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2002-10-28 15:14:41, 조회 : 78 |
Framework Act on Womens Development
Act No. 5136, Dec. 30, 1995
Amended by Act No. 5529, Feb. 28, 1998
# Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Act is to promote the equality between men and women in all the areas of politics, economy, society and culture by stipulating fundamental rules with regard to the obligation, etc. of the State and local governments for realization of equality between men and women under the Constitution of the Republic of Korea.
# Article 2 (Basic Idea) The basic idea of this Act is to make men and women commonly participate in and share responsibility for the realization of a healthy family and the development of the country and society, through the promotion of the equality between men and women, Protection of motherhood. eradication of sender based discrimination and development of women's ability, based upon the dignity of individuals.
# Article 3 (Definitions) For the Purpose of this Act, the definitions of terms shall be as follows
1. The term "women policy" means the policy prescribed by the Presidential Decree, for promotion of the equality between men and women, furtherance of women's social participation and increase of women's welfare;
2. The term "women's association" means a juristic person or association as prescribed by the Presidential Decree, established for promotion of the equality between men and women, furtherance of women's social participation and an increase of women's welfare as its principal purpose; and
3. The term "facility for women" means the facilities Prescribed by the Presidential Decree, for promotion of equality between men and women, furtherance of women's social Participation and an increase in women's welfare.
# Article 4 (Obligation of Citizens) All citizens shall recognize the importance of equality between men and women and women's development, and shall strive for its realization.
# Article 5 (Obligation of State and Local Governments) The State and local governments shall have obligation to establish legal or institutional devices and to provide financial resources which are necessary for the promotion of equality between men and women. furtherance of women's social participation and increase in women's welfare.
# Article 6 (Provisional Favored Treatment Measures) For the promotion of women's participation in the fields in which the participation by women is considerably stagnant. the State and local governments may take provisional favored treatment measures within reasonable scope, pursuant to relevant Acts and subordinate statutes.
# Article 7 (Establishment of Framework Plans on Women Policy)
(1) The Government shall establish framework Plans on women Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "framework plan") every 5 years.
(2) The framework plan shall include the following:
1. Basic direction of women Policy:
2. Purposes of women policy:
(a) Promotion of equality between men and women,
(b) Extension of women's social participation;
(c) Increase in women's welfare;
(d) Other Principal Policies relating to women policy: and
3. Methods to provide financial resources relating to the Promotion of women policy.
# Article 8 (Establishment, etc. of Annual Implementation Plan)
(1) The heads of central administrative organs, the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan Cities Mayors and the Do governors (hereinafter referred to as a "Mayor/Do governor") shall establish and execute annual implementation plan under the framework plan (hereinafter referred to as the "implementation Plan") .
(2) The Government shall control the implementation Plans and inspect the Performance thereof.
# Article 9 (Cooperation in Establishment and Implementation of Plan)
(1) The Government, 1, he heads of the central administrative orleans and the Mayor/Do governor may demand cooperation from the relevant central administrative organs, local governments. Public institutions and such other juristic Person or organization, if it is required for establishment and execution of the framework plan and implementation plan.
(2) The entity which is demanded of cooperation Pursuant to paragraph (1) shall cooperate, except when there is special reason.
# Article 10 Deleted. [by Act No. 5529, Feb. 28, 1998]
# Article 11 (Gender Based Discrimination Improvement Committee)
(1) The Gender Based Discrimination Improvement Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Improvement Committee") shall be established by the Government to correct all sorts of discrimination against women In any Act. institution, administrative measures and habitual Practice. etc. and to seek women's development.
(2) The necessary matters with regard to the function, constitution and operation, etc. of the Improvement Committee shall be determined by the Presidential Decree.
# Article 12 (Establishment of Korea Women's Development Institute)
(1) The Korea Women's Development Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Development Institute") shall be established for efficient Performance of the investigation, research, etc. on women related Problems.
(2) The necessary matters with regard to the establishment, constitution and scope of functions , etc. of the Development Institute shall be determined separately by Act.
# Article 13 (Investigation, etc. on Women Related Affairs)
(1) For the establishment of efficient women policy, the Government shall Perform an investigation on affairs relating to women by means of public opinion census and drawing up statistics on the basis of sender, etc.
(2) The Government shall strive to provide information relating to women through establishment of information system.
# Article 14 (Women's Week) For the sake of women's development and raising nation-wide concern about the Promotion of equality between men and women, the Government shall designate one week a year as Women's Week.
# Article 15 (Participation In Politics and Decision Making Procedures)
(1) The State and local governments shall devise measures to expand women's participation in policy making procedure of various committees, etc.
(2) The State and local governments shall strive to support the extension of women's Political participation through various ways.
# Article 16 (Participation in Public Office) The State and local governments shall Provide Proper conditions for the expansion of women's participation in public offices through reasonable management of appointment, assignment of Position, promotion, reward and educational training of the Public officials.
# Article 17 (Equality in Employment)
(1) The State and local governments shall strive for the realization equality between men and women in overall areas of employment, including the appointment, educational training, promotion and retirement.
(2) The State and local governments shall arrange institutional system to harmonize domestic affairs and the work such as temporary layoff for infant rearing. etc.
(3) The State, local governments and entrepreneurs shall take proper measures for the arrangement of equal working conditions such as prevention of sexual harassment. etc.
# Article 18 (Reinforcement of Maternity Protection)
(1) The State, local governments and entrepreneurs shall Provide special care to women during their Pregnancy, childbearing and lactation and Protect them from any disadvantage for those reasons.
