♧Korean Women Workers Association:

Address : 3rd fl. 351-28, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul #121-837, South Korea
Tel : 82-2-325-6817,6822(press "0")  Fax : 82-2-325-6839
Email : kwwa@paran.com

사용자 삽입 이미지
<way to KWWA>
1. Take off at Hong Ik University Station on Line 2 (green line)
2. Go out through Exit No. 1
3. Walk straight when you see a gas station
4. Turn to right at the gas station
5. Walk straight and you will reach to a crosswalk at a junction
6. You may see TGI Friday (a restaurant) and Nescafe (a cafe) at each direction at the junction
7. Cross the street to Nescafe
8. Walk along the load whild you have Nescafe on your left side
9. Turn to the left at the first lane
10. 6th Floor of the first building on your left sid

Posted by KWWA