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2002-10-28 15:14:04, 조회 : 60 |
Women Related Laws Title Standards for the Prohibiton of Gender Discrimination
Chapter 1 General Rules Chapter 2 Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in Employment Chapter 3 Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in Education Chapter 4 Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in the Provision and Utilization of Goods, Facilities, and Services Chapter 5 Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in the Execution of Laws and Policies Chapter 6 General Standards for the Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Supplementary provision
Chapter 1. General Rules
Article 1 (Purpose). This standard is aimed at stipulating the particulars necessary to prevent the behaviors related to gender discrimination and to decide whether or not they constitute cases of gender discrimination, according to Number 5 of Article 10 in the Act on the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination and Redemption (referred to as "Act" hereafter) and Article 3 in its Enforcement Decree. Article 2 (Scope of application). This standard is applied to the relevant particulars in the prohibition of gender discrimination of Article 3 and 7 of the Act. Article 3 (Policy of application). The Presidential Commission on Women's Affairs decides whether or not gender discrimination occurs in reference to the relevant facts and reports of gender discriminating cases besides this standard. Article 4 (Rational reason). According to No. 1 of Article 2 in the Act, in order to approve reasonable grounds in the cases of gender discrimination, the purpose, nature, mode, and condition of the behaviors concerned should be considered concretely and comprehensively to recognize the necessity of distinction, exclusion, and restriction of the behaviors according to sex. And the methods and degrees of the distinction, exclusion, and limitation have to be proper and also the standard of application must be strict.
Chapter 2. Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in Employment Article 5 (Employment). In this standard, the term "employment" covers all kinds of labor relationships (regular, temporary, contract) in public organizations and all business facilities and the whole process including steps prior to a labor contract (recruitment and adoption), the end of the labor relationship, and completion of the derived detailed procedures relating to the labor relationship. Article 6 (Recruitment and hiring). (1) In this standard, "recruitment and adoption" means that public organizations and their employers offer jobs for the general public by way of recruitment advertisement through newspapers and broadcasting, direct employment or commissioned recruitment, personal connections, and/or employment agencies, and it also includes the whole process before the effect of the labor contract. (2) The types of gender discrimination related to the recruitment and hiring according to number one are as follows.
1. In the case of recruitment and hiring, restricting employment to a specific gender and imposing restrictive conditions such as age and appearance 2. In spite of having equal qualifications, applying unfair conditions, methods, and/or routes of employment for a specific sex 3. In the case that standards of opportunities, conditions, and methods of hiring are not based on the ability of the applicants themselves but on the general qualities of a specific gender group. 4. Refusal to employ a specific sex because of the preference of the employer, workers' group within an equal workforce, the person who recruits, and the client 5. Rejection of a specific gender's employment because of the relative characteristics of the works, for example, the unemployment rate of a specific gender is higher than that of the opposite gender. 6. In the case of offering the relevant information for recruitment and hiring, there is unfair treatment against a specific gender in spite of his/her being equally qualified for employment 7. Without reasonable grounds, distinction, exclusion, and restriction by sex in other relevant processes for recruitment and hiring Article 7 (Wages). (1) In this standard, the term "wages" means that public organizations and their employers pay the workers all the money and goods entitled them including salary and other benefits. (2) The types of gender discrimination related to wages according to number one are as follows.
1. Regardless of the principle of equal pay for equal work, different criteria by sex are applied to basic pay, calculation of salary class, allowances, and salary increases. 2. In the case of an increase in the number of service years and the increase in pay by promotion, the amount and ratio of pay raises for a specific sex are lower than that of the other sex 3. In the case that the other calculations and payments related to wages are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Article 8 (Promotion). (1) In this standard, the term "promotion" means that public organization employers and workers move from a lower level to a higher level. (2) The types of gender discrimination related to the regulation of promotion in number one are as follows.
