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2002-10-28 15:15:14, 조회 : 58 |
Women Related Laws Title Act for Assistance of Women Entrepreners
Established February 5, 1999 Legislation No. 5818
Article 1 (Purpose). This Act is intended to advance equality between men and women in practical terms and to assist women to contribute to the national economic development by providing full support for women's business activities and by helping women to start their own business.
Article 2 (Definition). Terms used in this legislation are as follows. 1. "Women's company" refers to companies that are owned or managed by women and companies that meet the criteria set by the Presidential Decree. 2. "Business women" refers to female executives of the company as described in Item 1 and those who participate in the decision making process at the top level. 3. "Public organization" refers to pubic organizations as defined in Article 2 Item 8 of the Act on Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Companies and Products Manufactured by the Companies.
Article 3 (Responsibilities of the Nation and Local Governments). The nation and local governments should take all necessary measures to provide business women with comprehensive supports in various areas of financing, human resources, information, technology, and distribution channels and to guarantee equal opportunities in doing business and thus facilitate the creation and prosperity of new businesses launched by women.
Article 4 (Correction of Discriminative Practices). (1) Head of Small and Medium Business Administration can request correction measures if public organizations are following unreasonable and discriminative practices or systems which go against companies led by women. (2) Public organizations that receive such correction requests according to Clause (1) should correct the situation if there is no reason for sustaining the practice and system.
Article 5 (Basic Plan to Promote Business Activities by Women). (1) Head of Small and Medium Business Administration should introduce and implement a Basic Plan to Promote Business Activities of Companies Led by Women (referred to as "Basic Plan" hereafter) every year. (2) The following items should be included in the Basic Plan. 1. Basic goals and implementation measures designed to promote business activities of companies led by women 2. Support measures for women in launching new business 3. Support measures in areas of financing, information, technology, personnel and distribution channels 4. Other support measures (3) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can demand information, materials or opinions from tax administrative organizations or organizations or bodies related to support for companies led by women if it is required in the establishment of the Basic Plan. In this case, the organizations or bodies which receive such demands should cooperate unless they have reasons not to do so.
Article 6 (Establishment of the Committee on Expediting Women's Business Activities). (1) In order to deliberate a basic plan described in Article 5 and other issues related to promotion of women's business activities, the Committee on Expediting Women's Business Activities (referred to as "the Committee" hereafter) will be established at the Small and Medium Business Administration. (2) Organization and operation of the committee established according to Clause (1) are determined by the Presidential Decree.
Article 7 (Field Inquiry). (1) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration conducts field inquires every two years in order to understand the current situation and activities of companies led by women and publish the results. (2) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can consign the field inquires described in Clause (1) to Korea Business Women's Association and organizations or institutions related to small-sized companies described in Article 13. (3) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can request submission of materials and information or opinions from public organizations, companies led by women and women related institutions in order to proceed with field inquires described in Clause (1), and the organizations and institutions should cooperate.
Article 8 (Special Support to Women Launching Her Own Business). (1) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration should include plans to support women who start her own business in the plan to support the launch of small-sized business that is established according to Article 4 Clause 1 of the Act on supporting the launch of small-sized business. (2) The government can support business launchers and those who support business launch according to the regulations in Clause 2 Article 4 of Small and Medium Business Launch Support Act. In giving such support, the government can give preferential treatment to women business launchers and those who actively support the business launching activities of women. (3) The head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can give priority in designating a person who will operate the education and training center to help women start her own business according to Article 16 Clause 2 of the legislation for supporting creation of small-sized business.
Article 9 (Purchase by Public Organizations). (1) Head of public organizations should promote the purchase of products manufactured by companies led by women (companies which meet the definition of small-sized companies as defined in the Article 2 of the Basic Law for Small Companies. The same applies for the rest of this Article 9). (2) Plans to purchase goods manufactured by companies led by women should be separately included in the purchase plan that heads of public organizations draw up according to Article 10 Clause 1 of the Act on Promotion of Small-sized Companies and Purchase of Goods Manufactured by small sized companies. (3) Head of public organizations should consult with head of the Small and Medium Business Administration when he/she sets up a plan to purchase goods manufactured by companies run by women according to Clause 2. (4) Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can ask head of public organizations to increase the purchase of goods manufactured by companies run by women when he/she consults with head of public organizations according to Clause 3. In this case, the head of public organization should reflect the request in his plan if circumstances permit.
Article 10 (Preference in Financial Support). The nation and local governments should give preferential treatment to companies run by women when providing financial support to companies in order to promote creation and activities of companies run by women.
Article 11 (Support to Enhance Management Capability). Head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can provide on-the-job training and education for business women and employees at companies run by women to enhance their management capability and technical expertise.
Article 12 (Support for Design Development). Korea Industrial Design Promotion Board established according to Article 11 of the Industrial Design Promotion Act should take all necessary measures to facilitate design development of companies run by women.
Article 13 (Establishment of Korea Business Women's Association, etc.). (1) Korea Business Women's Association (referred to as "the Association" hereafter) is established in order to promote common interests of businesswomen and to efficiently facilitate and enhance women's business activities. (2) The Association is treated as a corporation. (3) When establishing an association, the representative of the association must submit to the head of the Small and Medium Business Administration the necessary documents as stipulated in the Presidential Decree and get an approval for establishment. (4) The Association is established by registering with the town office where the association's head office is located.
Article 14 (Work of the Association). The Association carries out work mentioned in the following Items. 1. Promotes professional business women and trains business women. 2. Provides information on women's business. 3. Supports and promotes women's business launch. 4. Supports joint procurement and sale activities. 5. Supports women's businesses making inroads to overseas markets and helps women's businesses to attract foreign investment. 6. Cooperates with overseas' business women's organizations. 7. Handles business relegated by the head of Small and Medium Business Administration to promote women's business activities and business launch. 8. Carries out other activities that expedite women's business activities.
Article 15 (Establishment of General Support Center for Women's Business). (1) The Association, in order to actively promote women's business activities, can establish a General Support Center for Women's Business (henceforth mentioned as the 'Support Center'). The Support Center can provide services such as information provision, education, training, overseas education and consultation. (2) The government could give supports such as financial support for the establishment and operation of the Support Center. (3) Items required for the establishment and operation of the Support Center is set by the Presidential Decree.
Article 16 (Loans without Interest of National and Public Wealth). If it is required for the projects of the association, the nation or local governments can lend the national and public wealth without interest to the Association despite the National Wealth Act and Local Autonomy's Financial Act.
Article 17 (Tax Support). The government can give tax support to the association and its major projects according to the Preferential Tax Limitation Act.
Article 18 (Ban on Similar Names). Organizations which are not the association mentioned in this act cannot use the same or similar name with Korea Women's Business Association.
Article 19 (Application of the Civil Law). Unless stipulated in this act, the Civil Law's regulation on association will be applied to the Association.
Article 20 (Supervision Advice). (1) The head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can supervise and advise the secretarial work of the Association. (2) When it is recognized as necessary for the supervision and advice, the head of the Small and Medium Business Administration can demand the submission of the necessary documents to the Association.
Article 21 (Fines). Those who break the regulation of Article 18 will be fined under 1 million won.
Supplementary Provision
This Act is enforced from June 1, 1999
E-mail : Copyright 2001 Korean Women's Development Institute-
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