Despite the increasing rates of female labor force in economic activities since the 1980s, conditions for women to enter into the labor market are still limited. Thus, in order to answer the demands of women, to expand the employment of women, and to secure their employment, it's essential and required to expand the opportunities of skill training and vocational training for women as well as to strengthen up the training programs. Especially as women workers fall into irregular women workers recently, it is urgent and important to develope vocational training for women. Women Resource and Development Center is a special training organization for women as ray of hope for women to give diverse job training and job information actively and to hold general education courses. Women Resource and Development Center sets up the following main goals: * Development of job areas for women in the 21st century and Implementation of special job training * Active job counseling and Creation of jobs to expand the women's opportunities for economic and social activities * Effective management of child care facilities and counseling center for solving the difficulties of women workers to improve the welfare of working women * Development and Implementation of useful and diverse general education programs
Kuro, Seoul 82-2-867-4456 (FAX 4459) Dongrae, Pusan 82-51-503-7268 (FAX 505-7151)
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