kwwa |
2002-10-28 04:30:36, 조회 : 366 |
@ "I've been working for a company for the past 6 years as dispatch worker but with less wage I do the same work that other regular workers do. However I was notified to leave the company with other dispatch workers without any previous discussion."
-> Dispatch workers should be directly employed by the user if they continue to work for more than 2 years. If not observed, the user should be sentenced to imprisonment for not exceeding one year or be imposed for not exceeding ten million penalty. (Act for protection of dispatch workers) -> The owner and the user should not give discriminative treatment to the dispatch workers who do the same work with other permanent workers. (Act for protection of dispatch workers) -> The user can't fire, stop and transfer the workers and cut their wage without just reasons. (Labor Standard Law article 30) -> The user should notify the workers of dismissal at least 30 days before and if not, the user should pay the wage for 30 days of dismissed workers. (Labor Standard Law article 32)
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