(2) The State and local governments shall gradually raise the social burden on maternity protection expenses relating to pregnancy, coild bearing and lactation through social security based on the Framework Act on Social Security and finance. etc.
# Article 19 (Home Education) The State and local governments shall strive for the education on the equality between men and women to be made at home.
# Article 20 (School Education) In school education, the State and local governments shall inspire the idea of equality between men and women and expand women's educational opportunity.
# Article 21 (Social Education) The State and local governments shall try to execute the education which enhances the equality between men and women, in the education Programs of the national training institute, public training institute, social education institution and enterprises.
# Article 22 (Increase in Women's Welfare)
(1) The State and local governments shall devise Proper measures to meet the demand of women's welfare accompanied by the change of the social structure.
(2) The State and local governments shall strive to prevent cases of low-income mother and child households, unmarried mothers, runaway and special care-needed women and shall properly guide and protect them, pursuant to the relevant Acts.
(3) The State and local governments shall strive to increase the welfare of acted women and women dwelling in fishing and agrarian villages.
# Article 23 (Baby and Infant Upbringing, etc.)
(1) For the Protection and sound education of babies and infants, the State and local governments shall take the necessary measures such as the expansion of upbringing facilities, etc. Pursuant to the relevant Acts.
(2) The State and local governments shall devise proper measures for the protection of children after school and for their healthy living.
# Article 24 (Establishment of Equal Relationship in Family, etc.)
(1) The State and local governments shall serve to establish democratic and equal relationship in a family.
(2) The State and local governments shall devise supportive measures necessary (or households of both-working husband and wife and of one parent, in response to the changes in family composition.
# Article 25 (Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence)
(1) The State and local governments shall Prevent sexual violence crime and Protect the victims under the relevant Acts.
(2) The State and local governments shall devise Proper Policies on domestic violence Problems.
# Article 26 (Evaluation on Value of Housekeeping Labor) The State and local governments shall serve to evaluate justifiable economic value of housekeeping labor and reflect it to the legal systems and Policies.
# Article 27 (International Cooperation for Women)
(1) The State and local governments shall expand women's Participation to international organizations and conferences and support women's international peace Promotion movement and activities for intensification of international cooperation.
(2) The State and local governments shall strive to join and enforce women related international treaties such as the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, etc.
# Article 28 (Improvement of Gender Discrimination in Mass Media) The State and local governments shall support to improve the gender discriminative content of mass media and to expand equality between men and women through mass media.
# Article 29 (Establishment of Fund, etc.)
(1) The State shall establish the women's development fund(hereinafter referred to as the "fund") to secure necessary financial resources to support the projects, etc. for the realization of the purpose of this Act.
(2) The fund shall be created from the following resources:
1. Contribution from the State:
2. Money, goody, or other Property contributed from a person except for the State:
3. Profits Produced from operation of the Fund: and
4. Such other Fronts as Prescribed by the Presidential Decree.
(3) The fund shall be managed and operated by the Government.
# Article 30 (Uses and Purpose of Fund) The fund shall be used for the following purposes:
1. Supporting the projects that increase women's rights and interests,
2. Supporting the projects of women's association,
3. Establishment of women related facilities and the support for its operation:
4. Supporting the women's international cooperation Project; and
5. Support for such other Projects for the realization of equality between men and women and for women's development as prescribed by the Presidential Decree.
# Article 31 (Accounting Organ of Fund)
(1) For the operation of the revenue and expenditure of the fund, the Government shall appoint an officer empowered to order receipts and disbursements and a Public servant in charge of revenue and expenditure of the fund among the Public officials under its control.
(2) Among the provisions of the Liability of the Accounting Personnel, etc. Act, the Provisions on the treasurer and the revenue collector shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the officer empowered to order receipts and disbursements, and the provisions on the disbursement officer and a accounting official shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the public servant in charge of revenue and expenditure of the fund.
# Article 32 (Support for Women's Association)
(1) The State and local governments may provide the administrative support required for the organization and activities of women's associations, and may support Part of the expenses necessary for its activities, etc. within the limit of its budget.
(2) An individual. juristic person or organization may contribute money or other property to support the facilities and the operation of women's association.
# Article 33 (Establishment and Operation Related Facilities for Women) The State and local governments may establish and operate facilities for the increase of women's rights, interests and welfare.
# Article 34 (Support for Women's Voluntary Service Activities) The State and local governments shall Provide the necessary support for the activation of women's voluntary service activities,
# Article 35 (Delegation and Consignment of Power) The Government may delegate part of its power under this Act to a Mayor/Do governor, or consign Part of its works to the Development Institute or a women's association as Prescribed by the President Decree.
# Article 36 (Designation of Affairs Management Agency) The Government affaire as prescribed by this Act such as establishment of framework plan, management and operation of the fund, etc. shall be managed by Presidential Commission on women's Affairs under Article 18 (1) of the Government Organization Act. [This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 5529, Feb. 28, 1998]
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force from the last day of 6 months after its Promulgation.
(2) Omitted.
(3) (Transitional Measures) The Women Policy Deliberation Committee under the Regulation (or the Women Policy Deliberation Committee at the enforcement date of this Act shall be regarded as the Women Policy Deliberation Committee under the provisions of Article 10 of this Act.
# Article 1 (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation. (Proviso Omitted.)
# Article 2 through 7 Omitted.
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