Puchon Women Workers' Association
TEL : 032-668-1016/323-9946~9948 / FAX : 032-323-9949

  At work and home, women face many challenges and suppression. To free from the bonds and to equally shoulder the half of the sky, PWWA supports women workers to enjoy the right social status. PWWA is the friend of women and brightens the future of women workers.
PWWA gives counseling and job training for women workers and runs a self-support center. PWWA also carries out other education programs, research and policy developments and organizes women workers to realize women's human rights.

Her Associates  

@ Action Center for Women Workers' Welfare
   TEL : 032-668-1011 pwwa@jinbo.net

Assigned by Gyounggi province and Pucheon city, the center gives general education and capability building programs for unemployed women and middle-aged women. The center also gives counseling and diverse welfare services as well as supports small grouping.  

◐ General education for working women

● Labor laws and Labor Standard Law
● School for working women
● program for sexual harassment prevention at work
● exposure programs
● special lectures for working women
● ;leadership training for women workers

◐ Vocational Capability Building Training

● special courses for tele-marketers
● course for after-school assistant teachers
● course for reading guiders
● other programs for women-friendly jobs

◐ Events and Campaigns

● Campaigns for rights of irregular women workers
● 3.8 International Women's Day March of Women Workers
● Olympics for unity
● Year-end party for hoping new year
● Visiting Eco-school with children
● Public discussion for the human rights and policies of women

◐ Counseling Center for women's employment
   TEL : 032-668-1050

● Fact finding research on women's employment and development of countermeasures
● Free counseling and job information
● Job Fair
● Free job guidance and test
● Searching job vacancies and information

◐ Counseling Center for Gender Equal Employment
● counseling through internet and e-mail
● counseling on
-- cases of gender discrimination at work
-- unjust dismissal and job insecurity
-- discrimination on employment, promotion and wage
-- marriage, delivery, and maternity protection
-- sexual harassment at work and sexual violence
-- part-time workers and contract workers
-- discrimination against irregular women workers
-- group counseling for each workplace and public discussion on Labor Standard Law
Tel : 0505-519-5050

@ Counseling Center for Gender Equal Employment
   TEL : 0505-668-1011
   Internet : Cholian(Pwwa21)/chamsesang(pwwa21@hanmail.net)
   WEB : www.equaline.or.kr

◐ Small groups
● Occupational groups : group for tele-marketers, school assistant cooks, reading
   guiders, and after school assistant teachers
● Clubs : traditional musical performance, climbing, singing club etc
● Others : all the daughters of the world (single mother group) cafe.daum.net/seddaldl

◐ Action Center for irregular women workers' rights
● free counseling and solutions on back wage, retirement payment, etc
● publication on rights of irregular women workers
● campaigns for obedience of Labor Standard Law

@ Nanum Self-support Center : Designated by Ministry of Health and Welfare, the center supports women in poverty and low wage for their self-support. The center gives counseling and job training and helps to set up and run self-support centers. The center wants to give social psychological support for women in help as well as financial support.  

◐ Ground for self-support
- Counseling
·beneficiaries for National System for guaranteeing Minimum Livelihood
·job guidance/self-support/livelihood
·group counseling for regaining self-confidence
- Education
·to encourage self-support
·training for self-support teams
·job training for women householders
- Support to open business
·information for financial support
·support for joint business
- Research and Development
·developing models of self-support for women
·analysis on women in self-support programs and research on resources for self-support/holding public discussion

◐ Social Work Creation
- home nursing special team
·nursing the serious sick with no family and low wage
·information for free medical service and nursing
- support for after-school assistant teachers
·dispatch assistant teachers for non-profit study rooms for children with low-waged parents
·child care after school and job creation for women

◐ management and support for self-support community
- Side dish service : selling side dish for offices, factories, children and special events
- Helper service : domestic helpers, helpers for mothers in delivery, baby sitters, and home nurses
- handcraft service : traditional handcraft with strays programs and support
- car washing service

