia, especially in th last 30 years, has undeniably been boosted by economic liberalization and globalization. Globalization facilitated the easy access of investors to countries where there is an abundance of human resources and where wages are ow. Investment in the era of globalization is viewed by most Asian governments as the easiest way to cash and capital. Others vies it as the only way to so-called "industrialization". In order to attract investments, countries in Asia and elsewhere in the world are falling over each other to provide financial incentives and special treatment to business people, and to suppress workers' rights to provide "industrial peace" and high productivities.
This fierce competition among governments result in th lowering of national labor standards, the adoption of more restrictive laws, the violation of workers' rights, and the reduction of benefits. In their effort to attract foreign investments, these governments have surrendered their responsibility to protect their won workers. Instead, they have made the workers the sacrificial lambs in the name of development and global competitiveness. These are not really new labor issues.  

Industrial restructuring: Asian governments response

1.  government promotion of export-oriented industrialization within the context of a  
    five-year national plan
2.  privatization public sectors
3.  government creation of Free Trade Zones as an invitation for foreign investment and
   joint ventures
4.  deregulation of industries tat were formerly nationalized
5.  relocation of production by industrialists in East Asia to areas within South and
   South East Asia with an abundant source of cheaper labor
6.  importation of cheap labor
7.  passage of labor laws forbidding strikes and discouraging the formation of trade
   unions in the Free Trade Zones

Impact on women workers

increase of flexible workers

One of the harshest experiences of the globalization of the 1990s  has been imposition of labor flexibility on workers across the globe. Flexibility involves the systematic destruction of workers job and income security, greater restrictions on workers' capacity to exercise their collective bargaining power, and a deterioration in wages and working hours.  Of course the very fact that workers are deprived of the most basic forms of job security and protection against dismissal means that they are in no positions to protest against low wages and excessive working hours.
As has happened in many other countries, women are being gradually pushed into terribly low paid and insecure employment.
In South Asia and southeast Asia, a high percentage of the women workers in industry are employed as casual or contract workers who do not enjoy basic labor rights guaranteed by law. In fact, studies have found that while female wage workers are increasing in India, there is also a tendency on the part of employers to employ women mainly as casual, contract, or temporary workers.

Case: On March 8 Carmelita Alonzo, a swing machine operator at V.T. Fashion Image Inc. died after eleven days in hospital at the Andress Bonifacio Memorial Hospital in Cavite in the Philippines.  According to a statement released by her co-workers ar V.T Fashion, "She was killed by her 14 hours workday everyday plus overtime of eight hours every Sunday." (Philippines News features March 19, 1997) The workers denounced the system of quotas set by the company which forced them to work 12-14 hours per day. Carmelita was a 35 year old mother of five children and died because of the strict regime in V.T. fashion and its sister company All Asia Garment Industries which forced a compulsory 14 hours shift on the workers. V.T. Fashion is a Taiwanese invested garment factory located in the Cavite Export processing Zone in Rosario, in the Philippines. The company started its operations in August, 1992 and produces skirts, jackets, dresses, short pants, vests, and blouses. The factory produces garments for the GAP, Guess, Jones  New York, Eddie Bauer, May co. macy, Liz Clairborne, Ellen Tracy, Head, Benetton, Ruff Hewn, LeQ, Chachi, Ralph Lauren, etc. These garments are exported to USA, Canada, Taiwan, japan, and China.

There are 1,046 workers in the factory, 90 % are women workers aged between 17-30. Workers receive US $5.96 as the daily minimum wage and are subjected to overtime. This wage is not enough to meet the living costs of workers and rising prices. Workers are made t work from 7 a. m. on Saturdays and 6 a. m. to 2 p. m. on Sundays. Rest periods are usually one hour during lunch time and 30 minutes in the afternoon. Less than half of the workers are regular workers. Most are employed on 3 to 4 month apprenticeship contracts or as contractual workers with employment contracts of only 5 months. Others are employed on 6 months of employment and always makes sure that there is a new group of workers ready to replace those whose contracts are expiring. In addition, contractual workers have no sick leave with pay or other benefits. When the management discovers that a worker is pregnant she is immediately fired, even if her contract has not finished. Workers are easily dismissed and there is no union at VT Fashion Image.  This is the case of a garment factory in the Philippines; it is no different from other garment factories working conditions in the rest of the Third World.

Female part-time workers and temporary workers have been increasing in East Asia too. On the one hand, it is a result of the industries, increasing need for a flexible workforce. On the other hand, the limited job opportunities available as a result of industrial restructuring have also forced women workers to accept part-time or temporary jobs.  The failure of the East Asia governments to provide facilities and support to married working women has also forced them to take up part-time jobs and/or temporary jobs which are often much lower paid and insecure.

