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2002-10-28 15:13:20, 조회 : 61 |
Women Related Laws Title Sexual Equality Employment Act
Act No. 3989, Dec. 4, 1987 Amended by Act No. 5933, Feb. 8, 1999
Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of the status of working women and promotion of their welfare by securing equal opportunity and treatment between men and women in any employment in conformity with the ideal of equality in the constitution, protecting the maternity and developing their vocational ability.
Article 2 (Basic Idea) Since the working women contribute to the economic and social development and play important roles in the birth and bringing up of the following generations, the maternity shall be protected, and they shall be allowed to fully display their ability in their working life without any discrimination due to sex.
Article 2-2 (Definitions) (1) For the purpose of this Act, the term "discrimination" means that a business owner discriminates against a worker in the conditions of employment or work, or takes other unfavorable measures without any rational reason by reason of sex, marriage, status in family, pregnancy, etc. In this case, the discrimination shall also include where the business owner sets the standards or conditions for personal affairs which either men or women find very difficult to meet. (2) For the purpose of this Act, the term "sexual harassment at work" means that a business owner, worker, or his superior deteriorates the employment environment by giving disadvantage in employment or causing sexual humiliation to another worker through sexual words or actions using his position or relating to his duties at the work place. (3) The protection of the maternity for working women shall not be considered as discrimination as referred to in this Act. (4) That which the State, local government or any business owner takes provisionally a measure to treat favorably any worker of a specified gender for the purpose of eliminating any existing discrimination, shall not be considered as discrimination as referred
to in this Act. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 3 (Scope of Application) (1) This Act shall apply to any business or workplace to which the Labor Standards Act applies (hereinafter referred to as "business"): Provided, That this Act shall not apply to any business as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. (2) Except as provided otherwise by other Acts, matters concerning the improvement of status and promotion of welfare of the working women shall be subject to this Act.
Article 4 (Responsibility of Person concerned) (1) Any working woman shall have a self-consciousness as a worker, exert herself for the development and improvement of her ability, and make efforts to display it in her working life. (2) The business owners, State and local governments shall make efforts to improve the status of working women and the promotion of their welfare according to the basic idea as prescribed in Article 2. (3) The State and local governments shall promote the interest and understanding of citizens on the welfare of working women, carry out activities of development to provide them with the ability required of workers, and make efforts necessary for eliminating all factors preventing working women from exerting their ability.
Article 5 (Establishment of Basic Plan for Working Women''s Welfare) (1) The Minister of Labor shall establish a basic plan on the promotion of working women''s welfare (hereinafter referred to as "basic plan"). (2) The basic plan as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include the following matters: 1. Matters concerning the promotion of women''s employment; 2. Matters concerning the guarantee of equal opportunity between men and women; 3. Matters concerning the development of working women''s ability; 4. Matters concerning the protection of working women''s maternity; 5. Matters concerning the installation and operation of welfare facilities for working women; and 6. Other matters which the Minister of Labor deems necessary for the improvement of the status of working women and the promotion of their welfare. (3) and (4) Deleted.
Article 6 (Recruitment and Employment) (1) In recruiting and employing workers, any business owner shall give the same equal opportunity to women as men. (2) In inviting or employing female workers, the business owner shallnot present or demand any physical conditions, such as appearance, height, weight, etc. or marital status, which are unnecessary for carrying out the duties for which the business owner desires to invite or employ them, and other conditions as determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor.
Article 6-2 (Wage) (1) Any business owner shall pay the same wage for any work of the same value in the same business. (2) Criteria for the same value work shall be technique, endeavor, re sponsibility, working condition, etc. which are required for carrying out any duties, and in determining such criteria, the business owner shall hear the opinion of the person representing workers of the grievance settlement organ as prescribed in Article 14. (3) Any enterprise undertaken separately by the same business owner for the purpose of wage discrimination shall be considered as the same business. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 6-3 (Money, etc. other than Wage) The business owner shall not treat discriminately working women from men by reason of gender, in payment of any money or lending of any funds to assist the employees in their living, in addition to the wage. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 7 (Training, Assignment and Promotion) No business owner shall give any discriminative treatment to any working woman compared with any working man only by reason of the marriage, pregnancy, childbirth or sex, with respect to the training, assignment and promotion of workers.
Article 8 (Age Limit, Retirement and Dismissal) (1) No business owner shall discriminate against working women in favor of men only by reason of sex, with respect to the age limit and dismissal of workers. (2) No business owner shall enter into any labor contract stipulating as the cause of retirement the marriage, pregnancy or childbirth of working women.
