'WHAT WE DO/Counseling and Supporting'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.01.30 Counseling and Training 3
Counseling and Training
* case book of Japan 'working and rearing children' (1992)
* announcement 'cases to activate child care centers at workplace' (1993)
* materials 'Public discussion on direction of child care movement and future plans for women workers' movement' (1993)
* materials 'Labor policies working women want' (1992)
* Public discussion on measures to actively organize married women (1992)
* Training programs for women leaders to be efficient organizers (1992)
* Training programs for leaders to give gender education (1993)
* Training programs for women organizers in outskirt of Seoul (1994)
* Opening Women's School for enhancing capacity of women leaders every year
* Leadership Training every year
* Membership Training for activists every year
* Training Programs for fresh activists every year
* Training Programs for counselors of Equaline twice a year
Posted by KWWA