1. In the case of having no opportunity for promotion for a specific sex or of giving too much importance to a specific sex for promotion regardless of any objective standards. 2. In the case of the application of relatively unfair promotion conditions and procedures for a specific sex; for instance, a specific sex is required to serve for a long period and to pass an examination for promotion. 3. In the case that a specific sex cannot be promoted to a higher-level position beyond a given position because quotas on the promotions for a specific sex are established. And the promotion levels for a specific sex are subdivided into many more steps than those of the opposite sex and as a result, application of the subdivisions are unfavorable for the promotion of a specific sex. 4. In the case of efficiency ratings as an objective standard for promotion, unfair items are included to evaluate efficiency so as to prevent or hinder the promotion of a specific sex. 5. In the case that other relevant factors related to promotion are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Article 9 (Disposition) ① In this standard, "disposition" means the behavior or state which have workers to set about work (new employees' arrangement, transference, change of occupation, and dispatch). The major elements of it are job specifications and workforce. ② The types of gender discrimination related to the disposition of the above ① are as follows.
1. In the case of excluding a specific sex from job disposition or placing a disappropriate emphasis on the disposition of a specific sex, the selection not being based upon the requisites indispensable for duty performance and/or the special characteristics of duty 2. In the case that a specific sex is disposed to key tasks, the opposite sex is disposed to typical simple and assistant tasks regardless of the intention of the person concerned, in spite of the latter having equal academic background and qualifications. 3. In the case of inducing a specific sex to be disposed the given occupation or to apply for a given occupation. 4. In the case that it is possible for a specific sex to be disposed to the tasks corresponding to his/her ability, in spite of passing an examination for promotion and having good work experience. 5. In the case of excluding a specific sex from job disposition because of marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and age 6. In the case that the other relevant points to disposition are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Article 10 (Retirement, others). (1) In this standard, the term "retirement" means that the labor relationship comes to an end for the reasons of retirement age, expiration of the term, termination by mutual agreement, and/or resignation, according to the related laws and regulations, rules of employment, and/or trade agreement. (2) In this standard, the term "dismissal" means an action which forces public organizations and employers to terminate the future labor relationships with workers. (3) The types of gender discriminations related to the regulations of retirement and dismissal in numbers one and two.
1. In the case that the retirement age of an occupation includes a lot of workers of a specific sex who are remarkably younger than that of other occupations. 2. In spite of equal occupation, a different standard of retirement age is applied by sex. 3. In the case that a specific sex is forced to resign and retire because of marriage, pregnancy, and/or childbirth. 4. In the case that a different method of retirement is applied by sex 5. In the case of the decision to lay persons off, a specific sex is first dismissed, in violation of objective standard. 6. In the case of setting an objective standard of the layoffs, the workers working with his/her spouse in an equal workforce are included in the list of layoffs and so they are being forced to resign and this results in his/her dismissal because of the social concepts or features of the occupation concerned. 7. In the case that different reasons and procedures of discipline are applied by sex. 8. In the case that the other relevant points which end of the labor relationship, such as retirement and dismissal, are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Chapter 3. Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in Education Article 11 (Education, others). According to Article 4 in the Act on the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination and Redemption, the details of the terms "education, others" are as follows.
1. "Education" means that educational institutions, stipulated in "the laws pertaining to elementary, middle, high school education, social education law, and vocational training promotion law, others," put into practice job training to teach and improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for employment and job performance in educational and public organizations and business facilities. 2. "Opportunity, condition, and method of education" includes the selection process of the expected trainees, contents of education, organization and management of curriculum, and evaluation.
Article 12 (Typical gender discriminating behaviors). The types of gender discrimination in education and others according to each number of Article 11 are as follows.
1. In the case that the numbers of trainees are allotted differently by female and male sexes. 2. At the time of selecting trainees for overseas training and vocational training, a specific sex is excluded from the selection process not based upon a certain objective standard. 3. In the case that educational institutions and vocational training centers or departments in charge of training provide differential educational circumstances and administrative and financial support of educational activities. 4. In the case that educational institutions arrange different contents and curriculum for men and women. 5. In the case that public organizations and business facilities organize and manage different contents and curriculum by sex, although applicants have equal qualifications. 6. In the case that educational institutions suggest educational goals, form educational contents, and directly guide everyday behavior of trainees to influence trainees to hold a biased view of sex roles. 7. In the case that educational institutions restrict trainees' opportunities for activities or distinguish the contents of activities by sex. 8. In the case that educational institutions restrict according to sex the opportunities for the choice of curriculum and the scope of the courses after finishing the curriculum. 9. In the case that when educational institutions evaluate the results of education, they apply gender discriminating standards for them. 10. In the case that the other relevant points for education are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds. Chapter 4. Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in the Provision and Utilization of Goods, Facilities, and Services
Article 13 (Use of goods, others). (1) In this standard, the phrase "provision and utilization of goods, facilities, and services" means that public organizations and employers provide money and goods, equipment, and labor force for the well-being promotion and property accumulation. (2) The types of gender discrimination in the provision and utilization of goods, facilities, and services according to number one above are as follows.