Article 8-2 (Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work) (1) A business owner shall take the following measures to prevent sexual harassment at work and to create conditions under which the workers work in safe and sound circumstances: 1. Conduct of education necessary to prevent sexual harassment at work; and 2. Change of post, disciplinary action, or other equivalent measures for a person who causes sexual harassment to another worker at work. (2) A business owner shall not take disadvantageous measures in employment against the victim in connection with sexual harassment at work. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 5933, Feb. 8, 1999]
Article 9 (Vocational Guidance) The employment security institutions shall take measures necessary for vocational guidance, such as offering employment informations and materials related to surveys, research on jobs, etc., so as to help working women in choosing jobs in accordance with the degree of their aptitude, ability, career and technique, facilitating their adaptation to jobs.
Article 10 (Vocational Training, etc.) The State and local governments shall guarantee an opportunity equal to men in all vocational training, secure facilities and equipment to conduct vocational training for working women, and take other necessary measures, for the purpose of developing and improving the ability of working women.
Article 11 (Childcare Leave) (1) If a working woman or worker who is her spouse taking her place, who has an infant under one year of age, applies a leave to care for her or his infant (hereinafter referred to as "childcare leave"), the business owner shall permit it, except in such cases as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. (2) The childcare leave as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be less than one year, but it may not elapse the day on which one year has passed after the infant is born. (3) The business owner shall not treat unfavorably any working woman by reason of the childcare leave as referred to in paragraph (1), and the period of childcare leave as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be included in the length of her or his service. (4) The method and procedure of the application for the childcare leave, and other necessary matters, shall be determined by the Presidential Decree.
Article 12 (Nursing Facilities) (1) In order to support the employment of workers, the business owner shall install nursing facilities necessary for suckling, nursing, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "workplace nursing facilities"), and report it to the Minister of Labor. (2) The installation and operation of the workplace nursing facilities, such as the scope of the business owners liable for installing the workplace nursing facilities as referred to in paragraph (1), shall be subject to the Infant Care Act. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 13 (Installation of Welfare Facilities) (1) The State and local governments may install public welfare facilities, such as education, childcare, house, etc., for working women. (2) The criteria of the welfare facilities for working women as referred to in paragraph (1) and matters necessary for the operation of such facilities shall be determined by the Minister of Labor.
Article 14 (Autonomous Settlement of Disputes) (1) If a business owner receives a grievance report from a worker with respect to matters as prescribed in Articles 6, 6-2, 6-3, 7, 8, 8-2, 11, and 12, the business owner shall make efforts for an autonomous settlement of such grievance, such as entrusting the grievance settlement organ established at the business place with the settlement thereof, and the like.
(2) The grievance settlement organ as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be composed of the equal number of those who represent business owners, and those who represent workers at the business place, respectively, but if there is a trade union at the business place, those who represent working women of the trade union, shall be those who represent workers.
(3) The scope of the business owners liable for establishing the grievance settlement organ as referred to in paragraph (1), method of establishment, procedure of grievance settlement, and other necessary matters, shall be determined by the Presidential Decree. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 15 (Assistance in Settlement of Disputes) In cases where any grievance reported by a worker under Article 14 is not settled autonomously, if the worker or both or one of the trade union and the business owner of the business place to which the worker belongs (hereinafter referred to as "interested parties"), requests assistance in settlement of such grievance, the head of the local labor administrative agency shall, within ten days, give the interested parties necessary advice, guidance or recommendation, or have the Employment Equality Committee undertake a mediation.
Article 16 (Establishment of Employment Equality Committee) (1) In order to provide consultation on the following matters concerning mediation of disputes and promotion of employment and equality in employment of working women in the area under its urisdiction under Article 15, the local labor administrative agency shall establish the Employment Equality Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Committee"):
1. Promotion of the employment of working women; 2. Guarantee of equal opportunity and treatment of men and women in the employment; 3. Protection of the maternity of working women; 4. Installation and operation of welfare facilities for working women; and 5. Other matters related to the improvement of the status and the promotion of the welfare of working women. (2) Deleted.
Article 17 (Composition, etc. of Committee) (1) The Committee shall be composed of fifteen members including the chairman: five persons representing workers, five persons representing business owners and five persons representing the public interest, respectively: Provided, That members representing workers shall be commissioned by the Minister of Labor upon the proposal of the director of regional labor administration office, from the trade union; those representing business owners, from the business owners organization; and those representing the public interest, from among those of rich learning and experience in regard to working women and public officials related to affairs relevant to women. (2) In order to investigate matters necessary for the mediation of disputes and to support the affairs of the Committee, the Committee shall appoint two or less full-time expert members. (3) Matters necessary for the qualification, appointment, etc. of members shall be determined by the Presidential Decree.