◐ Cooperatives : sewing community TEL: 668-1016, 1018

Posted by KWWA
Ansan Women Workers' Association
TEL : 031-495-6844 / FAX : 031-495-6846

  AWWA was found at Ansan city where Banwol and Sihwa industrial areas are located, in 1998 as only women labor organization in the area.  AWWA aims to lead an equal society of job security and maternity protection for women workers in Korea and works to secure life time right to work for women workers.
At work and home, women face many challenges and suppression. To free from the bonds and to equally shoulder the half of the sky, AWWA supports women workers to enjoy the right social status. AWWA is the friend of women and brightens the future of women workers.

Her activities

@ Couseling : AWWA gives job training to unemployed so that they can re-enter labor market, in particular into the promising sectors for women. AWWA holds counseling and guidance for women to seek jobs and to regain self-esteem and self-confidance as workers.  

@ Education : AWWA carries out education courses on womens' rights, courses to be good parents and exposure programs as well as training for job seekers. AWWA also opens a school for women workers on gender equality education, monthly lectures, and cultural center.

@ Policy Development and Research : AWWA makes fact finding surveys on problems of women workers and on the basis of such researches, develops policies for women workers. In addition, AWWA opens regional discussion and public hearings to make women workers' issues visible and audible.

@ Speical projects for unemployed women and women in poverty :  Together with Action Center for unemployed women, AWWA implements diverse kinds of job training and counseling. AWWA helps unemployed women to make up mutual help unit called 'Sang Jo Hoi' and supports their self-support and self-reliance through cooperatives and other welfare programs.

@ Organizing : AWWA organizes women workers at workplace and through small groups, Sang Jo Hoi, and courses for job seekers.

@ Solidarity Building : As only women labor organization in this area, AWWA builds consolidate solidarity with other private organizations and also cooperates with public organizations to widen her network for better support for women workers.

Her Associates

▶▶ Counseling Center for gender equal employment (Ministry of Labor designated)
     TEL  : 031-494-4362 / 0505-567-5050
     WEB : www.equaline.or.kr

▶▶ Action Center for Women's Welfare (Ansan city assigned)
     TEL: 031-495-6844  

▶▶ Yang Ji Self-Support Center (Ministry of Health and Welfare designated)
     TEL: 031-495-6846  

▶▶ Counseling Center for women's employment (Gyounggi province assigned)
      TEL: 031-495-6845  

Posted by KWWA
North Cholla Women Workers' Association
TEL : 063-286-7080 / FAX : 063-286-1633

NCWWA opened its office in 16th of May, 1997 and makes every effort to liberate
women and to make a free equal world of women workers.

Her Associates

1) Equaline (TEL: 063-286-1633)

● Counseling : on infringement of women's human rights such as maternity protection, job security, child care leave, child care facilities at work, sexual harassment at work, sexual violence, gender discriminative employment conditions or indirect discrimination
● Education : NCWWA gives education for counselors in Equaline once a month and helps them share their experiences and results of their counselings. NCWWA holds regular meeting to discuss women workers' issues every month and aims to develope capacity of counselors. Since 2001, four instructors approved by Ministry of Gender Equality, have given counseling so more active counseling and training against infringement of women workers' human rights at work can be carried out.
2)  Action Center for Women's Unemployment (TEL 063-286-7080)

● Counseling : disseminating job information and guiding courses for women workers as well as introduction of public works. ACWU also holds group counseling for dismissed women house holders every month.
● Education : education for 30 dismissed women to get new jobs once a month
● Support for minimum livelihood  
ACWU provided 120 dismissed women with rice, fuel and gift cards equivalent to 150,000 won in 1998 and 84 poor women householders with 100,000 won every month from January to March in 1999. In May of 1999, 'Month of Home' ACWU invited  156 dismissed women and their family to an event and encouraged them to get over the hardships as well as shared their pains.
● "Medicare Card" : Since September of 1998, more than 150 dismissed women have used the card, which guarantees their discounted medicare fees from many dental clinics and Chinese clinics.  

