A forum for the extension of childcare facilities within workplaces was opened in the assembly hall of the labor welfare industrial complex in October 29th.
It was sponsored by the 'Joint Committee for the Promotion of Childcare Facilities within Workplaces.' This following is an abstract from the 'Proposals re Government Policies, and Suggestions of Practical Guidelines for the Company & the Labor Union', a presentation made by Wang In-sun, the executive officer of the KWWAU.

  1. The evaluation of the government's policies on the childcare facilities within workplaces

    The government has actively carried out policies to expand childcare facilities in the 1990s. But, the facilities are still insufficient.

    Presently, reaching the end of 1996, the existing facilities catered for only 39% of children in need. The government, which has the primarily responsibility for providing such facilities, is depending too much for the childcare services on private organizations, which tends to reduce the public committment to childcare services.

    The government' plan to expand the childcare facilities for infants can be divided into the expansion of institutions; financial aid from the government; the revision of relevant laws, and administration guidance.

    It is true that the policies concerning childcare facilities for infants practiced by the government under this plan has received much criticism. It is judged to have established over ambitious goals;
    which can be verified in the ambition the government showed in extending the financial aid and expanding the childcare facilities.

    But, the plans to expand facilities - (establish 7000 childcare facilities within workplaces whether public or private from 1995 to 1997 and raise the capacity rate to 90%) - went under sweeping revision. The financial aid for the facilities was not made available according to the planned budget,. There seems to be a problem with the basis and the direction of the government policies.

  2. The Proposals on government policies

    1. Proposals on the general direction of the policy:

      ** The social responsibility of the company to provide childcare support should be raised.

      The company should take social responsibility on childcare, as together with the government it is equally concerned about the stability of the workforce, and securing the basic rights of the workers. To raise the responsibility of the company, the government should expand its aid for the establishment and running of childcare services by business also work on policies to lead the company to invest on the childcare industry.

      ** Policies should be established to support and encourage the employers to diversify the forms of childcare facilities and to expand the government aid on the company's expenses.

      The government should aid the expenses and establish policies to expand the childcare support formula of the company. At present this diversification is in embryonic stage eg. the establishment of childcare facilities within 'Chaebols' (the large corporations in Korea), the opening of private childcare facilities within workplaces to regional citizens, and the commission of private childcare facilities etc.

      ** The childcare facilities within workplaces and regions should be linked in cooperation.

      Though a childcare institution is established in workplaces, an infant cannot accompany his or her parent to a distant workplace. This fact makes the parent of infants to prefer childcare institutes near their home. Therefore, a policy concerning childcare facilities should be implemented in the direction of a joint initiatives between workplace and local centres.

      ** The solidification of the Ministry of Labor's administrative guidance and the establishment of a cooperation system between Ministerial Offices

      Even if the childcare policies are well made, it is hard to have efficiency without active administrative guidance. Right now, it is almost impossible to find counseling offices or information desks concerning the establishment and operations of childcare facilities. The government, - local government organizations - and companies should take joint actions to establish and operate childcare workplaces within workplaces, and establish a system for cooperation between the various govt departments..

    2. Proposals:

      ** The concept of workplace childcare facilities should be broadened and varied:.

      First of all, if the company agrees to let the workers use the regional private childcare facilities, the company should take partial responsibility for the operational expenses, and the government should support a part of the financial expense.

      Secondly, in the case of childcare facilities which the labor union, the worker, the user organization and a third person all establish and operate together to take care of the workers' children, the company should support financial expenses partially, and the government should take partial responsibility for the company's expenses.

      ** Make obligatory the establishment and opening of childcare facilities within workplaces in big enterprises and public organizations:

      The number of childcare facilities within workplaces planned to be built in public organizations was 240 by 1997, but only 75 are operating now. Public organizations and big enterprises should establish regional childcare institutions, open them to workers from joint enterprises, subcontracting enterprises, small enterprises nearby and to persons living in that locality.

      ** Diversify the company's system for supporting childcare:

      The childcare aid policies that the company supports should be more diversified rather than just doing the minimum of establishing childcare facilities within workplaces and paying for childcare allowances.

      Firstly, in the case of workplaces that are required to establish the required facilities, the first stage should be to establish childcare centers within workplaces either independently or co-operatively for the children of the workers; the second stage would follow later on with the opening up the center to children from the region or companies nearby.

      Secondly, in situation where a company uses a local centre the company should make a contract with the centre to support children at there and also to partially support the operation costs of such facilities.

