Held Heartwarming Briefing on the Single Parent Family Care Service Support Project:
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2008. 2. 29. 16:57On November 24, 2007 about 100 women single parents and people involved in our project joined a heartwarming briefing on the single parent family care service support project. Reports of processes and activities undertaken for 9 months were made. 78 out of 164 were found to be employed and receive vocational training. We were all pleased at our care receivers' high satisfaction levels, as 99 answered they were psychologically stable since good care of their children were taken and 127 were satisfied because women single parents are become less pressed for time.
Followed were presentations about how 28 year-old woman single parent and another who became a single parent when studying abroad and are now living with her two children had been looked after and changed, by our activists in charge of the project in Ansan and Seoul. Additionally, Soon-Im Lee, a care mother dispatched to houses, belonging to the Suwon Women’s Association briefed about her sentiments and advantages of the project felt during the period of her looking after children, and also expressed her gratitude for giving her a chance to participate in the good project. We were all very touched.
Then, when told was serious suffering about Cho Ee-Han who have been receiving care from Buchon Women Workers Association, whose husband died of stomach cancer and whose daughter are suffering from the Moyamoya disease, and who had to find another wing of hope since this service project would be stopped in February 2008, participants dropped their tears.
The heartrending story encouraged us to make and present single parents’ 5 wishes, as fundamental solutions (1. Realize social incorporation through supporting single parent families 2. Increase job opportunities through providing practical and substantial vocational training for single parents 3. Prevent poverty through assisting and increasing self-independence of single parents 4. Ensure the right to health through giving medical assistance to single parents 5. Increase standards of living and life satisfaction through improving residential environments). For entertainment songs and dances were presented, well-prepared by our regional organizations. The briefing and its subsequent events were fun, providing touches of humanities and inspiring all of us.