3) Action Center for Restoration of Women Workers' Rights

● Campaign : more than once a month, ACRWWR distributes booklets on women workers' rights in particular cleaners, subcontract workers, or prat time workers at the industrial areas in Cheonju and Iksan. ACRWWR also performs street announcement and holds street exhibitions to make people understand situations of women workers. ACRWWR develops campaign strategies to lead more people to get involved in our activities and events.  

● Counseling : ACRWWR gives counseling on minimum wage and application of Labor Standard Law to companies with less than 4 workers.

Posted by KWWA
Masan-Changwon Women Workers' Association
TEL : 055-261-5362 / FAX: 055-295-5355

MCWWA wants to build a world of liberty where women workers and their families have awareness of their rights and problems and overcome their difficulties as women and workers as well.

Her Activities    

1) Education
MCWWA gives education to women workers so that they can raise their awareness of thier identities as women and as workers. MAWWA held a research on working conditions and real situations of workers as well as wage discrimination in Exporting Free Zone together with trade unions in Exporting Free Zone and Commitee for democratization of trade unions and shared the results with women workers. In addition MCWWA gives education on history, economic/political issues and fundamental reasons of women's problems.  

2) Research and Policy Suggestion
MCWWA carried out researches on living conditions of women workers in the region, health conditions and levels of awareness for women workers, management conditions of companies in EFZ and job insecurity. On the basis of the researches, MCWWA published case books and held public hearings.  
3) Counseling

MCWWA gives counseling to women workers and support them so that they can deal with problems which they are facing everyday at home and at work such as organizing trade unions, wage, unjust dismissal, industrial injury compensation, health, sex, or marriage.
Her Associates

1) Women's School : education for unprejudiced points of view on love and marriage and sharing experiences and opinions among women and men workers

2) Equaline : counseling on wage discriminations and oppression of employers for workers in small or middle sized companies  

3) Tuntuni Children's House
For children who have low-waged working parents, MCWWA set up the house and share the burden of child care with mother workers.

Posted by KWWA
Pusan Women's Association
TEL : 052-852-6647/8  FAX: 052-852-6649

Pusan Women Workers' Associations and Pusan women's Association was integrated into
Pusan Women's Association in 1995 in order to carry out activities in diverse fields
for better lives of women workers in Pusan.

Her Activists

1) Counseling  

● Saha Counseling Center for domestic violence
● Yeonjae Counseling Center for domestic violence
● Counseling Center for Children  
● Hotline for women house holders

- Counseling (call, interview, and on-line counseling)  
- Study on counseling case (focusing on settlement methods for every case)
- Further Research (counseling through gender perspective, counseling techniques seminar, once every two weeks on Tuesday 10:30 a.m.)
- Research on prevention of domestic violence and spouse troubles and public discussion on how to communicate between spouses
- Lectures on building gender equal relationship between husband and wife for singles
- Workshop for counseling victims of sexual violence and diverse campaigns (how to deal with domestic violence, human rights of women)
- Training for volunteer counselors (free training for counselors, regular training for counselors, and practices for fresh counselors)
- Solidarity building for human rights for women and equal society

2) Building a democratic family

● Husband and Wife : problem solving programs and public discussion
● Parents and Children : how to understand my children, how to communicate my children, how to prepare for the first school day of my children
● Juveniles : science camp, volunteer activities for agricultural areas, juvenile counselor training, education on sex
● Children : science camp, children's camp, children's school, finding treasures in TV
● Seniors : seniors' school, computer class, medicare class
● Single parent : fact finding research on situations of single parent's family, public discussion for policy suggestions, group counseling for single parents, building networks, regular meeting for single moms