Unemployment and underemployment

Unemployment and displacement resulting from liberalization and globalization is continuing to undermine the living standards of workers and the people. A particularly negative effect of globalization is the legalization and popularization of the use of subcontract, flexible and other forms of informal labor to maintain global competitiveness. To reduce operating costs, companies maintains a lean and mean workforce that is made up of only a minimal number of regular workers with full benefits and of an army of temporary, contractual workers without job security, social benefits, labor rights or protection.

Job loss is common for both South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan due to company shutdowns or relocations of production. For the women who are the victims of company shutdowns and the privatization of state-owned enterprises, it means mass layoffs and unpaid compensation.

  Underemployment is a greater issue for East Asia where the relocation of plans has greatly reduced the number of jobs available to women. The step-by-step removal of production line has resulted in underemployment for workers. Older women who have remained in the manufacturing sector have to rely on short-terms producers and subcontracting work that is very irregular and results in reduced pay. The reasons why these women stay are due to relatively higher pay in th sector and the possibility of receiving redundancy payments.
However, underemployment is less of an issue except in the shoe industry, where workers work as home based producers of parts on an irregular basis.  There are many cases particularly of older women who ar almost half-unemployed. Women who remain in th factories after production reactions also undergo increase intensification of work which is due to automation of production and the efforts of the company to increase productivity with less workers.
  Hong Kong also demonstrates an increase of casual work in th form of part-time, subcontracting, and temporary work mostly in the service sector. Part-time is seen to be based on gender biases against women as a strategy to deal with an oversupply of labor.  

Women workers suffer for lowered wage, irregular hours, and exclusion from all benefits and welfare payments. Workers dispatched by subcontracting agencies also have little protection of their rights because they are no longer hired by the company where they actually do their work.  

Experience of Korea

Beginning in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Korean investors moved much of their capital from domestic labor-intensive manufacturing sited in the garment and shoe industries to overseas production zones.  The rising value of the Korean won and the increasing wage rate for domestic workers led many Korean companies to seek a cheaper and more exploitable workforce in less industrially developed region.

Local governments in newly industrializing countries such as China, Vietnam, and Indonesia followed the repressive tactics and structural policies of previous export-processing zones(EPZs) in East Asia and Latin America. EPZs offered foreign investors fringe benefits and tax incentives as well as a cheaper, more disciplines workforce. Workers, mainly young women from rural areas, toiled under extremely harsh and inhumane working conditions for very low wages. Both the employers and these newly industrializing states engaged in repressive labor control tactics in order to make workers less expensive to hire, easier to fire and less able to organize independently. South Korean companies, which once provided low-wage, female labor mainly for U.S and japanese multinationals, now took advantage of exploitative working conditions in EPZs abroad to increase profits and exert more repressive labor control.

During the 1980s, while many Korean investors moved their production sites abroad, the Korean government spearhead an industrial restructuring policy which focused on developing heavy-chemical industries. In the process, women workers who were working in light industries were subjected to mass dismissals and more unstable forms of employments.  Due to the increased collective strength of workers and the rise in their consciousness about their terrible working conditions and their low wages during the late 1970s and 1980s, the government and employers adopted a stronger strategy to block workers' demands and destroy workers' attempts to organize.

Worsening conditions of employment for women workers in Korea paralleled the withdrawal of foreign investments in domestic export- production zones, the transfer of domestic capital overseas, and mass dismissals through lock-outs of small to mid-size industries. Because the textile, shoe, garment, and electronics industries were classified as fading industries, the government showed little concern about to the large proportion of women workers who dominate these industries. When foreign-invested companies withdrew their capital, many women workers faced sudden dismissals and many became unemployed.
In Korea,  the labor market is marked by considerable flexibility as shown in recent statistics around 6.3 million workers, almost 50% of th total employed on a temporary and part-time basis among whom 78% are women. Out of these women, 80% are married (by end of 1998), flexible enough now in Korea already but the foreign investors forced more and more flexible labor market in Korea.

Women's unemployment

In recent years, plants closures in Korea have been used by management to prevent workers from organizing and also as a way to gain access to cheap labor. COmpanis may move their plants to rural areas in the same country or simply move out of the country altogether. Job loss is common in Korea due to company shutdowns or relocations of production. for those women experiencing company shutdowns, the impacts are mass layoffs and unpaid compensation.  

