2008‘s workshop for executives of Hope Center to Abolish Poverty and Increase the Rights of Women Workers (HCAPIRWW) held, "When I grow up, our HCAIRWW grow up, too."
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2008. 7. 21. 13:53
July 5~6, 2008, a workshop for executives of Hope Center to Abolish Poverty and Increase the Rights of Women Workers (HCAPIRWW) was held, entitled "When I grow up, our HCAIRWW grow up, too." In this year 123 executives joined together across the nation, which is a higher than the number of participants last year.
After making a brief introduction and showing entertaining skills by region, all the participants danced to the rhythm of "We can make" and then, regular programs were carried out. Firstly, Ha Jonggang, chairperson of Hanul Professional Law Corp. delivered a lecture about "Let's look at labor issues correctly in the Korean society." More easily and interestingly explained is about capitalism development process in Korea and how its special history (occupation by Japan, the Korean War and division, long-term authoritarianism, and insufficient winding up of the past) has affect the present Korean society and how much we have suffered from that, through a film and pictures. He stressed we should carry out the strong and hopeful Korean labor movement to create a better society amid severe polarization.
After that, people were classified into 4 groups - women single parents, care service workers, self-sufficiency promotion centers, and National Cooperative of House Managers (NCHM), and leadership-enhancing training was conducted by group. Above all, we played an ice-breaking game and self-introduction was made to break the ice between us. After activating meetings through group discussion and leaders' role enhancing participatory program were conducted, we summarized our tomorrow's presentations until 10:30pm even after dinner. After that, we gathered together and had a fun overnight by region including introducing regional activities that we could not because of a shortage of time, and learning rhythmic movements.
In the morning on July 6, 2008, we had the time to present our discussion by group. We made creative presentations of our discussions in the forms of changed words to popular tunes, performances, plays, and slogans, to deliver to each other, roles of executives, a variety of activities, wishful goals and hopes. After the presentation, we appreciated a film to help reflect on HCAPIRWW's activities during the last year.
As a last program, Huh Byeong-sup, a president of Green College gave a lecture, titled "life-saving activities." He talked about what minds and attitudes we need to carry out activities as executives, giving indirect cuts of his life.
Like this, a 2 day long workshop for HCAPIRWW executives was completed. What has remained to us is that we should work hard in high spirits with regional members. In future we hope all HCAPIRWW executives can carry out vigorous and exciting activities.