3) Human Rights of women
- policy suggestions for prevention of sexual violence and domestic violence
- elimination of householder system
- policy suggestions for termination of prostitution
- expansion of gender equality in the area of education, media and culture

4) Women Workers

- Counseling through Equaline
- Education and policy suggestion for equal employment of women
- Policy suggestion for supporting women at work and at home

Her Branches

1) Saha  
- counseling center for domestic violence
- Participation Team for Assembly : realization of self-governance and local autonomy
- Theater company "Hangajok" (Our family) : performed plays about discrimination and social issues at work and domestic violence from the feminist points of view since 1999
- support volunteer activities  

2) Jin  

- Volunteer Center
- 'Sae ssak"(sprout) Children's center
- Volunteer Team for disabled children
- Volunteer Team "Pul Ggot Hyang" for orphanage
- Volunteer Team "Bud Na Mu" for seniors, disabled children and victims of domestic
- Eco-protectors "Nuri Gikimie"
- Volunteer Team for performing Pung Mul (traditional musical instruments)
- Love Neighbor : free hairdressing for foreign workers, free meals, free dishes for seniors living alone
- Love wheeling : driving service for children in welfare centers and orphanages

3) Young Do : supporting cultural social activities in the region  

4) Dong Rae  

- Cultural Center for women
- Counseling Center for women and family
- Education Community
- Love Children
- Singles : monitoring mass media
- Juvenile Volunteer Counselors

5) Sa Sang

- Participation Team for Assembly
- Solidarity Building in the region
- Love Children
- Supporting small groups

Posted by KWWA
Kwangju Women Workers' Association
TEL: 062-381-3029 FAX: 062-381-2805

In 1990 KWWA was established for the political, economical, and social rights of
women workers and has carried out education, training, counseling, research and
development as well as organized women workers.  
Her Activities

1) Counseling

Through Equaline, KWWA gives counsels to women workers on recruitment, employment, job arrangement, promotion, retirement, dismissal, prevention of sexual harassment at work, child care leave, and and so on and help women workers to secure their rights and to solve their problems.
TEL: 062) 383-1286

2) Countermeasures for dismissal

- counseling and physiological healing for dismissed women householders
- developing public works especially for women
- self-support by home nurses, home helpers, collectives
- setup regular meeting for dismissed women
- support for medical care and livelihood
TEL: 062) 384-3029

3) Policy development and Research
- fact finding research on working conditions of assistant cooks at school
- fact finding research on working condition of librarians
- public discussion on policy development for workers in small business

4) Solidarity Building : in cooperation with labor, women and other civil organizations in Kwangju

5) Education  

- education programs on understanding laws such as Lbor Standard Law, Equal Employment Law, Child care Law, Employment Insurance Law, Women Development laws, Laws for guaranteeing minimum livelihood
- education on history of women labor movement and its future tasks

6) Self-support  

- House repairing team
- Home Nursing team
- Helpers for women who delivered a baby
- Side dishes delivery team

TEL : 062)384-3029

Posted by KWWA
Inchon Women Workers' Association  

TEL: 032 - 862-2832 Fax: 032 - 863-2659

Sharing House for working women opening in 1988  changed into IWWA in 1989 and IWWA has worked to realize the human rights of women workers since.

Her Activities

1) Policy development for raising women's status
- policy suggestions and amendment bills of women related laws for expansion of women's employment and job training, public discussion for equal rights to work, job security, expansion of maternity protection, elimination of vocational disease and improvement of working conditions.
- expansion of child care facilities and policy suggestions for governmental support
- policy suggestions and monitoring for improving the women related policies in Incheon  

2) Support for rights of working women  
- free law counseling for women workers and support their struggle
- support for trade union activities  
- watching over toxic chemicals for protection of maternity and health and improving poor working conditions  
- support for guaranteeing stable income through expansion of common workplace and cooperatives and for heightening economic capability
-  monitoring implementation of Equal Employment of men and women and securing equal right for employment and promotion

