August 11th, the 18th Memorial Service for a marryer Kim Kyeong-sook, who was a female worker killed in the process of YH struggle in 1970's. It was a significant women workers' struggle to end the military dictatorship, Park Chung-hee regime.
- United gathering for expanding nursery facilities inside a company: the open forum will be held on October 29th.
- Survey of the women workers' health condition, organized by KWWAU and Labor & Health Institute.
- Published leaflets "Let's revise the current Men and Women Equal Employment Law in this way." It contains about why the Law has to be revised and what the points are to be revised.
- Published a material 'Women Labor Policy-Voices from the working women'. It was co-published by KWWA affiliated women groups. It explains about the basic policy of women workers' welfare (1998-2001), employment stability, job recruiting, equal employment, maternity & health, and child caring, etc.
Computer training program for women, which is to develop women's job capacity in terms of economic self-reliance and of improving social status. It is a three-month-course starting from July 7th, and will be continued.
Sent a protest letter against the Anam Precision Factory which is a female dominated place. The shopfloor managers used a severe violence to women union members who were in a collective bargaining. Since the revision of Labor Law, the Anam Precision Factory had a collective bargaining as a member of Metal Workers' Union for the first time. The president of the workers' union did a hunger strike to protest against such kind of oppressions to the union movement. The Hot-Line served a consultation to the union, and KWWA sent a protest letter to the violent company management together with many women's groups.
Hyundai Precision Factory had an education program for women membership of their union with a main topic 'Who am I?' This program helped the women workers share their difficulties and feel a solidarity among themselves.
Campaign about the industrial accidents in Masan Free Trade Zone using leaflets, wall paper and exhibition.
Women School for clerical women workers. The main points of the lectures are employment stability and equality based on : awareness and understanding about the women's issue, legal rights as workers, protection from the dangerous working conditions and the present and the future of women in Korean society.
October is scheduled as a month of equal employment. Therefore, the CWWA has been carrying out the survey on the current situation of employment equality in Chonbuk region. After the survey, they plan to have a open forum.
Opening the women counselling center as a project of 'Sound society and sound home'. The counselling will be on the family and the sex.