      Thirdly, even if the company cannot establish a childcare center within itself, it should take partial responsibility of the operation fees and other expenses of the private childcare centers within the region. Fourthly, the company should pay more than 50% of the childcare expenses that the workers incur.

    3. Diversify and Expand the ways of Government Assistance:

      ** Prioritize Assistance to Medium and Small Enterprises:

      First of all, the government should create basic policies of making loans available to induce big enterprises to establish childcare centers within workplaces. It should also introduce a system of warning if policies are not followed. On the other hand, they government should make small enterprises establish childcare centers within workplaces through direct financial assistance rather than making loans available.

      Secondly, concerning the financial loans for the establishment and support for the operation of such centres , the government should give first priority to adequately support the small enterprises.

      ** Expand Aid for the Establishment of Joint Childcare Centers within Workplaces:

      Jointly operated childcare centers are possible in for example in such places as; industrial complexes, cooperative agricultural community, an association of small and medium business, a cooperative association or companies of a business group. These groups should be selected as the chief areas for establishing such facilities and these facilities should be opened up to children of the residents and workers nearby.

      The change from individual labor unions to federations of unions can provide the basis for the expansion of the establishment of cooperative childcare centers within workplaces.
      The establishment of these cooperative childcare centers should be chosen as a policy to be implemented in the future.

    4. The reformation of laws

      ** Expand the workplaces required to establish facilities:

      First of all, the criterion for workplaces required to establish such facilities should be broadened. (at present it applies to places with over 300 persons employed).

      The number of women working in workplaces with more than 300 people comprise only 25.4% of working women. Women working in companies with more than 5 people and less than 299 people are 74,6% of the total working women in Korea. Therefore, it should be legally binding to establish childcare centers within workplaces with more than 150 employees.

      Also, it is necessary to extend the interpretation of full time worker. Rather that limiting it to persons who work full time in one physical place the interpretation should focus on the actual work done by a person. Secondly, the current guidelines that require the establishment of centres at workplaces with just women workers at certain workplaces should be changed to require such facilities where both men and women work. The fact is that childcare is not only an assignment for women, but a social supporting arrangement for both men and women as they carry out side by side career and family life.

      This has been is clearly stated in the various UN & ILO conventions which Korea has ratified.

      ** Re the standards for people engaged in childcare and the establishment of facilities:

      Companies operating childcare centers are suggesting the relaxation of the current legal and administerial regulations concerning the establishment of childcare centers and the standards of the persons working there. This is because regulations about the establishment of centres within industry is strictly regulated and ted the same as private profit making childcare centers.

      But the present standards for people engaged in child care centres is the minimum standard. Any more relaxation of the policies will cause the depreciation of the quality of the childcare centers.

      To reform the legal and administrial difficulties effectively, it would be best to strengthen the function of counselling centres which could present information on facilities and the operation of such facilities to industry.

      ** The introduction of warning system for labor policies Presently, the requirement to establish childcare centres is only an advisory regulation.

      Certain workplaces are required to establish childcare centers and pay childcare fees, but there are no specified measures to respond to companies which fail to follow the law. As a means to increase the rate of establishing facilities at the required, the law should mandate the establishment of childcare centers within a certain period of time.

      At the same time a warning policy should also be introduced to encourage and promote the establishment of such within that said period.

      After this period has passed, the companies which failed to establish such facilities should be required to avail of one of the enterprise-aided childcare service methods. If they fail to fulfil that, then the company should be punished.

      ** Tax Alleviation:

      The present government aid concerning the tax alleviation is merely a 10% tax reduction on investment in establishing and running costs. This tax benefit should be increased from the perspective that the company takes responsibility for a sector of the childcare services - which are the responsibility of the government - and companies enter into cooperation with private day care centers to expand their services.

      @ 15% tax reduction of big enterprises, and 100% special reduction for small and medium business.

      @ The designation of the money spent on childcare facilities to the status of a legal donation defined by the law which covers infant care.

      @The equal aid benefit for kindergartens.

      @ Equal payment of childcare allowances to men and women workers, and the tax exemption of childcare expenses.

    5. The strengthening of education publicity activities for business and guidance from administration:

      First of all, counseling and information centers, that can provide adequate information on establishing childcare centers to companies and labor directive role of the Ministry of Labor administration should be strengthened.

      The administrational supervision of childcare within workplaces should be carried out systematically and continually by the Ministry of Labor, which is responsible for the problems of management and labor. The Ministry of Labor should take overall responsibility to oversee the childcare facilities within workplaces, and the expansion of childcare industry.

      However because the cooperation of the various ministries is necessary for the linking up of company and region, this should be carried out properly through the cooperation of ministries.

Posted by KWWA