Jun, 2000
A edition committee member of KWWA
Translator: Angela Kang
Copy-editor: Rebecca Branford
With My Name....
◑ Focus1. Different Rallies but a Unified Voice 4
2. Working life, Determined life 8
◑ Feature
1. Where are women workers since the economic crisis 9
2. Workers, but not recognized as workers 13
◑ Life story written by Park, Min-na
A woman who wants to retire as a factory worker 16
◑ Voices from the workplace
1. Apology should be made even for getting bitten by a mad dog 23
2. Unjust dismissal in accordance with the law? 26
3. They were not called union members but restaurant Ajoomma 28
◑The Action Center for Women's UnemploymentJob-seekers doing it for themselves 30
◑ Equal Rights CounsellingCounseling Cases from January & February 36
◑ News 40
Translator: Angela Kang Copy-editor: Rebecca Branford
Korea Working Women's Network 2000