History of Korean Women Workers' Movement 1,2 (2001) | ||||
History of Korean Women Workers' Movement 1,2 (2001) | ||||
Movie "Jae-hee's story" (2000) | ||||
Documentary Film " I always dream of tomorrow" (2001) | |||
On-the-Spot Documentary Film "Self-support activities in France and cooperatives in Spain" | ||||
I've got my rights back this way 2 (2002) | ||||
Her Objectives | ||||
In a joint of women organizations and law experts, there was a movement for amending the LWEMW and there was a overall amendment in April 1989. The main contents of the amendment were regarding to equal quantity of labour, equal wage, prohibition of sexual discrimination, and setting up the penalty in violation of maternity leave. However there have been constant questions upon the real fulfillment. Owing to the constant efforts of conscientization upon the equality, there was an another amendment in July 1996. The amendment states upon the looks which is nothing to do with work, the special requirement of physical size, sexual discrimination in terms of bonus, education, promotion, and working post, the discrimination caused by marriage, pregnancy, and child- birth, etc. are prohibited and the penalty is more strict. However the amended LWEMW, in spite of its improvements, has missed a key content which is indispensible for the realization of real equality. The indigent and direct discrimination towards women workers has changed to round about and indirect way. The recently introduced system of new personnel affairs and expand of irregular posts are in the light of it. There should be strict prohibition against indirect sexual discrimination. There are still various sexual abusements within the working places. The sexual abusement is a human violation against women workers and furthermore, it results the refusement of promotion, dismissals, and harm for employment that form bad atmosphere of working places. The ban of sexual abusement within the working places should be included in the LEEMW. The women and labour sectors have made a petition to the national congress but, there was no open forum upon the petition and just processed. The national congress turned away from the women workers' urgent proposal. Nowadays the workers unions and women organizations have worked out for reamendment of the LEEMW targeting the second half of 1995 national congress. |
In case of the payment for the unemployed, only the workers whose working place has more than 30 workers can be benefitted. In case of the development programme and stabilty project, the workers working at the place with more than 70 workers can be benefitted. It means that those who are recently employed at the age of over 60, part time workers, daily workers, seasonal or temporary workers, government servants, teachers of private schools, etc. are out of its category.
In regard with the new institution, leading women's organizations have pointed out that the new institution, in fact, excludes women workers of its benefits:
The statistics cannot show the exact percentage of the women workers who can be benefitted by the new institution. Approximately 76.2 - 84.1% of women workers are excluded from the benefits. In regard with the development programme and stability project of employment, about 84.1 - 89.4% of women workers are excluded. Moreover, the percentage of the benefit is less with consideration of part time and temporary workers.
Only about 10% of women workers are able to be the benefiters.(According to the statistics made by Korea Women Development Institute of 1994; the percentage of part time workers is 8.4%, of temporary workers is 14.6%, and of daily workers is 10.3 of women workers in 1993)
The basic payment is paid based upon the former payment under the fixed rate system. At present of 1993, women workers received 54.6% of men workers' payment. It means, the women workers receive much lower basic payment. The more crucial problem is that most women workers can hardly get the judgement of being un- employed and of economic activities.
In order to be acknowledged as an unemployed worker ,which is a ticket for getting the unemployment payment, the unemployed worker should enroll at the job security organization right after losing her/his job, apply for finding a new job, and present to the managing department once for two weeks in order to prove that he/she is trying to get a job. The applicant should not refuse to attend to the job training programme, which is recommended by the maneging department, or to accept the recommended new job.
They are for paying unemployment payment only to those who have sincere and active attitude for looking for a new job. The regulation states that those who quitted job for private reason cannot get the payment. The problem is that the judgement of if the worker loses job by oneself or forced by the company can be decided by the job security organization.
In Korea there still exists that,in case of marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth, most women workers are recommended to quit the job and sometimes appointed to move to a new sector or new place where is very far a way from her living place. In this case, many of them give up clinging to her job. Therefore it is very hard to judge whether she just quit the job or is fired. Moreover the final judgement is in the hand of the chief of job security agency. It means the judgement can be made very personally and also depends upon the chief's understanding of women.
The implementation is not a responsibility but recommended with various incentive payments. Since the management system and human control system of the enterprises have paid more efforts for borrowing skilled labour power and for scouting from outside rather than paying more efforts to develop internal labour force, it is hard to expect them to launch such projects actively.
Besides 90% of women workers are already excluded from the project since the place with less than 70 workers are excluded. In other words, women are excluded from the chances of job training and development programme which could be the basic energies for adjusting to the change of in- industrial structure and changed development of technology. Therefore it is almost impossible to expect to be leading labour power for women, and it is expected that women workers exist as a finalized labour power.
In case of running the facility, the employment insurance foundation finances 400,000won for a month for one teacher. The payment of nursing leave is a sort of counter-measure for the company which gives 30 days of maternity leave and continues to employ those who took the maternity leave more than 30days from the end of the maternity leave.
The counter- measure amount is won 120,000 for medium and small companies and won 80,000 for a big companies per month. The promotion of this system is in order to prompt companies to employ the married women and to encourage companies to run the company child care centers and to exercise more maternity leaves. However, we question if the prompt can bring with expected effect.
Regrading to the setting up the company children care facility and maternity leave system, there are regulations for them but, there is no penal provisions. Everything is under the hand of the company in fact. Particularly in case of the maternity leave, the maternity leave payment is not mentioned in the law but, the management of equal employment of men and women regulation only stated "The company has not responsibility of paying wages during the maternity leave but should follow the labour collective agreement and employment regulation(Article 11, clause 4)".
Therefore there is no way to panel the company if it does not pay for the maternity leave. In the Employment insurance law, there is no structural function for the guarantee of women workers' income. Even though there is subsidy for the maternity leave, it is a counter- measure money for the company which all
More basial problem is that the Project upon Stability of Employment excludes the small size companies as well as others. Therefore most women workers are excluded from the training programs for the technical improvement and job training for self development. It results that women workers are still beyond promotion and left behind as marginalities work force and unstable employees.
In addition to working up until a few days before her baby was born, my sister works in a small sweat shop, with four sewing machines but it is so small only one person can stand and work. Due to the large number of orders, she works until midnight or 2 am. My mother is not the only assistant of my sister's home-based work and housework but her husband and I also help her in her work.
My sister does not take care of her children very well even though she is at home.
Because she has production deadlines, she does not have time to be a mother for her children. Her children play on the street without their mother's care. Her overtime work makes her husband upset and her health is getting worse. Therefore, my sister can not be respected as a mother, a worker and a housewife. My poor sister.
Fortunately her mother helps her in all the housework. However other home-based workers who do not have any helper suffer greatly because of the extra burden of housework.
In Korea, there is no nationwide survey of home-based work. Home-based work is regarded as a part-time job but this is a fallacy. Money earned from home-based work is absolutely essential for family survival and is not just pocket money. Home-based workers differ from other factory workers in the respect that the latter have continual work which is not affected by supply dates, production quantities and price.
The company that gives orders to the home-based workers decides these factors. Hence the home-based workers are at the mercy of the company. In this sense, the employment security law for protecting home-based workers which the International Conference for the Solidarity of Home-based workers in Asia held in Amedabed, India in March 20th to 22nd advocated,
and the periodical meeting of the ILO held in June has much significance. We are trying our utmost to gain general recognition that home-based workers are also workers and that the law needs to be reformed to protect them. In addition to this, we are investigating and studying the conditions under which home-based workers must operate in order to find ways of forcing an employment protection law to be legislated and to successfully organize these workers.