3) Education and Publicity
- education for democratic family relationship and for democratic parents
- publication of Working Women and training textbooks for women
- Rally in commemorative of 3.8 International Women's Day and disseminating women related resources
- fact finding research and survey for lifetime workplace and human rights of women and campaigns

4) Support to build a democratic society
- establishment and amendment of special law on sexual violence and prevention law of domestic violence and campaigns
- suggestion of quota system for expansion of women's participation in politics and raising women leaders
- support to reduce arms for peace and unification
- securing minimum level of livelihood and welfare improvement for equal society

5) Support for small groups

- Women and Movie
- My love Han Peninsula: Searching for cultural relics
- Finger language
- singing club
- Neul Poom : eco-freindly home makers' group
- Building a women-friendly workplace

Her Associates

◐ Nanum Children's House : for two to six year-old children
   TEL: 863 - 7443
◐ Od Nurie Cooperative : producing clothes
   TEL: 523-7502

◐ Equaline
TEL:l 032-525-1982

◐ Self-support : for low-waged women to enhance their self-reliance and improve their welfare through job creation, support to open business and to run self-support community and development of self-support programs.  

● Self-support community
    "Mama's touch" providing lunch
    "Master of the House" repairing houses
     Home Nurses

● Self-support volunteers
    Free repairing houses
    Home Nursing Team

● Side-job Community : fuzzy stuffed toys and electric parts
● Counseling and Education : counseling for employment, opening business and other livelihood support/education to raise will of self-support and community consciousness
● improvement of neighborhood and research and survey : free medical care, volunteer activities for welfare centers and free meal for hungry children, sharing kimchi, and research on desire and demands for welfare and social resources in Incheon
Posted by KWWA
Seoul Women Workers' Association

TEL : 02-3141-3011

Starting with Korean Women Workers' Association in 1987, it changed into SWWA in 1992. SWWA has carried out diverse activities for women workers and built a new phase of women workers' movement by supporting the setup of KWWAU together with other regional women workers' associations.

SWWA, striving for empowerment of women comprising a half of heaven and breaking the chains of discrimination at home, at work and society, is your friend and hope to open a bright future for women.

Her activities

* Activities for Lifelong Equal Labor Rights

1) Women and Work

At work and at home, against all discrimination,  women need to live self-reliant and independent lives. For this, SWWA gives women diverse educational programs to raise their awareness and to support their economic activities.

2) Women and Gender, Marriage  

SWWA gives education courses to women to help them get better understanding of the essential systematic women's problems. Especially working women need to get the courses for understanding of realities of women workers, their movement, maternity protection, and sexual harassment at work.  

3) Women and Family

SWWA prepares educational courses such as sex education, points of view on love and marriage, and how to deal with sexual harassment at work. In addition, SWWA carries out programs for women such as how to be good parents, how to communicate with your children, how to make a democratic home and how to give sex information to their children.

4) Women and Law

SWWA carries out programs for women workers so that they can get more information on women related laws such as Equal Opportunity for Employment between men and women, Child care laws, Employment Insurance laws, laws for women's development, or Labor Standard Law.  

5) etc
For men, SWWA prepares programs. For example, anyone can participate in open lecture on history of labor movement given by labor activists who played vital roles in 1970s to 1980s.  
Also anyone interested in our programs feel free to call us.

* Job Training Activities

More and more women want to keep working after marriage. As only monotonous low-paid jobs are allowed for women, women also want to have their own speciality in job markets. However, now we are facing the reality that we can't get any stable jobs due to the lack of skills and training courses are not enough for all women who want to take.
Thus, SWWA leads the way to job creation and job stability for women. SWWA published case study book on job training of women and suggestions to develope the programs in 1994 and now making every effort to develope advanced programs for women, which can facilitate women to get jobs again. In addition, SWWA has diverse retraining courses to help them get better skills. After completing series of training courses, SWWA give job information to women trained and also gives counseling and advice for women to keep their lifelong right to work.

