"Where working women's touch and wisdom are found, there is infinite life-energy; where working women's powerful voices are heard, there is hope for bright social progress." KWWA works to improve women workers' political, economic and social status, to build a true democracy and to bring about reunification of Korea. KWWA represents women workers' voices and fights for women workers to resolve their various problems.
KWWA declares that we should make every effort to achieve the following main objectives for better realizing of women workers' Human Rights.
* Elimination of gender discrimination in employment, wages, and job promotion * Equal pay for equal work * Improvement of working conditions and occupational health and safety in workplace * Legal and practical maternity protection * Expansion of child care facilities * Expansion of women's vacational training * Development of women workers' associations and female union leadership * Enacting and reforming women workers' related laws and ordinances * Consolidation of women's solidarity
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