Since 1986 the structural adjustment programs which the government has undertaken, (especially since the late 1980s when Korean labor conflicts were at their height)have become increasingly serious. Declining industries (textile, clothing, shoes) are relocated abroad, while growing industries (steel, petrochemical, electricity, electronic, automobiles, shipbuilding and machinery) are given many incentives to develope. As women workers have always been concentrated in labor incentive jobs, jobs lost under industrial restructuring process are usually women's jobs.  Unemployment occurs mostly in light industries where women workers are concentrated in the form of lay offs and dismissals. The major causes of these layoffs and dismissals are the withdrawal of foreign capital from ventures and their transfer abroad to other countries, the temporary suspension or permanent closures of small to medium sized firms and the systemization of sub-contracting. In Pusan where the shoe industry sat for five years from 1990 to 1994, 217 companies  declared bankruptcy and 768 firms closed. The number of workers in the show industry which had been 164,000 at the beginning of 1988 decreased to 31,395 in 1993. In the case of the Kuro export-processing complex in Seoul, there was a reduction of personnel from 74,466 in 1987 to 43,357 in 1995 ( in the case of Seoul Export Complex 21.1 % of the employees were dismissed form 1987 to 1990). and in the Masan Free Export Zone, 47 % of the employees were dismissed from 1987 to 1992. The workers show were dismissed received neither training to obtain other employment nor any other support to guarantee their livelihood. The women workers who were unemployed were pushed into lower-level service industries or worked as housekeepers.

Since the strict conditions of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) economic bailout packages went into effect last December 1997, official government statistics report 솜 over 1.5 million Koreans have lost their jobs. However, when you count the number of "discouraged 'workers who have stopped looking for unemployment and the number of workers who have worked less than 14 hours a week, this figure amounts to almost 4 million workers. When compared to the pre-crisis figure of 300,000, the tremendous scale and scope of the current employment crisis is blatantly clear. Women workers, in particular, are adversely affected by the tremendous rise in unemployment. They are the first to be dismissed and the first to be subjected to more hazardous and insecure forms of employment such as work int he information sector and temporary employment.
In addition to the daily fear of losing one's job, workers also face worsening job conditions. Tremendous job uncertainty and instability, low wages, hazardous working conditions and intense sexual discrimination characterize an increasing proportion of the jobs available to workers.  When companies also force workers to change their employment contracts from permanent to temporary status, often through sexual violence and/or threat of job loss. Only seven percents of the female labor force os organized, which leaves the vast majority of women workers without any institutional forms of protection from the intensification of employer abuses and the degradation of working conditions.

Although high unemployment rates also plague many advanced industrializing countries such as those of the European Union for a nation with no existing social welfare system and with a domestic economy that relies heavily on foreign investment, Korea's drastically rising unemployment translates into extreme financial insecurity, intensified social problems and tremendous emotional dislocation. For the most vulnerable sectors of the population such as women workers, particularly single mothers and women who operate as the head of their households, the situation is especially grave. Increasing unemployment has serious social, psychological as well as economic consequences.
The absence of an institutionalized social safety net and the rigid qualifications for unemployment insurance leave many women workers without any means of supporting themselves or their families. 65% if unemployed women are not eligible for unemployment insurance in South Korea since they work in firms with less than five employees. Many employers with less than 10 employees also do not register their employees for unemployment insurance either. These facts are particularly significant, given that 20 percents of women workers who have no access to unemployment insurance operate as the head of their households.

Dismissed women workers are often isolated from other workers experiencing the same trauma because they work in small-scale enterprises. Feelings of isolation and desperation translate into severe depression and post traumatic stress. Many women who are unable to cope with their day-to-day activities simply withdraw for the larger society. Women who experience severe emotional instability also represent a high-risk population with regards to health-related problems. The immune system of women who are emotionally unstable and weak often deteriorates. The absence of health insurance leaves many women without access to basic health services and subsequently increase the possibility of society-wide health problems.  

An alarming increase of incidents such as suicide, domestic ad family violence, child abandonment and sexual harassment is also occurring. Daily reports of workers committing suicide and leaving families without any means of economic support fill news headlines form March to June 1998 (2,288 family heads committed suicide form march to June 1998 which is 25 suicide everyday, reported by Pyung Hwa News). Incidents of parents dropping their children off at day care centers and never returning to pick them up have risen. Male workers who feel powerless to fight their dismissals often target their wives and children as the object of their helplessness and frustration, thus giving rise to the increase in domestic and family violence.
This kind of situation affects women severly, particularly single mothers and women who are the heads of their households, rapidly rising unemployment poses serious imminent and long-term problems for the conditions of women and their families. If they are older than 40 years old, they can not fin any jobs, since no industries even low-level service sector employ older women.