* Policy Development

1) Maternity Protection : "women workers' safety and health","vocational disease and maternity protection", "schemes for society to share the cost of maternity protection"

2) Equal Employment : "struggle guidelines for raise of women workers", "abolition of forced retirement due to marriage and pregnancy and of early retirement", " guidelines of Ministry of Gender Equality for trade unions", "policies for women to work"  

3) Job Security

"the real situation of job insecurity for women workers and its countermeasures","how can we solve the problem of deteriorating job insecurity","no rights, double exploitation, how can we see this", "employment insurance and women's job security"
4) Child Care  

"amendment bills for child care laws", "direction of current child care movement and future tasks of women labor movement", "proper measures to establish nursery at work"

* Solidarity Building : SWWA regularly exchange and share experiences and activities     with other organizations in and abroad.

* Her Associates

1) Hot Line for Equality (EQUALINE)

In order to protect women workers against infringement of their human rights at work   and to effectively support them, Equaline is set up and gives counsels and advice to women. Call, visit, letter, or e-mailing can contact Equaline.
Tel : 02-853-8354 / 0505-555-5050/
Fax : 02-861-0815
E-mail : swwa@jinbo.net
Cyber-counseling : www.equaline.or.kr
Biz hour : Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. ~ 7 :00 p.m./ Saturday 10:00 a.m.~ 1:00 p.m.
           Besides biz hour, appointment in advance can make counseling time.

2) Tuntuni(Sound mind sound body) Children's House
For working parents in Guro, in 1989 Tuntuni Children's House was established and in August 2001 it was rebuilt as schooling community for children.  Child care is not only a family responsibility but also a responsibility of our society and Tuntuni Children's House can be an alternative child care community.  
Tel : 02-837-3073

3) Guro Women Resource Development Center  

Guro Women Resource Development Center was established for the rights of women workers and for their economic reliance by support of Ministry of Labor.
While more women want to participate in economic activities since 1980s, there are still high barriers to limit their participation in labor market. Thus SWWA has asked for enhancement of job training and educations to expand women's employment and job stability, especially in this period of increasing irregular women workers.  

◐ Cultural courses for the community
- acupuncture
- sports dance
- reading fairy tales
- English conversation by native speakers

◐ Building job capacity courses

- making clothes and repairing
- attaining licenses to be hair dresser and Korean Food cook
- home nurses courses

◐ Computer courses: windows, Excel, Hangeul 97, HTML, Flash, Photoshop, Ilustrators and web design

Tel : (02) 867 - 4456
FAX : (02) 867 - 4459
E-mail : workhome@chollian.net / work23home@hanmail.net 

4) Guro 'Samteo' Self-support Center

◐ Community Workplace
For women who can't get jobs due to their conditions, community workplace can provide them with side jobs to support their livelihood. At the first course, women can learn how to make stationeries and at the next course, they can complete fuzzy stuffed toys and electronic parts. During the courses women can meet each other and completion of the courses can make them open a common business together.
◐ Another Room
Another Room is a collective which produce uniforms or accessaries for the women completing the courses of Community Workplace. It gets orders and produces goods for the demanders.

◐ Skillful Foxes
Skillful Foxes is a brand name for SWWA. Among job seekers, every two women a month are arranged for high-skill training and given jobs as sewer.  By giving one skill training a month, SWWA aims to increase productivity.

◐ Food Delivery Service
Food Delivery Service markets, cooks, and delivers their food for special events. It develops Korean Daily Food and family events menu for marriage or funeral and for women who want to open their business it can be experience for management.

◐ Home Helper for women delivered a baby
◐ Home Helper : housekeeping or cleaning
Tel : (02) 856 - 0516
E-mail : kurolife@hanmail.net
Posted by KWWA