After ten years of continuous service, all that is left is the pain of suffering from VDT Syndrome

Jae-sook Lee

Working after it has set - this is human life. However, there are laborers who do not lead such a life, and one such group is the telephone operators of Korea Telecom.

These female workers have been working irregular hours for over ten years to process heavy workloads with few staff. The Korea Telecom operators' starting and finishing times are different everyday and in addition we have to do night duty once every four to ten days.

What is worse is that we also have no regular day off to rest, so our natural physical rhythms are interrupted. In addition because our office hours are always irregular it is difficult for us to develop a routine. As a result of this working schedule, we fall victim to occupational disease.

Nowadays the problem of VDT Syndrome has risen among the operators. VDT syndrome is a disease where the symptoms become obvious after six months of simple-repetitive work. Its incidence is highest for workers in computer fields. It is a serious problem for it can happen to anyone - for example, the Korea Telecom operators who work long and irregular hours. In addition once one contracts the disease, it is difficult to fully recover and it is not obvious that the sufferers are experiencing difficulty in movement.

This disease was first recognised as an occupational disease in December 1994 among the operators. As at December 1995, 82 people have received confirmation that they are suffering from an industrial disease, and at a special medical inspection 256 people obtained a D1 result from the hospital(This means that their medical problem has been classed as an industrial disease). However countermeasure actions need to be devised as soon as possible.

However the government and the company are not only unconcerned about countermeasures but also allow the worsening of working conditions by not recruiting more labour - it is only the operators who must make sacrifices.

In fact, the number of '114' (telephone directory information line) operators at Korea Telecom is unbelievably low. Nevertheless the company only pays attention to the '114' division because Getting dismissed is a major headache. One can recover from illness by taking medicine but the hardship involved in Presidential Commission for Labour Law Reform to legalise a flexible working hours system.

If this were to come into effect, it is highly likely that all labor would face deteriorating working conditions and be forced to live an inhumane life, and also contract occupational diseases. Through reform, we, as laborers, should stand against the forces which are pushing us into danger.

except by full reinstatement to our orignal positions. Moreover unjust dismissal involves even greater hardship.

Posted by KWWA