"Raise the minimum wage from 4,320 won to 5,410 won." -- the Minimum Wage Raising Campaign by KWWA
HOT ISSUES & NOTICE 2011. 10. 12. 16:30
Laborers, whose wage is always the lowest bidding price,
Young workers, barely making ends meet by working part time,
Service workers in convenience stores, gas stations and so on, whose hourly wage is determined by the minimum wage,
The workers under a subcontract, whose wage is under the minimum wage.
The 450 million low-paid workers who are suffering from the preposterous minimum wage all over the country.
One would hardly be able to have a proper meal with the current hourly minimum wage, which is only one third of the average wage. As a result, South Korea is dishonored to be the first nation among the OECD in terms of the rate of low-paid workers and inequality in wages. It has turned out that 196 million workers are paid even less than the minimum wage last August; furthermore, 61.5% of them are female and only 5.7% are regular workers. Therefore, we can argue that the minimum wage issue directly related to the matter of temporary workers and women workers.
There was an incremental increase in the minimum wage last year since its adoption, being raised just 2.8%, while the average wage was raised 4.0% and the cost of living 2.9%. For the first time in six years, the labor share dropped under 60% as well. It seems that President Lee’s low minimum wage increase is apparently having an effect on the issue.
Twenty four years have passed since the minimum wage was legally institutionalized. Although its positive effect on the quality of life is still doubtful, The increase of the minimum wage eventually can reform the unfair structure of the labor market by improving the conditions of low-paid workers and eliminating the gap.
A Proclamation by “Minimum Wage 5410 Won”
I, the minimum wage, came into the world in order to carry out the mission for a more humane life for low-paid workers.
I, the minimum wage, am never a surreal entity. The systems before me were not capable of completing their missions. Consequently, the workers' life on this earth has never been satisfying. Through 24 years of the dissatisfaction, I exist in reality as the fruit of the struggle of 450 million low-paid workers
I, the minimum wage, will sincerely accomplish my domestic mission by devoting myself to the guarantee of every single person's basic quality of life, and generally, to a higher quality of life. I hope that on account of me, the numerous non-regular employees and women workers will be able to have what they deserve.
1st of June, 2010.