Result of consultation on rights of mother to commemorate pregnant women’s day: 544 cases in the first half of this year, consultation for maternity leaves is the largest, followed by child-care leave. Before childbirth encouragement event, women work..
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2013. 12. 26. 11:54Result of consultation on rights of mother to commemorate pregnant women’s day: 544 cases in the first half of this year, consultation for maternity leaves is the largest, followed by child-care leave. Before childbirth encouragement event, women workers’ right for motherhood must be secured.
544 cases in the first half of this year, consultation for maternity leaves is the largest, followed by child-care leave. Before childbirth encouragement event women workers’ right for motherhood must be secured.
October 10 is the day of pregnant women. Under the host by Ministry of Health and Welfare organizer and the supervision of Planned Population Federation of Korea, the day of pregnant women was designated in order to encourage childbirth and considerate pregnant women. October 10 means the the month of harvest and abundance, October and period of gestation, 10 months.
However pregnant women workers are often kicked out under the "defective" covered in the office yet. When one 5 months pregnant women refused to night work, she was insulted such as "Only one person you're pregnant?" and Does it make sense that it is not possible for you to do what other people were also much? Do you think you're something special just because you are pregnant?" and received an order to move to anther departments. 5 years have passed since the establishment this company, but the atmosphere urges pregnant women to quit. (Gwangju Women Workers Association)
Korean Women Workers Association, to commemorate the pregnant women's day, collected and analyzed the case on the rights of mother consulted in the "Equal line-hotline" from January to June this year. They have consulted for six months, in the first half, 544 motherhood related cases through 8 Equal Lines in nationwide Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Bucheon, Jeonbuk, Machang, Ansan, Gwangju. If looking at the kind of consultation, 265 maternity leave (48.7%), 243 consultations on childbirth of childcare leave (44.7%), 22 disadvantage of pregnancy (4%), and 9 dismissal about pregnancy and childbirth (1.7%) and the like.
Consultation on maternity leave is divided into whether or not to use the leave, the duration of the leave, and difficulty of reinstatement after taking the leave.
90 days of maternity leave is ensured by law. However, female worker in the nursery school heard that because it is difficult to give 90 days of maternity leave, just she can take one month leave, if she doesn’t want it, quit the job from the director. ( Ma-chang Women Workers Association )
Non-regular female workers have been difficult further to receive blessing for bless pregnancy in particular. The situation of women workers in the public sector is also the same.
After talking about the state of the pregnancy to re-contract discussion, a female worker who had worked five years from nursery ward office was lost her job. (Busan Women Association) Since a sign of premature labor, a female worker who works in school as a contract employee, was to take sick leave before maternity leave, but she had the answer that but it was not possible because it is not a disease, so considers retirement. In addition, a female worker to work as temporary English teacher was told that it is not possible to give a child-care leave for temporary teacher. (Seoul Women Workers Association)
Though female workers use of child-care leave, after reinstatement, return of original job is not available, consultation to contact this there were many.
There is also a case that the consultation on the story where trying to reinstatement after parental leave, it was not possible to put a stop to force the human resources who has been selected as an alternative to human resources, there is no seat. (Jeonbuk Women Workers Association)
On the other hand, 95% of those consulted are women, men are only 5 percent. This shows the recognition of male workers of the rights of father such as the use of child-care leave and missing is not yet full. Further, of those consulted, became regular employees 45%, non-regular workers is about 20%. In the case of rights of mother consultation, there are many cases that female workers want to contact in order to guarantee their rights aggressively. But consultation of non-regular workers is small compared to the full-time because non-regular manual workers can not even worry due to deficiency of legal system itself.
To celebrate the pregnant women's day, events various variety have been made, but more importantly, the atmosphere in the workplace that can be pregnant working women in peace, birth, child care must be construction. Also to secure rights of mother properly, thorough supervision for workplace is required. In addition, in order to secure rights of mother of irregular workers women, improvement of legislation to expand the childcare participation of men must be performed together.