1. Gender discrimination in the welfare system for wage earners, such as livelihood assistance for workers and money and goods for their welfare. 2. Gender discriminating practices in financial services such as obtaining loans, issuing credit cards, insurance contracts, and car quota sales. 3. In the case that public organizations and employers provide gender discriminating services. 4. In the case that the other relevant points for the provision and utilization of goods, facilities, and services are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Chapter 5. Standards for the Prohibition of Gender Discrimination in the Execution of Laws and Policies
Article 14 (Execution of laws and policies, others). (1) In this standard, the phrase "execution of laws and policies" means that public organizations perform their duties and exercise their authority on the basis of laws, regulations and policies. (2) The types of gender discrimination in the execution of laws and policies according to Clause 1 are as follows.
1. Gender discrimination at the time of the decision of the standards selecting the beneficiaries of public works 2. Gender discrimination at the time of permission, declaration, and approval 3. In the case that the other relevant points to the execution of laws and policies are distinguished, excluded, and restricted by sex without reasonable grounds.
Chapter 6. Standards for the Prohibition of Sexual Harassment
Article 15 (Sexual harassment). According to No. 2 of Article 2 in the Act, the detailed definitions of "sexual harassment" are as follows.
1. The phrase "relationships of business, employment, and others" means the relationships involving job performance, between employer and employee, and similar behavior in the workplace. 2. The phrase "relating to position on job or duties" means that sexual harassment happens in relation to the misuse of the status of public organizations and employers, employees, and workers or in relation to other relevant aspects of their business, regardless of where the sexual harassment is conducted. 3. The phrase "sexual words and actions" refers to the words and actions including sexual expression that the other party does not want to hear and/or see. 4. The phrase "disadvantages in employment" refers to the behaviors which apply to unfair conditions in employment and in work and worsen the employment environment, such as exclusion from employment, pay cuts, exclusion from promotion, change of occupation, suspension from duty, temporary retirement, and layoff.
Article 16 (Areas in which sexual harassment is prohibited). Sexual harassment is prohibited in the following areas according to Clause 1 of Article 7 in the Act.
1. In the case that employers, employees, and workers engaged in public organizations sexually harass lower-level officials, fellow workers, employers in their cooperative enterprises, and dispatched workers. 2. In the case that employers, employees, and workers engaged in educational institutions and training centers sexually harass to their learners and applicants. 3. In the case that employers, employees, and workers of public organizations sexually harass their users and the persons involved in the process of the provision and utilization of goods, facilities, and services. 4. In the case that public organizations and employers sexually harass the persons involved in the process of job performance and in exercising authority in the execution of laws and policies Article 17 (Representative types of sexual harassment). The types of sexual harassment are as follows.
1. Physical sexual harassment includes a. physical contact such as kissing, hugging, and holding a person in one's arms from the back b. petting specific parts of the body such as breasts and hips c. behaviors soliciting a massage and petting 2. Verbal sexual harassment includes a. obscene jokes b. sexual expression and evaluation of the offended's appearance c. actions soliciting sex and intentionally suggesting innuendos and/or double-entendres including sexual expression d. actions that compel one to have sex and demand it in return for a favor e. obscene phone calls f. actions that force one to serve liquor in a meeting with fellow workers 3. Visual sexual harassment includes a. behaviors that post and display obscene photos, pictures, scribbling, and publications which include obscene contents b. behaviors that send obscene letters, photographs, and pictures by fax, computer, and direct delivery c. behaviors that expose his/her own physical parts related to sex and force the offended to touch them 4. Words and actions that make a person feel sexually humiliated and disgusted
Supplementary provision
This guideline shall enter into force on July 1, 1999.
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