workshop on 'Indirect Employment' Held for Hotline for Equality's Counselors
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2008. 6. 24. 15:59During a workshop in May 27th, 2008, Eun Soomi (a researcher of Korea Labor Institute) delivered a lecture on indirect employment to counselors belonging to Hotline for Equality and Ko Gyeongseop, a certified labor attorney carried out some case studies with counselors.
During the lecture, we at KWWA had a good time to share and think over what indirect employments are, what situations of indirect employment women workers face, how indirect employments have been changed since the enactment of Irregular Employment Act, what causes are of increasing indirect employment, and what counter-measures we can take. In particular, it is noticeable that other forms of employments such as subcontracted workers have been increasing while the number of fixed term employment has been declined. Eun Soomi pointed out the fact that there have been rises in indirect employment, since labor management by employers has largely preferred indirect labor management to direct one.
However, the Irregular Employment Act highlights fixed and part-time employment, controlling only dispatched employment out of indirect employments, and so there has been a big gap since there is no measure for other kinds of indirect employments, especially subcontracted workers working in mother companies.
Therefore, she suggested to unionize workers, improve unfair trades, amend present Dispatched Employment Act, correct discriminatory indirect employment, take joint responsibility between contractors and subcontractors or share responsibility for subcontracted workers, carry out severe control over outsourcing in the public sector and find good examples, conduct research and monitor situation of subcontracted workers in mother companies.
After the lecture, we joined a case development workshop. We discussed cases regarding indirect employment occurring in each region, and groped for how to work out solutions with the labor attorney.