<88CC golf caddies want to work!>
In the cold morning of March 10, 2009 in front of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, a press conference amongst women’s organizations was staged to demand to stop collective dismissals and violence against 88CC golf caddies and to settle down the matter through communications between the labor and the management. It was the press conference to show views of women’s circles (Korean Women’s Associations United, Korean Women Workers Association, Korean Womenlink, Korean Women’s Trade Union) regarding the collective punishment and dismissals against 88CC golf caddies unsettled for 5 months. The Korean women’s circle highlighted suppression against the labor union and violence against women specially hired workers, especially golf caddies which are women concentrated work.
88CC golf caddies are specially hired workers. However, they established the first trade union amongst golf caddies and it is a legal trade union. Since 1999, their collective agreement has been renewed three times. Nevertheless, when directors and field managers were changed in June 2009, after a new regime was changed, the matter has arisen: as soon as the new field manager was appointed, he threatened trade union executives saying “Because of the change of administration you are in hard times. The administration has switched from leftists to the right wing.” Furthermore, the managers declared a war against the trade union, saying the branch president “You can’t work nor carry out union activities any more. What’s this? You did everything in the collective agreement as you wanted. I think I need to perform an exorcism.” However, when the 88CC union brought a suit against this statement to the Ministry of Labor, the managers denied their comment.
In September when a customer complained about the rudeness of the field manager to the company president, he shifted the responsibility to a union golf caddy and stopped her from going on a field trip. Against this incident, union members joined a 3 hour picketing and wrote their opinion on the online board of the Ministry of Patriot and Veteran Affairs, and the unionist who were stopped working waged one person demonstration in front of the ministry. On September 24, 2009, the company expelled the unionist from its membership. (It means she can’t work as a golf caddy anymore.) In addition on November, the company suspended 52 union members from going on a field trip, under the excuse of their falls from the grace of the company. The field managers promised that the 88CC union members could be restored to work if they write pledges and introspection. However, they have forced union members to secede from the union and to join a council ruled by the management if the union members brought introspection and pledges. The golf caddies who cannot join any field trips mean actual dismissals, in fact.
In December, the company accused 22 union members of interference in the execution of its duty, defamation, and violation of the information and communications related act. In addition, on January 14th, 2009, the company expelled three union members from its membership. What is worse, in February 28, 2009, field managers beat two union executives and broke down their mobile phones and cameras. The union members were diagnosed with three week treatment.
The women’s circle demanded the Minister to have interview with them before the press conference. However, the Ministry of Patriot and Veteran Affairs refused that and made a poor excuse that the ministry has consigned 88CC. However, the earnings from 88CC are sent to the Ministry and the golf course is run with the budget from the Patriot fund. According to clause No. 5 of the general rules on the budget regarding 88CC, increases in budget for personnel should be decided by the board of directors, and changes in related items should be approved by the Ministry of Patriot and Veteran Affairs. Is it ironical that the Ministry is not responsible in terms of management and operation of the golf course even though an approval regarding the increase in budget has to be gained from the Ministry of Patriot and Veteran Affairs?
In the press conference, Park Youngmi, co-chairperson of the KWAU strongly denounced the ministry, saying “Women workers’ human rights have been violated seriously. The Ministry of Patriot and Veteran Affairs gives up its social responsibility to control and administer unfair labor practices in its agency and protect workers who are the social weaker.”
In the press conference, Kim Eun-sook, 88CC union branch president assured “We shall be united for us to protect our legal trade union and go back to our work.”