Women in the less industrialized countries

Many Third World countries, while having gained political independence from the West, are economically heavily dependent on it. The basic idea of these policies expect the developing countries to carry out privatization and economic liberalization that is adversely affecting the local economy and it is mainly for the profit of the MNCs. Countries with debts have been forced by the IMF to carry out macro-economic stabilization and structural adjustment programs in order to ensure repayment and to protect the interest of the multi-national corporations. The following are powerful instruments of economic restructuring which affect the livelihoods of people in the Third World.

- Currency devaluation
- High interest rates to fight inflation, to promote savings, and to allocate investment  
  capital to the highest bidder
- Strict control of money supply and credit expansion
- Removal of trade and exchange controls
- Deregulation of prices of goods and services
- Reduction of state subsidies for consumers goods, foodstuffs and social services, like
  health and education
- Freeze on wages and salaries at low levels
- Privatization of public sector enterprises
- Indiscriminate export promotion
- Open for private economic enterprises and their markets

These policies which are dictated by the first world and which are decided in the multi-lateral institutions are characterized by massive privatization and by the reduction of the role of the state in economic life. They also involve the drastic reduction of government deficits, and are achieved by slashing health education and other social welfare budgets. Poor countries have to follow the conditions dictated by the WB-IMF in order to get loans. As mentioned above, the conditions imposed have many negative impacts on these countries. In particular, they have severe impacts on women both as home cares and economic procedures. Only the military budget is exempted from structural adjustment loan conditions.

Posted by KWWA
kwwa  2002-11-20 18:59:27, 조회 : 370

Irene Xavier

Scope of this paper
This paper will deal with the above topic in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines. The Mekong regions of Indochina have been left out because I have not been able to get much information about them. In addition the paper should be viewed as an activist’s perspective and as such may lack the subtleties of an economic analysis. For all of this I apologize. Much of the analysis comes from an unedited paper by Jayati Ghosh entitled Impact of Globalization on Women: Women and Economic Liberalization in the Asian and Pacific Region.

Period prior to the recent Asian economic crisis

In the past decade the NICs of South-East Asia especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand and to a lesser extent Philippines experienced an export-oriented industrial proliferation. These countries saw an increase in the relocation of capital especially from Japan coming in as FDI. This resulted in very high growth rates in the regions. Capital relocated to this region in its search for lower costs of production. However as the recent crisis has shown such capital shifts are ephemeral in nature. Though capital may relocate to a country at one point in time there is no guarantee that it will stay there for long. This is because there is an abundance of cheap production sites opening up in various parts of the world. The economic regimes in this region have not been uniform. Malaysia and Thailand were characterized by open economic regimes within which FDI played a crucial role in delivering export and output growth. Oil revenues and a strong State played a crucial role in Indonesia’s developmental path. The Philippines however never reached the dubious status of a ‘tiger” except in terms of export growth though there was a shift towards a more diversified manufacturing sector.

One of the most significant changes that came with this export-led growth was change in domestic production in the region. In Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia primary products accounted for about 90% of exports in the 1970s. By mid-1990s these were reduced to about 30% of exports. The share of exports brought about by FDI that practically flew into the region resulted in manufacturing accounting for export-led growth. This diversification took less than two decades to achieve in this region while it took most of the developed almost a century. It is now increasingly accepted that such diversification was brought about by industrial policy in all these countries which, directed both public and private investment into manufacturing activity

In the early 1990s financial capital from many parts of the world have been looking for new areas of employment. This capital flowed into the region as countries liberalized their financial accounts. Countries in the region saw a growing exposure to international finance. This provided in South East Asia external financing of current account deficits  which played a role in maintaining high levels of investment even when FDI inflows reduced after 1992. In the last couple of years the region has seen a deceleration of international trade growth in industries like the semiconductor, office automation and consumer electronics. When this was coupled with projectionist measures from principal developed countries an end to the property boom resulted leading to adverse effects on banks that financed the property boom. This of course led finally to capital flight from the region and the resultant economic crisis, which began in Thailand and soon spread to its neighbours.

Changing patterns as a result of Globalisation on women’s work
In any discussion on women’s work we know the problems associated with the invisibility of much of women’s work. We recognise that in much of women’s work there are areas that remain largely unchanged because social, political and economic forces condition the ability of women to enter the labour market with any reasonable amount of independence, equality and security. With the data that is available on women’s work (which is usually inaccurate), we can make some observations on the changing patterns on women’s work in this region.

