Organizing Youth Hope Academy, ‘Joyful Imagination, Thrilling Changes’
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2011. 3. 15. 17:02
“Sorry, mom and dad. I wouldn't live for making a lot of money through working at a big company."
“I hope I can change even a little bit. I have been losing hopes and trying just to accept my reality."
“I hope I can find what I really wish. I hope I can have peaceful mind, not being a slave to the word, 'employment'!"
(opinions of some participants in the Youth Hope Academy)
Youth Hope Academy was held every Thursday evening between May 6 and June 10, under the flag of 'Joyful Imagination, Thrilling Changes!'. It was the first education program for women youth that we at the KWWA have endeavored to organize. We organized this program for youth who are considered to be synonyms of uncertainty and dispair in Korea today. In particular, we focused on 'daily things related to foods and living' which is the biggest concerns for Korean youth, and we also explored alternative ways, including ways to enhance their independence and to balance co-existence and mutual aids.
We at the KWWA planned and included a special lecture regarding 'Hope' which was delivered by Jo-Han He-jung, a professor of Yonsei University, a lecture on alternative social economy such as social enterprises, lectures for sharing specializing in and exploring youth's social enterprises and community case studies. We also provided a variety of programs including women's discourse lecture, joyful bull sessions amongst leading youth representatives, and a vision-making workshop.