[vol.1] Feature 2. The reality situation and couterplan of dispatched labor
WORKING WOMAN 2008. 1. 30. 15:10
We "Working Women" would to like to examine here how the law for dispatchment of workers affects on the workers while objection to formulating the law has been mobilized. We would also like to bring to light the serious matters that burden our workers as a result of this system following is the substance of opinions expressed at the meeting
Although hopeful words like 'civil-elected government' or 'reformation' are making the rounds of the nation, it is realized that no difference is seen at all in the tiresome living of we laborers. Last Mar 23 the alleviating measures on regulations of environment gave a hint of how deceptive is this so-called civil government promise. Under the veil of appealing to the people to 'share the pain', the government announced it would allow workers dispatching business. This will enslave workers and bring benefits only to those who utilize the dispatching system. The workers dispatching business which has been prohibited by law has been functioning under the name of subcontracts or part time work. Far from being protected by law, the workers suffer from wage exploitation and over-time work. In ignorance of the reality, the government has done nothing but allow more extensive use of dispatched labor. In addition, seeing that most of the workers dispatching business owners are retired military officers, it is reasonable to question whether the government hastily formulated the concerned law for the purpose of legalizing their illegal activities of them. The question was not only that one. The illegal employment of workers makes the working conditions worse and adds weights to the matter of employment insecurity. Therefore, we can't accept the logic that legalization or the workers dispatching business wil1 restore our economy. On the contrary the business will trample on the basic rights of workers. While looking into related cases we will now examine the reality and the problems or dispatched labor which is in the process of being legalized.
With the main duties such as maintenance, repair and maintenance of buildings, most facilities management consists of dispatched workers. In the beginning the business centered on gate guards and dispatched cleaning labor but now it is gradually extending into air conditioning or heating apparatus of building, computer system, facilities for disaster prevention, maintenance and repair of elevators, parking superintending, telephone operators and driving, etc. At present 90% of workers for facilities maintenance are employed by about 700 workers dispatching companies. With poor working conditions, 1ack of concern both from society and their employers, the workers are suffering from twofold exploitation by the dispatchers themselves and the employers.
In comparison with regular workers in the same jobs, the dispatched workers receive far lower wages and can't invoke the three rights of labor. This brings them to a state where they literally have no right. Despite the fact that they make an employment contact with dispatched labour companies, they have to be under the direction and control of other companies for whom they work. Under such duplication of employment relationship, they are threatened by employment insecurity. In the process of making an employment contract, workers have to sign the contract paper handed over by the workers dispatching company. In actual it is not a contract paper but a memorandum which says the worker is aware that the job he assumes is temporary and supervised work. As the facilities maintenance job is classified as supervised and temporary work (according to labor standard 1aw provision 49, article 3) the workers dispatching companies can get unfair profits by assigning the workers to work continuously for 24 hours without approval of a labor committee and don't have to pay over-time working allowance, night time working allowance and on holiday-working allowance. As a result of this, more than 90% of workers for facilities maintenance have been harassed with over-time work exceeding the standard working time prescribed by law although they are not engaged in supervised and temporary duties. In fact they lost their lawfu1 right to the standard working times related to length of work, night time work and holiday work. In the event that a worker makes a protest against such matters, his entrance to a company is to be rejected without any consideration. The average working time per week of workers for facilities maintenance is excessive Over-time of 72-80 hours, in excess of the standard working time of 44 hours. However, in spite of such over-time work, a low wage of around 4 to 600000 won (about $500 to $750) is paid to these workers. Additionally since not only the wage level is low but also the working career is not recognized, there is no difference in wage between new comers and people of over 20 years' employment. In addition workers dispatching companies absorb almost 50% of the workers' pay in the name or a management fee, running expenses and profits (about 7% of the workers' wage). So the monthly pay of an old woman who comes to work early in the morning and cleans a big building, is no more than 200,000 won($250) Such a low wage causes workers to change their jobs frequently. Within 3 years almost the total staff has been changed. Due to that high ratio of job shifting a lot of workers leave with less than one year working time. Accordingly workers dispatching companies can take bonus, retirement allowance and 1ong term allowance which the actual workers are suppose to receive. For example, H company took in money up to the amount of 400,000,OOO won ($500.000}during the one year of 1992. Despite the fact that the workers dispatching companies' exploitation in the middle is acute, the companies are doing almost nothing. Almost no skill training courses are available. Each worker utilizes the skills they have learned at schools or institutes. In addition the majority or working environments are harmful and dangerous so that workers are apt to suffer damage to eyesight, hearing, respiratory disease and pneumonia. Finger amputation and death from falls are frequent accidents but nothing has been done for the workers to protect them from inquiry or promote good health.
The big difference between the dispatched workers and regulars starts with the separation of employers from users. Wage and working conditions of dispatched workers are decided by a contract made between owners or the worker dispatching companies and those of companies which use the dispatched labor. In case of breaking the contract between the dispatching company and the company using the dispatched labor, the worker is suddenly out or work. In a such state with no rights at all, the dispatched workers suffer from extreme insecurity of employment. Because this is made sexist language and suggest either saying: 'man-woman power' or just 'workers' dispatching business is an illegal work which violates the Labor Standard Law. In essence a third party invades the employment of other persons and takes out unjust profits. However, workers dispatching companies of our country cover their management expense and profit from workers' wages. The ratio of in-between exploitation is, astonishingly, equal to the amount that the workers receive. Apart from the above bad influence, expansion or dispatched labor is directly utilized to make the labor movement powerless. That is under conditions which makes it too difficult to organize them, dispatched workers gradually replace the regulars, which weakens the existing organizational power of labor unions and leads to their collapse. Also the spread of dispatched labor leads to a vicious cycle or employment insecurity, weakening of labor organizing power and deterioration of working conditions. In addition, the gradual spread of dispatched work gives rise to a weakening of the national economy. Even though the problem of low productivity and low quality is the responsibility or the business sector, it is true that weakening competitiveness in the world market and reduction of the domestic market can bring on an economy crisis. With a view to establishment of a society where we can al1 1ive cooperatively together, we ask the government for the f0110wing:
However, of course such demands to the government side will be realized by the unity and struggle of workers. Therefore, the solidarity or all workers should put forth a resolute objection to the formulation of a worker dispatching law which government and capitalists have recently been attempting to do. This meeting became an opportunity to bring to light the reality of dispatched workers and to figure out a counterpane. Being together the various aspects resulting from this meeting, Let's do our best to develop effective countermeasures to h dispatched workers system.