1.        The feminization of employment
More women work in both the formal and informal labour force. Despite the recent recession, Malaysian women for example still continued to work. The initial numbers who were retrenched have found some other kind of alternative emplyment though this may only be temporary work. Initially this region became home to capital that fled from Japan, Taiwan and Korea. This created many jobs for women in this region. However these incomes and jobs do not clearly translate into better living and working conditions. Women become more independent and have more control over how these incomes are spent. Yet in Malaysia for example women workers are not the ones who buy houses with their incomes because they cannot afford to buy houses with their incomes and they are not allowed to buy low-cost housing as they are not regarded as heads of household by public housing agencies. Despite the increase in jobs women still earned much lower salaries than men in the region.  

2.        The feminization of unemployment
While women in the region entered the formal work force there has been an almost relentless pattern of cyclical retrenchments. From the start of the export-oriented industrialization till the present time this region has seen the ebb and fall of workers getting employed and then being retrenched after a couple of years. In all of this the clear shift has been towards down sizing of the work force. There are hardly any examples of factories that have gradually increased the labour force over the period of the last 10 years.

In addition factories have quite successfully kept the workforce of women young. Older women who lose jobs keeping sliding down the job-ladder to taking lower paying jobs if they get jobs at all. Women with little or no education and market-demanded skills are of course the most vulnerable. For example in Malaysia retrenched workers take on contracted work for temporary periods. This is also the case of women workers in Thailand. Unemployed women also turn to self-employed jobs like food vending, sewing and selling. In Thailand some women also turned to homework to produce garments or artificial garments. Others returned to their rural homes and to agriculture temporarily. There are of course women who continue to remain unemployed and dependent upon relatives. There is very poor social security for retrenched workers or unemployed workers in the region.

In Malaysia the argument is that women in export-oriented industries were not the first to be laid-off during the crisis. However one needs to see that Malaysia had been a large importer of migrant labour – mainly male – to work in the construction industry. When the construction industry came to a near standstill the migrant workers were the first to be retrenched. However this was then followed by women in small factories which, were mainly like sweatshops that took on subcontracts for large TNC-owned plants. When the WTO agreements come into effect in 2004 more local factories will close. Also within the period of the last 5 years most garment and textile factories have closed. The shoe industry has also laid-off many workers. Yet in statistics these are not reflected clearly because there are no proper records of unemployed women. At the same time if men are laid-off, women are still affected because the pressures on declining household incomes also increase.

The last recession has shown that women workers in the region do not have secure employment.  

3.        Gender disparities in jobs and wages
Sex-based segregation of jobs is common in this region. Women still remain in the lower rungs of the production process that paid the lowest and is the most insecure work. When contract work became more widespread it was given also to women. Wage differentials between men and women also show that women earn much less than men.

4.        Economic migration patterns of S.E.Asian women
Within the region Philippines and Indonesia have been exporters of migrant labour to many parts of the world. This has not changed much. Migrant women, particularly those that are illegal are very vulnerable to exploitation. There are very few countries that provide adequate protection to migrant women.

When we put these economic changes in the political context in the region we see that economic changes occurred in situation of military, corrupt, dictatorial regimes in all the countries in this region. In fact governments argued that beneficial economic change is only possible when there are weak trade unions, poor labour laws, poor social security and so on. In the case of women this is particularly significant because they had few institutions to protect their interests. When greater democracy was achieved for example in Indonesia there appears to be more space for women workers to organise for change.


It is clear that the greatest benefits for women working in this region has been the new jobs that were created for women through globalization. Yet these jobs have not been permanent. In addition the jobs have varied and transformed in nature giving women less and less  protection and incomes. The little protection that women had in Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines in the form of minimum wages have been grossly insufficient.

There is increasing unemployment among women workers. In Thailand, statistics released by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare showed that there were 1.2 million people unemployed nationwide at the end of 1997 and it would go up to 2 million at the end of 1998. Statistics in the same year indicated that 156 companies were likely to go under, costing 13,656 jobs and another 1,039 companies that are in serious trouble might cost the jobs of about another 228,732 employees.  

In Indonesia, according to the official figures from the Department of Manpower, up to July 1998 at least 15.4 million workers were laid off.  However, unofficial sources said that there were 20 million workers laid off at the end of 1998 and 25 million were under-employed.

Currently the major problems affecting women workers in Southeast Asia are:

·        Increase in the number of informal sector workers
·        Increasing job insecurity, unemployment and under employment
·        Feminisation of the Informal Sector
·        Weak Labor Laws  
·        Trade Unions are becoming weaker
·        Worsening occupational health and safety situations
·        Migration of workers
·        Degradation and Destruction of the Environment  
·        Local economy/real economy being destroyed
·        Government committed to neoliberal policies
·        Increasing poverty
·        Lack of participation of women workers in the decision making bodies of labor organisations and the government policy

Presented by Irene Xavier

Posted by KWWA