[re] asked to work for a department of dealing luggage, where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals
kwwa  2002-10-28 04:59:08, 조회 : 384

>"I am a married women worker for an airline company, cleaning in the airplanes. the company announced the 50 % of all workers should be changed into dispatch workers for a man power company. I was told to sign the resignation form and forced to leave the company. As I resisted it, the company ordered me to move to other city. The city  is far from my family and even I was asked to work for a department of dealing luggage,  where men workers mainly deliver luggage and clean airplanes using chemicals."

-> To switch job arrangement and to transfer the workers come under the discretion of the user. But, on principle, the discretion should have legitimacy.
We can judge the unjust transference by the following grounds.

- If the worker was asked to agree the change of workplace or occupation contents

- Comparing the necessity of transference with disadvantages which transference can cause to the workers, if disadvantages of worker are outstanding from the general view of the society

Posted by KWWA