Article 18 (Mediation by Committee) (1) The Committee may demand interested parties or administrative agencies to attend and present materials and offer other necessary cooperation. (2) The Committee may prepare a proposal on a mediation of any dispute, and recommend the interested parties to accept it. (3) If the interested parties have accepted the proposal of mediation, the Committee shall prepare a written mediation, and any labor contract prescribing any working condition not meeting to the standards as determined by the written mediation shall become null and void only in the limit of such portions, and the nullified portions shall be subject to the standards as determined by the written mediation. (4) The Committee shall notify the interested parties of the result of mediation within thirty days after it receives the request. (5) Matters concerning the dispute mediation procedure, operation, etc. of the Committee shall be determined by the ordinance of the Ministry of Labor. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 19 (Burden of Proof) The burden of proof in settling any dispute related to this Act shall be borne by the business owner. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 20 (Report, Inspection, etc.) (1) If it is required for enforcement of this Act, the Minister of Labor may order the business owner to make any necessary report and to submit related documents, or have any public official concerned enter any business place to ask any questions of any related persons, or to inspect any related documents. (2) In the case as referred to in paragraph (1), the public official concerned shall carry with himself a certificate indicating his authority, and show it to the interested person. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 20-2 (Official Announcement of Status of Equal Employment) The Minister of Labor may, if necessary to secure the effective enforcement of this Act, officially announce the status of equal employment and other survey findings: Provided, That this shall not apply whereanother Act does not permit such official announcement. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 5933, Feb. 8, 1999]
Article 21 (Subvention for Expenses) (1) The State, local government and public organization may subsidize the whole or part of the expenses for any projects related to the promotion of employment and welfare of women, within the limit of the budget. (2) If a person who has received the subvention under paragraph (1), falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the State, local government or public organization may revoke the whole or part of the decision on delivery of the subvention, and order him to return the whole or part of such delivered subvention: 1. Where he uses the subvention for a purpose other than the object of his business; 2. Where he violates the contents of the decision on delivery of subvention (if any condition is attached thereto, including such condition); 3. Where he has received the subvention by a deceitful or unlawful way; and 4. Where he violates this Act or any order issued under this Act. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 21-2 (Delegation and Entrustment of Authority) The Minister of Labor may delegate part of his authority as prescribed by this Act, to the head of the local labor administrative agency or the local government, or entrust any public organization with it, under the conditions as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 22 (Enforcement Decree) Matters necessary for enforcing this Act shall be determined by the Presidential Decree.
Article 23 (Penal Provisions) (1) Any business owner who violates the provisions of Articles 6-2 (1) and 8 shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by a fine not exceeding ten million won. (2) Any business owner who violates the provisions of Articles 6, 6-3, 7, 8-2 (2), 11 (1) and (3), shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five million won. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4126, Apr. 1, 1989]
Article 23-2 (Fine for Negligence) (1) A person who falls under any one of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by a fine for negligence not exceeding three million won: 1. A person who fails to take the measures under Article 8-2 (1); 2. A person who refuses to make the report or to submit related documents under Article 20 (1), or who makes a false report or submits false documents; and 3. A person who refuses, interferes with, or evades the inspection under Article 20 (1).(2) The fine for negligence as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be imposed and collected by the Minister of Labor under the conditions as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. (3) Any person who is dissatisfied with the disposition of the fine for negligence as referred to in paragraph (2), may make an objection against the Minister of Labor within thirty days after he is informed of the disposition. (4) If the person who is subject to the disposition of the fine for negligence as referred to in paragraph (2), has made an objection under paragraph (3), the Minister of Labor shall notify it without delay to the relevant court, which shall, upon receiving the otification, bring the case to trial under the Non-Contentious Case Litigation Procedure Act. (5) If no objection is made, and no fine for negligence is paid, in the period as referred to in paragraph (3), it shall be collected according to the examples of the disposition of national taxes in arrears. [This Article Newly Inserted by Act No. 4976, Aug. 4, 1995]
Article 24 (Joint Penal Provisions) If a representative of a juristic person, or an agent, servant or employee of a juristic person or individual commits an offense as prescribed in Article 22 in connection with the affairs of the juristic person or individual, the penalty of a fine as rescribed in the said Article shall be imposed on such juristic person or individual, in addition to the punishment of the offender.
ADDENDUM This Act shall enter into force on April 1, 1988.
ADDENDUM This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA (1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (2) (Transitional Measures concerning Employment Disputes Mediation Committee) The Employment Disputes Mediation Committee existing at the time this Act enters into force, shall be considered as the Employment Equality Committee as prescribed by this Act.
ADDENDUM This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
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