Investment of Korea to other countries(1997)
kwwa  2002-10-28 14:07:46, 조회 : 54


"There are two groups which raise big problems with workers in the world" said Neil Kieny, the chairman of lnternationaI Textile and Leather Labor Union in Brussels. "The two groups are Korean and Taiwan companies. They are recognized as 'being cruel' by workers" he added.
Korea is a newly industrializing nation which has made rapid deveIopment for 20 years. Many Korean companies have invested abroad looking for cheap labor because of rapid wage increases in the domestic market. Korean investment by financiaI cliques is made in around the world, but a lack of managerial minds for workers has caused many problems between the management and labour in aII around world, too. Korean overseas investment and  working conditions of woman workers in Korean_invested companies wiIl be examined.


Investment per industry (unit: number, million US$)

Regional inveshent by Korean companies (unit: number/ million US $)

Numbers of labor disputes in overseas investing Korea companies



   Indonesia is a country with the fifth largest pogulation in the world according to l990 census. More than =.l4 % of the total population are women. Women workers have been utilized as cheap labour. They are paid lower wages for the same job than man. They are also docile compared to man. The 'inherent' skiIIs of nimble fingers, tediousness and patience of women workers tend to be empIoycd for them to be easily controIled. They are engaged in such manufacture indushies as textiles, garments, cigarettes, cosmetics, electronics, food and beverages, and some of light metal industy. The number of women workers in these industries estimates to account for 60% of the female workforce.

1-1. Women workers' situation

1-1-1. Low wages
   0versupply of female work force in the labor market causes entrepreneurs to repress wage levels in order to increase their own inveshen= addition to the government's policies which attempt to maintain and create profit for the managemenL There are companies that pay workers with wages under the Minimum Wages Regulation, even though the regulation account for only about 30% - 40% of basic costs of living.
A survey done in 1991 by a business consulting firrn in Hong Kong, CROSBY RESEARCH LTD., about workers' wages in some countries reported as folIows:

1 -1-2. Inhuman treatment

1-1-2-1. Long working hours
   For example in RaJabrana (garment factory) women workers have to work 12 -14 hours a day. This factory has above 6,000 workers and the great maJority (80%) are women. If  they do not work overtime, they are fired.

1-1-2-2. The target system worsens the situation.
   Competition promoted by companies has weakened solidarity among workers. The target system prevents women workers from recognizing the whole process of production and working situations in the factory.

l-l-2-3. Sexual harrassment
   Sexual harrassment by male co-workers or their male su=ervisors fretluently take place.  
Women workers are afraid to make complaints because they can be dismissed, and feel ashamed and unsecure employment.

1-1-2-4. No marriage policy
   Although it is illega1, some factories force women workers to retire once they marry or become pregnant. At PT Kintama, if women workers get pregnant, they are fired. Some women workers tight their stomach so that employers do not recognize they are pregnant.

1-1-2-5. Most of the companies do nrJt provide menstruation leaves nor materniLy leaves.

1 -1-3. Discrimination in the work place
   Women workers face discrimination in terms of Dromotion, payment, aIIowances(pension) etc.

1 -1-4. Ihe differences of emplovment (daily workers, pieceworkers, and contract workers)often separate workers. so it is one of the difficulties to organize them.

1 -1-5. Cruel dismissaI

1-1-6. Ihe management does not pav anv attention to health and safety of workers.


   The situation in Vietnam do not differ from that of lndonesia. So far, many conflicts have occurred at textile, garment and shoe companies with South Korean investment. The followings are typical cases:

1-2-1. More than 600 workers at the Reeyoung Co. Ltd, a South Korean-Vietnamese joint venture, staged a wildcat strike to protest against long working hours, poor pay, compulsory overtime works and malteatment by their Korean bosses.

1-2-2. Workers at the Choong Nam textile went on strike to demand for one-month bonus a year, a higher meal aIIowance, two pairs of safety clothes overalIs, and a transport subsidy.(The Straits Times 30. l2. 93)

l-2-3. More than l20 workers at a South Korean joint venture silk mill walked off the job to protest against cuts in their wages, pay overtime (The Nation. 14. 9. l994)


1-3-l. Workers at Daewoo EIectronics' Hyo Seung maquiladora in Mexico, have filed actions with the Public Ministry and the Labor Board against sexul and physical abuses and multiple violations of the labor law done by company president and directors, Managers of the company sexually abused women workers for 6 months since the plant opened: touching workers, offering money for sex, and threatening workers if they do not agree. Forcibly locking workers into a 'punishment room' without ventilation where they are exposed to toxic solvents that can potentially cause birth defects and cancer is a barbaric violation of fundamental human rights.

1-S-2. Women workers at Orion Apparel maquiladora in Choloma , Honduras receives their wages so lowly that they confront malnutrition. They have weekly 85 hour overtime works. If they refuse that, they are fired. Managers do not pay to any attention heath and safety of workers. Even if a woman worker was pregnant she did not receive any pregnant leave. It occurred on 15 Jun, l995 when a armed guard kiIIed with gun, a worker who was going on demonstration, (National Labour Committee)

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